• Utah deceased patient infected with zika

    Utah deceased patient infected with zika

    July 8, 2016 21:33 Hot Recent News

    A patient age who died in Utah City last month was infected with the zikavirus. This was announced by the health authority of the US State Friday in Salt Lake City. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed the positive test. The elderly woman had the infection on to traveling in a country where the mosquitoes that transmit the dangerous virus are active.

  • Asbestos Disease helpers Thatcher

    Asbestos Disease helpers Thatcher

    london June 22, 2016 22:30 Hot Recent News

    The rescuers who pulled the British prime minister Margaret Thatcher in Brighton in the hotel blown up by the IRA in 1984, taking on asbestos diseases. Police have informed them about the danger because one of the rescuers is deceased an asbestos-induced disease, writes The Daily Telegraph.

  • WHO fears yellow fever vaccine shortage

    WHO fears yellow fever vaccine shortage

    geneva June 17, 2016 13:15 Hot Recent News

    The World Health Organization (WHO) fears that the next time as much vaccine is needed against yellow fever, which can run the global stock. Due to an outbreak of the deadly disease in Angola, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, the WHO should distribute all 18 million doses of the vaccine. In the global supply of the vaccine are still 6.2 million doses.

  • Hazard zika seems gone

    Hazard zika seems gone

    geneva June 14, 2016 21:45 Hot Recent News

    ,, There is a very low risk 'of further spread of the zikavirus by the Olympics in Brazil, the heart of the current outbreak. That said, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday.

  • 'Ali is back home'

    'Ali is back home'

    June 6, 2016 15:51 Hot Recent News

    The mortal remains of the deceased Friday boxing legend Muhammad Ali has arrived in his hometown of Louisville in the US state of Kentucky. 'Ali is back home,' twittered Mayor Greg Fischer.

  • Guinea Ebola declared free

    Guinea Ebola declared free

    June 1, 2016 11:48 Hot Recent News

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Guinea again officially Ebola-free. Since 42 days- twice the incubation period- there is no new infection cases in the West African country diagnosed with life-threatening virus. That was the end of last year already the case, but in March crossed the dreaded disease still the head again, despite all the measures. Presumably contact with an Ebola patient deceased be the cause.

  • UN: 7,000 women kidnapped in Nigeria

    UN: 7,000 women kidnapped in Nigeria

    abuja May 17, 2016 05:34 Hot Recent News

    The humanitarian affairs coordinator of the UN in Nigeria, Fatma Samoura, thinks possible seven thousand girls and women are held captive by Islamist terrorists. Amnesty International is based on at least two thousand victims.

  • Under control

    Under control

    May 9, 2016 19:08 Hot Recent News

    The smart home is firm in advance. Consumers like to link everything in the house together and check from the smartphone. They also keep a close eye on their health.

  • First death in the US by zikavirus

    First death in the US by zikavirus

    April 30, 2016 06:42 Hot Recent News

    In the United States for the first time a person deceased at the zikavirus. A man who was in his seventies, died in February in Puerto Rico to the effects of the disease, US authorities reported Friday (local time).

  • Europe is free of malaria

    Europe is free of malaria

    london April 20, 2016 19:07 Hot Recent News

    Europe's first major region in the world free of malaria. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced Wednesday it has reported no indigenous cases of the dreaded disease in 2015. In 1995 were more than 90,000 Europeans infected by a mosquito bite. The last malaria victims were told the diagnosis in 2014 in Tajikistan.

  • 'Ebola no longer a threat '

    'Ebola no longer a threat '

    geneva March 29, 2016 18:56 Hot Recent News

    The Ebola disease is no longer an alarming public health threat that should bear international concerns in western Africa. This World Health Organization (WHO) Tuesday raised in Geneva. The WHO states that,, medical emergency '' in respect of dangerous infectious disease has passed.

  • Red Cross actively at new Ebola outbreak

    Red Cross actively at new Ebola outbreak

    geneva March 23, 2016 11:10 Hot Recent News

    Now Ebola resurfaces in the West African state of Guinea, the Red Cross sends that special volunteer teams on the road. Forty trained volunteers traveled to the new Ebola area to try to find people who have the disease. They also give people learning how they can protect themselves against the virus.

  • Fourth death from Ebola in Guinea

    Fourth death from Ebola in Guinea

    March 20, 2016 05:18 Hot Recent News

    A new infection with the Ebola virus is Saturday (local time) deceased a fourth victim in Guinea. It is about a young girl who died in a hospital in Nzérékoré, which specializes in the treatment of Ebola. The city with 100,000 inhabitants located near the border with Liberia.

  • Sierra Leone weather Ebola free
    0 Comment 105

    Sierra Leone weather Ebola free

    freetown March 17, 2016 12:03 Hot Recent News

    The West African country of Sierra Leone has been declared for the third time Ebola free. There is no new case of the disease set out in the last 42 days, twice the incubation period for Ebola. This was announced by the World Health Organization.

  • Athens denounces guides migrants

    Athens denounces guides migrants

    athens March 15, 2016 13:03 Hot Recent News

    Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has moved away from the activists who helped asylum seekers Monday stabbing on the Macedonian border. They have,, dangerous act to the detriment of refugees ',' Tsipras said Tuesday.

  • Possible first dead by Honduras zikavirus

    Possible first dead by Honduras zikavirus

    March 12, 2016 06:10 Hot Recent News

    A 22-year-old man is in Honduras deceased due to Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), a muscle disease that leads to the inadequacy or absence of the muscles. It is suspected that the man was infected with the zikavirus. That the authorities in Honduras said Friday (local time) known. French scientists reported earlier to have found a link between zikavirus and GBS.

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