Guinea Ebola declared free

Guinea Ebola declared free

World June 1, 2016 11:48

- The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared Guinea again officially Ebola-free. Since 42 days- twice the incubation period- there is no new infection cases in the West African country diagnosed with life-threatening virus. That was the end of last year already the case, but in March crossed the dreaded disease still the head again, despite all the measures. Presumably contact with an Ebola patient deceased be the cause.

The next three months will remain in Guinea an enhanced medical supervision in place to prevent another outbreak. The epidemic cost in the region, counting with Liberia and Sierra Leone, since 2013 more than 11 000 lives. There is no cure for Ebola. In Liberia, the danger is not gone official yet, the countdown ends on 9 June. Sierra Leone will end this month inconclusive.

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