Man gets €1.2 million fine for speeding: 'Unbelievable'

Man gets €1.2 million fine for speeding: 'Unbelievable'

World September 17, 2024 10:32

savannah - Speeders are aware of the risk of getting fined, but American Connor Cato was shocked when a blue letter arrived on his doormat.

Connor Cato was stunned to receive a €1.2 million speeding ticket, much higher than he expected. After calling the Savannah court, it turned out not to be a mistake. Cato had to pay up or appear in court on December 21.

A city spokesperson explained to The Auto Wire that the unusually high fine was automatically generated due to a temporary software glitch, resulting in inflated fines. Eventually, following a legal battle, Cato will only have to pay a maximum of €1000 for speeding, the spokesperson stated.

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