• Jimmy Carter released from cancer treatment

    Jimmy Carter released from cancer treatment

    atlanta March 6, 2016 20:00 Hot Recent News

    Former US President Jimmy Carter is no longer treated with the cancer that struck him last summer. His doctors deem him heal and find by treating unnecessary, Carter made according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution known during his zondagschoolles in Plains Georgia.

  • Weather Brazil more babies with brain disease
    0 Comment 113

    Weather Brazil more babies with brain disease

    February 23, 2016 23:49 Hot Recent News

    The number of children in Brazil, which is likely to be born with a neurological disorder which is associated with the zikavirus, has increased again. So far, 4690 babies probably microcephaly, the Brazilian Ministry of Health on Tuesday announced.

  • Horror Doctor in jail

    Horror Doctor in jail

    February 23, 2016 13:35 Hot Recent News

    The Swedish physician Martin T. (38) built a special sound-proof bunker of sixty square meters for its victim to rape and kidnapping. Justice Tuesday, however, he himself condemned to the cell and do for ten years.

  • 'Hitler had deformed micro penis'
    0 Comment 237

    'Hitler had deformed micro penis'

    london February 23, 2016 07:14 Hot Recent News

    According to a new book Adolf Hitler wore a spicy medical secret with him. As a result of the condition Hypospadias the Nazi dictator would have had an extremely small penis, called micro penis.

  • 'Still waiting 1.5 years for testing zikavaccin '

    'Still waiting 1.5 years for testing zikavaccin '

    geneva February 12, 2016 13:14 Hot Recent News

    The World Health Organization of the United Nations thinks that it may take another eighteen months before possible effective vaccines can be tested against the zikavirus people. That Marie-Paule Kieny, Assistant Director-General of the WHO Health Systems and Innovation said Friday.

  • Zikavirus discourages travel to South America

    Zikavirus discourages travel to South America

    February 7, 2016 18:28 Hot Recent News

    The rapidly spreading zikavirus discourages many Americans to travel to South America and the Caribbean. Of those who are aware of the mosquito-borne disease, says 41 percent of such a trip may not be taken, according to a poll by Reuters / Ipsos Sunday.

  • 'More abortions Brazil by zikavirus'

    'More abortions Brazil by zikavirus'

    February 1, 2016 08:49 Hot Recent News

    Expanding the zikavirus in Brazil ensures that the number of abortions is rising. Fearing skull abnormalities of babies, the disease which is associated, infected women terminate their pregnancies. That the newspaper Folha de São Paulo.

  • Help near for 'bomenman'
    0 Comment 345

    Help near for 'bomenman'

    dhaka January 31, 2016 13:42 Hot Recent News

    Help is at hand for 'bomenman 'Abul Bajandar. The 25-year-old man from Bangladesh suffers from a rare genetic skin disease
    epidermodysplasia verruciformis , which ensures that giant warts on his hands and feet grow. A team of specialists is now investigating how they can help Abul.

  • Outbreak of measles in refugee camp in Calais
    0 Comment 959

    Outbreak of measles in refugee camp in Calais

    January 25, 2016 11:07 Hot Recent News

    In the refugee camp in Calais, in France, cases of the contagious disease measles established. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to set up a vaccination campaign and is currently in discussions about this with the French government. A spokesperson for MSF Belgium said Monday.

  • Five patients test drug make it right

    rennes January 19, 2016 20:21 Hot Recent News

    There is to see improvement in the health of five patients in the university hospital in the French city of Rennes used an experimental drug. Has announced that the hospital reported the French newspaper Le Figaro on Tuesday. Sunday passed a test subject after he was declared brain dead.

  • British parliament discusses 'Trump Ban '

    British parliament discusses 'Trump Ban '

    london January 18, 2016 12:07 Hot Recent News

    The British Parliament debate Monday on whether the controversial US politician Donald Trump entry to the United Kingdom must be refused. The issue is on the parliamentary agenda by a petition of more than 570,000 people who want that Trump should not come.

  • Man dies after drug test

    Man dies after drug test

    rennes January 17, 2016 17:56 Hot Recent News

    A subject who participated in the testing of an investigational drug, is deceased in the university hospital in the French city of Rennes. The victim was on Friday declared clinically dead after it was discovered that he was brain dead. This was reported by the British newspaper Sunday Telegraph.

  • 'Research is needed into Gulf War Traumas'

    'Research is needed into Gulf War Traumas'

    london January 17, 2016 11:00 Hot Recent News

    The British Government must allocate funds for research into trauma that veterans have suffered during the 1990-1991 Gulf War. That finds the charity Royal British Legion. According to the institution is too little known about the trauma where about to experience 33 000 former soldiers have, because there is no academic research has been done yet.

  • Forty dead in Nigeria by Lassa fever

    abuja January 8, 2016 20:21 Hot Recent News

    In Nigeria last week forty people deceased with Lassa fever. Another 86 people have been infected since the turn of the year with the virus that causes internal bleeding. The disease has been reported in ten of the 36 districts in the country which has 180 million inhabitants.

  • El Niño: fear of hunger and disease

    El Niño: fear of hunger and disease

    london December 30, 2015 14:35 Hot Recent News

    The effects of El Niño, the weather phenomenon that occurs every two to seven years, will next year according to the US space agency NASA are at least as bad as in 1998. The threat of hunger and disease for millions of people will be there in 2016 by increase set aid organizations.

  • Putin walks like a cowboy
    0 Comment 124

    Putin walks like a cowboy

    December 15, 2015 10:14 Hot Recent News

    Russian leaders, including President Vladimir Putin, deviant behavior course. Their means of locomotion seems closest to that of gunfighters in the American Wild West. Almost always they have the right arm tightly along the body, ready to quickly pull a pistol from the holster.

  • Syria faces ' flesh-eating ' disease

    erbil December 4, 2015 09:30 Hot Recent News

    A deadly flesh-eating " disease spreads rapidly in rural Syria, caused by the Islamic State bodies that leave the streets. That the Kurdish Red Crescent told the Iraqi newspaper Rudaw.

  • Boy (15) dies of Ebola

    Boy (15) dies of Ebola

    November 24, 2015 20:00 Hot Recent News

    A boy of fifteen years in Liberia deceased to the Ebola disease. He is the first death since the African country in September formally been declared Ebola free. The boy died Monday at a hospital in the city of Paynesville.

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