• Mortality and cost of care seniors sharply higher in winter

    Mortality and cost of care seniors sharply higher in winter

    November 18, 2015 12:45 Hot Recent News

    The mortality rate among seniors is Dutch in the winter 21 percent higher than in the summer, healthcare costs are winter 13 percent higher. According to research from Leyden Academy on Vitality and Ageing to seasonal effects on mortality, cost of care and nursing home admissions among more than 60,000 Dutch people aged 65 years.

  • ' Syria earn money on disappearances '

    ' Syria earn money on disappearances '

    damascus November 7, 2015 11:52 Hot Recent News

    The Syrian regime earns money from the people themselves disappear. "Through a sinister black market to be exploited relatives who want to have information about the fate of their loved ones," Amnesty International wrote in a report published Thursday.

  • Final spurt in fight against polio

    Final spurt in fight against polio

    October 23, 2015 15:46 Hot Recent News

    To the disease polio paralysis help forever from the world 's Rotary International launched a final offensive. The organization, which works closely with the World Health Organization (WHO), says more than 36 million euros for vaccination against polio in countries where the disease is endemic, as she let out Friday.

  • Pest much older than assumed

    Pest much older than assumed

    copenhagen October 23, 2015 09:57 Hot Recent News

    The plague seems to be much older than previously thought. Investigation of 101 skeletons brought in seven cases traces of the disease to the Bronze Age ( 3000-800 BC. ) To light.

  • Cholera festers on in Iraq

    Cholera festers on in Iraq

    October 21, 2015 17:09 Hot Recent News

    Although the Iraqi government is doing everything in their own words to an outbreak of cholera in to stop the country are now more than 1,800 people infected with the bacterial disease. At least six people deceased.

  • Two Ebola cases in Guinea

    Two Ebola cases in Guinea

    geneve October 17, 2015 10:36 Hot Recent News

    Two people in Guinea have become ill with the Ebola virus . That is what the World Health Organization in Geneva Friday. This puts an end to a two week period in which throughout West Africa, no new cases were detected.

  • Polio Dead in Laos

    Polio Dead in Laos

    geneve October 13, 2015 10:53 Hot Recent News

    An eight year old boy shows last month in Laos to be deceased from polio. That is a disappointment for the World Health Organization , which was hoping to have the disease eradicated worldwide .

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