'World's Most Monstrous' Bodybuilder Dies: Ate 2.5 Kilograms of Steak Per Day

'World's Most Monstrous' Bodybuilder Dies: Ate 2.5 Kilograms of Steak Per Day

World September 13, 2024 21:20

wit-rusland, britannië, brazilië - Illia 'Golem' Yefimchyk, known as the 'most monstrous bodybuilder', passed away last week. His heart failed after consuming 16,500 calories daily, including 2.5 kilograms of steak.

Illia 'Golem' Yefimchyk, referred to as 'The Mutant', led an unhealthy lifestyle, consuming 16,500 calories daily. Although the exact cause of his heart failure is still being investigated, his excessive eating habits were well-known. He regularly ate items like a hundred pieces of sushi and 2.5 kilograms of steak every day.

His dedication to intense training and discipline resulted in massive biceps, a 63.50 cm circumference, and a chest measurement of 154 cm. Weighing 154 kilograms, he had a robust physique akin to a bull's. When asked about using banned substances to enhance his muscle mass, he attributed his transformation to years of hard work and healthy nutrition.

Yefimchyk's death follows the recent passing of British bodybuilder Neil Currey, 34, and Brazilian athlete Antonio Souza, 26. Currey was found deceased in his apartment, with his parents attributing his demise to prolonged steroid use.

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