Ukraine Launches New Operation in Kursk, Encirclement Threatens Thousands of Russians

Ukraine Launches New Operation in Kursk, Encirclement Threatens Thousands of Russians

World September 17, 2024 18:26

amsterdam - Ukraine has started a new operation in Kursk where thousands of Russians face encirclement. The Ukrainian attack force, supported by tanks and the Ukrainian air force, is advancing towards the closest Russian city Vesoloe. The goal of the operation seems to be surrounding Russian troops in the area.

In Kursk, about six weeks ago, a strong Ukrainian attack force managed to break through Russian lines and seize over 1000 km2 of Russian territory. Now, with support from the 95th Airborne Brigade, the attack group is advancing towards Vesoloe. If they link up with Ukrainian forces, thousands of Russian soldiers could be encircled.

The Ukrainian Chorne Group, a team of drone pilots supporting the attack, indicated that encircling Russian troops was the main goal. The geography of the area might favor Ukraine, with the Seim River forming a natural northern border for the possible encirclement.

Ukraine has destroyed all fixed bridges over the Seim, forcing Russian troops south of the river to rely on pontoon bridges for supplies, which are relentlessly bombed by Ukraine. An Ukrainian force, supported by the 225th Assault Battalion, is cutting off the last supply route overland.

Meanwhile, the Russian counterattack in Kursk seems to have stalled, potentially making the situation even more dire for Russian troops. More troops could be at risk of encirclement south of Korenevo and the Seim.

Whether Ukraine's encirclement operation will succeed remains uncertain. Ukraine has deployed about 10,000 troops, while Moscow has sent about 38,000 troops to the region, many of whom are poorly trained conscripts.

Russia still struggles to mobilize enough trained soldiers, while Ukraine faces its own challenges of manpower and lack of modern armored vehicles. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the lack of modern equipment is detrimental to Ukrainian ambitions on the battlefield.

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