• Janet Reno (78) deceased

    Janet Reno (78) deceased

    November 7, 2016 11:21 Hot Recent News

    Janet Reno, the first female US Attorney General who was in office eight turbulent years under Bill Clinton, is at the age of 78 deceased Parkinson's disease. That US media reported Monday.

  • UN: Climate Paris is not enough

    UN: Climate Paris is not enough

    london November 3, 2016 11:54 Hot Recent News

    The targets under the climate agreement in Paris do not go far enough. Friday is the climate agreement in force, but according to the UN Environment Agency to CO2 emissions further be reduced an additional quarter.

  • Youth in hospital by WhatsApp

    Youth in hospital by WhatsApp

    enschede November 1, 2016 10:09 Hot Recent News

    Young people get severe symptoms that they even continue to use social media in bed. Twente develop at least 200 young people per year sleeping problems, estimate two neurologists in Tubantia. 'These are only the boys and girls in our consulting rooms. They are aware of the symptoms. In reality, faces a much larger group of this, 'said Iris Knottnerus and Loes Reichman.

  • EU Parliament: less bad fats in snacks

    EU Parliament: less bad fats in snacks

    strasbourg October 26, 2016 12:54 Hot Recent News

    The volume of industrial 'bad' fats in snacks like pizzas, chips or microwave popcorn must be reduced. The European Parliament wants a legal limit. It voted Wednesday in Strasbourg with a proposal that the number of deaths is expected to reduce as a result of excessive consumption of so-called trans fatty acids in the EU.

  • UN wants $ 200 million for Haiti

    UN wants $ 200 million for Haiti

    October 25, 2016 06:09 Hot Recent News

    The United Nations asking the international community 200 million dollars (184 million euros) for the victims of the cholera outbreak in Haiti in 2010. The plans for the million aid mean no admission of guilt, said David Nabarro, Special Representative of Secretary General Ban Ki Moon on Monday in New York.

  • 91,000 infection deaths in European hospitals

    91,000 infection deaths in European hospitals

    October 18, 2016 20:39 Hot Recent News

    In European hospitals each year 91,000 people die from infections they picked up on the spot. That a new study showed. The number of patients being infected in a clinic is estimated at 2.6 million. It often involves pneumonia, septicemia, urinary tract and wound infections. Illness Cases are including multidrug resistant bacteria.

  • Haiti shattered

    Haiti shattered

    October 10, 2016 12:48 Hot Recent News

    Matthew has hurricane in Haiti, one of the world's poorest countries, demanded at least 1000 lives. Which Reuters calculated based on information from local officials. Haitians try as best as it can gently pick up the thread again.

  • America is free measles

    America is free measles

    September 27, 2016 16:39 Hot Recent News

    The disease has been eradicated measles in the Americas. This announced the Pan American Health Organization Tuesday. It is the first continent where it sometimes very harmful and in some cases deadly viral disease has been officially banned.

  • 'District stated in Miami zikavrij'

    'District stated in Miami zikavrij'

    September 20, 2016 06:15 Hot Recent News

    "The district in Miami this summer was startled by a sudden outbreak of the zikavirus, no longer applies as endangered area. Wynwood in the past 45 days, no new cases of infection detected. Has announced that the governor of Florida, Rick Scott, Monday. The neighborhood is thus officially zikavrij."

  • Scrub typhus bacterium discovered in South America

    Scrub typhus bacterium discovered in South America

    london September 8, 2016 06:12 Hot Recent News

    Scientists have in South America, the discovered bacterium that is responsible for scrub typhus. The infectious disease is caused by the bacterium Orientia Tsutsugamushi. Up to now, one was in the assumption that the bacterium occurred only in a limited area in Asia and Australia.

  • missed diagnoses

    missed diagnoses

    leiden September 3, 2016 10:51 Hot Recent News

    Dutch general used rarely or never his stethoscope to listen to the heart of the patient. Hence are missed often valvular heart disease.

  • Emergency Puerto Rico because zika

    Emergency Puerto Rico because zika

    August 13, 2016 05:03 Hot Recent News

    Puerto Rico is a state of emergency declared by the widespread dissemination of the zikavirus,, represents a substantial threat 'to public health in the US territory. This was announced by the US Department of Health Friday (local time).

  • Klaus Ross suspected of manslaughter
    0 Comment 129

    Klaus Ross suspected of manslaughter

    krefeld August 12, 2016 18:57 Hot Recent News

    Natural Healer Klaus Ross with a clinic in Bracht is suspected of wrongful death and / or serious abuse in several cases. The German public prosecutor in Krefeld suspects him of the death of three people, including a Dutch man and woman, after administration of a drug in his clinic. That made the OM Friday.

  • Polio resurfaces in Africa

    Polio resurfaces in Africa

    geneva August 11, 2016 21:00 Hot Recent News

    Two children in Nigeria were paralyzed by polio. It is the first time in two years that the virus reappears in Africa, the World Health Organization suggested Thursday.

  • Watchdog criticizes sugar lobby food

    Watchdog criticizes sugar lobby food

    brussels July 28, 2016 23:48 Hot Recent News

    The food industry succeeds in regulation that should reduce the use of sugar to stop or undermine. Therefore Europe is losing the battle against heart disease, obesity and diabetes due to excessive sugar consumption.

  • Chickens against malaria

    Chickens against malaria

    July 21, 2016 16:24 Hot Recent News

    A group of scientists from Sweden and Ethiopia have discovered that mosquitoes do not like chicken smell. The scientists published their findings in the journal Malaria Journal, which focuses specifically on research into malaria.

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