• Olmert with heart disease to hospital

    Olmert with heart disease to hospital

    tel aviv June 20, 2017 14:57 Hot Recent News

    Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (71) was sent to a hospital from prison on Tuesday. Olmert, who faces a two-year sentence for corruption, had complained about chest pain in Israeli media. A spokeswoman from the prison service only wanted to confirm that he had been transported for hospital examination.

  • Need more greenery

    Need more greenery

    amsterdam June 16, 2017 09:24 Hot Recent News

    In and around the major Dutch cities, more parks and hiking areas must be built in the coming years. 'Recreational growth is important for public health. In addition, it helps with drainage and cools on heat waves. '

  • Share your heartbeat for a good cause
    0 Comment 161

    Share your heartbeat for a good cause

    June 12, 2017 14:33 Hot Recent News

    Companies Happitech, Arrythmia Alliance and Bug Labs announce the launch of the Heart For Heart initiative. Heart for Heart invites people to participate in the world's largest and first cancer-sponsored heart health initiative.

  • Already 100,000 cases of cholera in Yemen

    Already 100,000 cases of cholera in Yemen

    geneva June 8, 2017 12:21 Hot Recent News

    Yemen currently has 101,820 choler patients. The outbreak of the disease in the country affected by civil war began on April 27th. The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) announced Thursday that 789 people have died of the disease.

  • Arms dealer Kashoggi passed away

    Arms dealer Kashoggi passed away

    london June 6, 2017 21:45 Hot Recent News

    The Saudi arms trader Adnan Kashoggi died in London at the age of 81. That said his family told the British press office PA on Tuesday. Kashoggi, who suffered from Parkinson's disease, was one of the most controversial members of the international jet set in the eighties.

  • Cholera epidemic in Yemen increasingly serious

    Cholera epidemic in Yemen increasingly serious

    the hague June 5, 2017 17:12 Hot Recent News

    The cholera epidemic in Yemen is taking ever more serious forms. Since late April, more than 650 people have died of the disease and more than 80,000 people may be infected. Nearly 40 percent of those infected are under the age of fifteen, the emergency organization Save the Children reports Monday.

  • 'One must keep checking robot'

    'One must keep checking robot'

    brussels June 1, 2017 06:06 Hot Recent News

    People should always maintain machine control. The EU must ensure that artificial intelligence (KI) is ethically accountable. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will deliver an opinion to the European Commission on Wednesday.

  • Muslim diets beat Ramadan advice in the wind

    Muslim diets beat Ramadan advice in the wind

    leusden May 27, 2017 06:15 Hot Recent News

    Doctors and patient associations have difficulty displaying Muslims with diabetes from the ramadan or, at any rate, to adjust their medication. Although they have been warning for the effects of fasting for years, the Ramadan still leads to additional hospitalizations. The Islamic fasting period begins this weekend.

  • Emergency state in Sanaa declared cholera

    Emergency state in Sanaa declared cholera

    sanaa May 14, 2017 22:09 Hot Recent News

    The state of emergency was declared Sunday in the Yemeni capital Sanaa due to a cholera epidemic. The outbreak of fatal infectious disease has already claimed tens of lives. That's what the authorities in the city, where the Houthi movement is swinging the scepter, announced.

  • WHO: re-ebola fall in Congo

    WHO: re-ebola fall in Congo

    kinshasa May 14, 2017 20:48 Hot Recent News

    Again there is an infection with ebola established in Congo. That said the World Health Organization (WHO) on Sunday. Another seventeen people may also be infected. The WHO is now conducting extensive research. A total of 125 people were investigated who had contact with suspected infectious persons.

  • Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    Ebola in the Democratic Republic of Congo

    kinshasa May 12, 2017 19:24 Hot Recent News

    Ebola has broken out in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Certainly one and maybe three people have died as a result of an infection with the ebola virus. That reports the Congolese Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization on Friday.

  • Mysterious deaths after funeral

    Mysterious deaths after funeral

    geneva April 28, 2017 14:15 Hot Recent News

    Nine people died and eight became ill after visiting Liberia in a funeral of a religious leader. That said the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday. Other sources speak of eleven dead.

  • Yemen donor conference supplies EUR billion

    Yemen donor conference supplies EUR billion

    geneva April 25, 2017 17:45 Hot Recent News

    The donor countries pledged almost 1.1 billion dollars (1 billion euros) for humanitarian aid to Yemen during the Geneva conference. That was announced by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres on Tuesday after the meeting. The United Nations assumes that approximately twice is needed to fight the famine in Yemen, where every child dies for a period of 10 minutes through malnutrition and disease.

  • Chatbot questions about STDs

    Chatbot questions about STDs

    amsterdam April 18, 2017 08:00 Hot Recent News

    People who suspect they have HIV or another sexually transmitted disease (STD), may from Tuesday through online chat get an anonymous and reliable advice. Also, reference is made to reliable STD tests. STI AIDS Netherlands and the Aids Fund was developed before an application accessible 24 hours a day. Advies.chat can be reached with a smart phone, desktop, and tablet. The call is automated, but people can themselves ask additional questions.

  • UN peace mission to stop Haiti

    UN peace mission to stop Haiti

    new york April 13, 2017 17:45 Hot Recent News

    The UN stop the peacekeeping mission in Haiti and replaced by a smaller police mission. The fifteen members of the UN Security Council voted unanimously Thursday to a proposal to that effect.

  • Judge bans treat critically ill baby

    Judge bans treat critically ill baby

    london April 11, 2017 15:33 Hot Recent News

    The parents of gravely ill British baby Charlie Gard should not examine their eight-month-old son in the United States. That the court decided in a case that had brought their parents to the Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.

  • Game Prize Pokemon Go

    Game Prize Pokemon Go

    london April 7, 2017 08:54 Hot Recent News

    Pokemon Go was the best mobile game of the year. Therefore maker Niantic Thursday won a BAFTA Games Award. Pokemon Go defeated in London include Pokémon Sun / Moon, Deus Ex and Go Dawn of Titans.

  • Number of smokers declines worldwide

    Number of smokers declines worldwide

    london April 6, 2017 18:27 Hot Recent News

    The number of people worldwide smoke decreases proportionally, but in 2015 there were still 933 million. Tobacco addiction that year was responsible for 6.4 million deaths. According to a large study, the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015, published in the journal The Lancet.

  • Shortage of meningococcal C vaccine Nigeria

    Shortage of meningococcal C vaccine Nigeria

    abuja March 31, 2017 08:03 Hot Recent News

    Nigeria is facing a huge shortage of medicines to combat an outbreak of meningococcal. There are 282 dead and probably another two thousand sick, according to the head of the Nigerian Center for Disease local media. Most victims are five to 14 years.

  • Pedo priest convicted thanks to technology

    Pedo priest convicted thanks to technology

    bournemouth March 13, 2017 09:18 Hot Recent News

    A British priest who 35 years ago had abused a boy, was condemned by the use of modern technology. His victim, now a 47-year-old man, suffered a fatal muscle disease and could not talk or write. But thanks to a special computer program that followed his eye movements, he could make a full testimony during the trial, letter by letter. From his bed in a hospice he had a video link with the courtroom.

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