• German research offers malaria patients hope

    German research offers malaria patients hope

    berlin February 21, 2018 18:09 Hot Recent News

    Scientists from the Max-Planck Institute have taken a step forward in the fight against malaria. They have found a method to produce the active ingredient against the tropical disease, artemisinin, faster, more efficiently and therefore cheaper than so far from the plant summer odor (Artemisia annua) and also more environmentally friendly. 'This development has the potential to save millions of lives,' said director Peter Seeberger on Wednesday.

  • Mass vaccination on East Java against diphtheria

    Mass vaccination on East Java against diphtheria

    malang February 17, 2018 14:21 Hot Recent News

    The health authority on East Java wants to vaccinate almost 11 million inhabitants between the ages of one and nineteen years old against diphtheria. The Indonesian province has been dealing with an epidemic of this disease for some time. The province has allocated over 5 million euros for the vaccination program, reports The Jakarta Post Post on Saturday.

  • Danish prince Henrik (83) died

    Danish prince Henrik (83) died

    copenhagen February 14, 2018 05:42 Hot Recent News

    The Danish prince Henrik died on Tuesday night in royal palace Fredensborg. The husband of Queen Magrethe has become 83. His deceased did not come unexpectedly. The prince, who suffered from Alzheimer's disease, was hospitalized at the end of January.

  • UN: Rohingya are at risk due to monsoon rains

    UN: Rohingya are at risk due to monsoon rains

    cox \u0026 # x27; s bazar January 29, 2018 10:48 Hot Recent News

    Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh are exposed to high risks during the rainy season. According to the United Nations, researchers concluded that at least 100,000 people should be moved because of threatening landslides and flooding in the monsoon season.

  • Million of cholera cases in Yemen

    the hague December 21, 2017 14:03 Hot Recent News

    In Yemen, one million people have become infected with cholera. According to the Red Cross, 2226 patients have so far died from the disease. The bacterial infection can spread quickly if there is a lack of clean drinking water and food. Also, almost three hundred cases of diphtheria have been detected, 34 with fatal consequences.

  • 'North Koreans at test sites struck by ghost disease'

    pyongyang December 5, 2017 14:03 Hot Recent News

    The missile tests of North Korea not only cause international tensions, but may also cause calamity in the country itself. Defectors (who have fled the country) claim that the high radiation to which the population is exposed has led to a deadly ghost disease.

  • Vaccine against AIDS step closer

    new brunswick November 30, 2017 08:15 Hot Recent News

    The pharmaceutical company Johnson \u0026 amp; Johnson launches a large-scale test of an AIDS vaccine. The American company will vaccinate 2,600 women in southern Africa. A mix of two developed vaccines is used for this.

  • Longpest epidemic in Madagascar over

    antananarivo November 27, 2017 17:12 Hot Recent News

    The pulmonary plague epidemic in Madagascar is over. Premier Olivier Mahafaly stated on Monday that no new cases have been reported since the beginning of November. The deadliest variant of the plague broke out in the African island state at the end of August. Since then 2384 people have been infected, of whom 202 have died.

  • Girl (19) dead because doctors stopped

    puttur taluk November 17, 2017 17:27 Hot Recent News

    In a southern state of India the doctors have been stabbing for three days, and that has now resulted in a fatal victim. A girl named Puja (19) died according to Indian media because she could not reach a doctor.

  • Xi recommends: 'exchange Jesus for me'

    hong-kong November 14, 2017 11:15 Hot Recent News

    Thousands of Christians in a desolate area in southeast China have to replace their images of Jesus in the living room for a photo of President Xi Jinping. The exchange is a prerequisite for government to be eligible for poverty reduction.

  • 5 former US presidents on stage for benefit

    austin October 22, 2017 05:42 Hot Recent News

    At a benefit concert for the victims of the big hurricanes at College Station in Texas, the five last-time former presidents appeared on stage. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush and his son George W. Bush have set up One America Appeal together.

  • Italian boss gets leave for sick dog

    Italian boss gets leave for sick dog

    rome October 13, 2017 19:09 Hot Recent News

    For the first time, an employee in Italy received leave from her employer for her pet's disease. The 53-year-old Anna from Rome works as a librarian at a Roman university. She lives with her pet Cucciola, a 12-year-old English setter who she has ever adopted as a little dog.

  • German exercise biological terrorist attack

    German exercise biological terrorist attack

    berlin October 11, 2017 17:36 Hot Recent News

    The German police, in collaboration with all emergency services, scientists and government crisis teams, have conducted a large-scale exercise in preparation for a biological terrorist attack. In this case with pest bacteria and the deadly poison ricin.

  • Weiner gets 21 months cell for sexting

    Weiner gets 21 months cell for sexting

    new york September 25, 2017 16:39 Hot Recent News

    Anthony Weiner, former American congressman for the Democrats, has been sentenced by the New York court to 21 months of imprisonment for sexting with a minor. Weiner sent sexually explicit messages with his phone to a 15-year-old girl from the state of North Carolina.

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