• Five kills by lung fever in Madagascar

    Five kills by lung fever in Madagascar

    antananarivo September 15, 2017 18:51 Hot Recent News

    In Madagascar, five people have died of the highly dangerous and easily transmitted pulmonary disease. That released the World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday. According to local media, the pest eruption began in the province of Toamasina, in the northeast of the African island.

  • Pusses crosses erection

    Pusses crosses erection

    September 14, 2017 10:48 Hot Recent News

    A 23-year-old Belgian who was crabbed by his cat could no longer get erection. Doctors have recorded that in a British magazine. Normally the cat crab disease is very innocent and goes by itself.

  • Bosses in shock after death steps dog

    Bosses in shock after death steps dog

    hohen neuendorf September 6, 2017 16:12 Hot Recent News

    A father and son were shocked in a hospital in Germany after their dog was killed by a passerby. That stamped the animal because he would be bitten by the dog at age, a cross between a dachshund and a terrier.

  • Swim for ALS during Amsterdam City Swim

    Swim for ALS during Amsterdam City Swim

    amsterdam September 3, 2017 12:33 Hot Recent News

    More than three thousand people dive Sunday in Amsterdam canals for the sixth edition of the Amsterdam City Swim. They swim, from the Naval Terrain to the Leaning Bridge at the Keizersgracht in 2017 kilometers to collect money for the muscular disease ALS.

  • Businesswoman bowed under straiterror

    Businesswoman bowed under straiterror

    hilversum August 29, 2017 06:12 Hot Recent News

    Racist skull cannons, a brick-framed brick and a Surinamese flag infested with syrup for the door. Gilly Emanuels from Hilversum becomes furious when she tells her what happened recently. 'These are no more bad guys. This is tough racism. '

  • Mystery favors employees Flemish factory

    Mystery favors employees Flemish factory

    niekkerke August 3, 2017 12:06 Hot Recent News

    A mysterious disease is dominated by a potato-processing company in West-Vlaamse Nieuwkerke. About one hundred employees suffer from headache, sweating, coughing and fever without clearing what is the cause. The Health and Safety Agency confirms the inexplicable disease wave at Clarebout Potatoes.

  • Reporting point for distressed heart patients

    Reporting point for distressed heart patients

    roermond August 1, 2017 12:51 Hot Recent News

    Patients who have been infected with the dangerous bacterium Mycobacterium chimaera are called on to report to Heart Patients Netherlands. This also applies to people who fear to have been in contact with the resistant bacteria, according to the patient organization on Tuesday.

  • Cabaretiers benefit from muscle disease

    Cabaretiers benefit from muscle disease

    amsterdam July 27, 2017 13:15 Hot Recent News

    Cabaretier Ronald Snijders is on September 14th with colleagues Mike Boddé, Dolf Jansen, Niels van der Laan and Jeroen Woe and Pieter Jouke in the Amsterdam theater Carré for the benefit of The Lachspierbal. The proceeds from the show are intended for research on the FSHD muscle disease.

  • Brooklyn in the wake of aggressive squirrel

    Brooklyn in the wake of aggressive squirrel

    new york July 26, 2017 15:00 Hot Recent News

    The summer in New York has finally begun and so many people in Brooklyn and surrounding areas attract the Prospect Park. Unfortunately, for the many sun worshipers and joggers, an 'unusually aggressive' squirrel has made the park homemade and leaves little companions with it. The beast may have rabies and already had five people in the park.

  • Red Cross in action for suffering Yemen

    Red Cross in action for suffering Yemen

    the hague July 26, 2017 13:48 Hot Recent News

    The Red Cross opens Wednesday giron number 6868 because of the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. In the country since May, 27 people have died on cholera on average. 'There is a drama happening there,' said a spokesman for the Dutch branch of the relief organization.

  • Judge decides on fate baby Charlie

    Judge decides on fate baby Charlie

    london July 26, 2017 05:54 Hot Recent News

    The British court will pronounce on Wednesday afternoon how the deadly baby Charlie Gard may die. It is the final confrontation in a legal battle that has raised the emotions high. The almost one year old boy suffers from a rare genetic disease, which is among other things funest for muscles and brains.

  • Wednesday's decision about baby Charlie

    Wednesday's decision about baby Charlie

    london July 25, 2017 18:15 Hot Recent News

    The British judge decides Wednesday about the place and manner in which the deathly baby Charlie Gard may die. The almost one year old boy suffers from a rare genetic disease, which is among other things funest for muscles and brains.

  • Parents want Charlie to die at home

    Parents want Charlie to die at home

    london July 25, 2017 13:45 Hot Recent News

    The parents of the English baby Charlie Gard want to spend the last days with their deadly child at home. Chris Gard and Connie Yates are likely to be in court again on Tuesday afternoon. He has to decide if Charlie will die at home or at the hospital.

  • Japanese woman dies by cat tick disease

    Japanese woman dies by cat tick disease

    tokio July 25, 2017 08:15 Hot Recent News

    A Japanese woman died of an infectious disease that she raised through a cat. The cat was infected by the bite of a tick. As far as it is known, it is the first time that a human being receives such an infection by transmission via a mammal.

  • Study: coffee increased chance of longer life

    Study: coffee increased chance of longer life

    los angeles/london July 11, 2017 10:39 Hot Recent News

    Drinking coffee is not so bad yet. Extensive research in the United States and Europe has shown that three cups of coffee per day significantly increase the chance of a longer life. The findings of the two studies were published on Monday evening in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

  • Gluten-free hostages taboo

    Gluten-free hostages taboo

    vatican city July 9, 2017 15:42 Hot Recent News

    Gluten-free bread is not allowed at the Supper in the Catholic Church. The Vatican recalled a letter sent to all bishops on Saturday. Hostels that do not contain gluten are for the church 'invalid matter', so it became known on Sunday. Hosties must be made of unsweetened bread and consist of pure wheat flour.

  • Saudi prince pulls millions for Yemen

    Saudi prince pulls millions for Yemen

    riyad June 23, 2017 19:39 Hot Recent News

    Saudi prince Mohammed bin Salman donated nearly 67 million dollars (about 60 million euros) to fight the cholera epidemic in neighboring Yemen. The money has been transferred to UNICEF and the World Health Organization WHO.

  • London warns of toxic air

    London warns of toxic air

    london June 21, 2017 10:45 Hot Recent News

    The mayor of London issued an emergency warning for air quality in the British capital. Due to the extreme heat, poisonous air can blow over the city, said Sadiq Khan.

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