Chatbot questions about STDs

Chatbot questions about STDs

April 18, 2017 08:00

amsterdam - People who suspect they have HIV or another sexually transmitted disease (STD), may from Tuesday through online chat get an anonymous and reliable advice. Also, reference is made to reliable STD tests. STI AIDS Netherlands and the Aids Fund was developed before an application accessible 24 hours a day. can be reached with a smart phone, desktop, and tablet. The call is automated, but people can themselves ask additional questions.

Through the questions in the chat program people can see quickly and easily whether they are at risk of STIs and how they could possibly tested the best. For those who do not want to go to the doctor or the health authority GGD, chat also refers to trusted providers of STD tests. '' More and more people are using such a self test, but a large part of the range is unfortunately totally unreliable, 'says doctor Hanna Forest STI AIDS Netherlands.

People are often not the GP or the GGD testing for fear of rash, discomfort or because of cost. '' Each threshold for testing for STIs is harmful to public health. Early detection and treatment is the chance that your symptoms get much smaller and prevents you from giving an STD to another, '' says Bos.

Many people find or do not know they are infected with HIV or another STI. The consequences of chlamydia or gonorrhea can be serious and chronic and can lead to infertility in women.

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