Zikavirus discourages travel to South America

Zikavirus discourages travel to South America

World February 7, 2016 18:28

- The rapidly spreading zikavirus discourages many Americans to travel to South America and the Caribbean. Of those who are aware of the mosquito-borne disease, says 41 percent of such a trip may not be taken, according to a poll by Reuters / Ipsos Sunday.

The poll is the latest sign that the virus, which is linked to defects in thousands of newborns in Brazil, travel to popular vacation areas in South and Central America will slow considerably. Airlines and cruise ships are no figures on the impact of zika have on the number of bookings, while analysts the impact of the virus on expectant parents have downplayed until now.

Still, nearly two-thirds of Americans are aware of AIDS, according to the poll in the first week of February. End of January was that consciousness still present at 45 percent.

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