• Kim right on US blacklist

    Kim right on US blacklist

    seoul March 3, 2016 06:14 Hot Recent News

    The United States Thursday harsh measures taken against the right hand of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Together with sixteen other North Koreans Hwang Pyong So imposed a travel ban and assets freeze all his money. The measures follow a unanimous decision of the UN Security Council to impose tougher sanctions on North Korea for nuclear tests.

  • Brazil tackles Facebook Director

    Brazil tackles Facebook Director

    March 1, 2016 18:00 Hot Recent News

    Brazilian police have arrested the second man of the South American branch of Facebook. Vice President Diego Dzodan stuck and interrogated because the Internet company, the police refused to disclose WhatsAppberichten of a suspected drug trafficker, says an insider.

  • Indictment managers Fukushima

    Indictment managers Fukushima

    February 29, 2016 07:35 Hot Recent News

    Five years, three managers responsible Tepco Concern been formally charged after the nuclear power plant disaster in Fukushima in Japan. The president and his two vice presidents Tepco is accused of the central had not protected from the tsunami that struck the area on March 11, 2011 after an earthquake. This was announced by the Japanese Monday.

  • Apple's former top woman to Twitter

    Apple's former top woman to Twitter

    February 23, 2016 09:49 Hot Recent News

    Natalie Kerris goes to work as Vice President of Global Communications at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced this in a tweet. Kerris is no stranger to the tech world, she was previously employed as a PR top woman at Apple.

  • 'Let Trump but seriously '

    'Let Trump but seriously '

    February 19, 2016 08:35 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump would go on to win the Republican primaries and should be taken seriously in the US presidential election. That said, the US Vice President and Democrat Joe Biden Thursday local time. According to Biden Trump plays on the fears that exist among voters.

  • Wing extremist crimes increased significantly

    February 11, 2016 08:49 Hot Recent News

    The number of right-wing extremist crimes increased sharply in Germany. Security services have reported in 2015 13.846 crimes. That's more than 30 percent over the previous year. Then it came to 10 541 right-wing extremist offenses.

  • 'Santorum stop race for presidency '

    'Santorum stop race for presidency '

    February 3, 2016 22:14 Hot Recent News

    Republican Rick Santorum considers the race to stop the presidency. This CNN reported Wednesday. The 57-year-old conservative and Roman Catholic Santorum would support another candidate in the race and this Wednesday to disclose according to CNN.

  • Border control fails

    Border control fails

    January 31, 2016 11:14 Hot Recent News

    The police have far too few opportunities to address human trafficking. Criminals who drive large numbers of strangers to the Netherlands, can not be well controlled because regulation gets in the way. On that draw police unions ANPV and NPB the bell.

  • Democrat Bernie Sanders at Obama

    Democrat Bernie Sanders at Obama

    January 27, 2016 23:07 Hot Recent News

    Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on Wednesday had a meeting with his party president Barack Obama. The 74-year-old senator Sanders said afterwards that the president is neutral in the struggle with Sanders performs particularly Hillary Clinton to be the candidate for the presidency of the Democratic Party.

  • Sarah Palin supports Trump in US elections

    Sarah Palin supports Trump in US elections

    January 20, 2016 00:14 Hot Recent News

    Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin supports Donald Trump in his nomination for the Republican candidacy in the presidential election. This was reported by the newspaper The New York Times Tuesday. The newspaper's campaign of Trump received a statement Palin says he is proud to support Trump.

  • 'Billions needed to integrate migrants'

    'Billions needed to integrate migrants'

    January 18, 2016 19:28 Hot Recent News

    Germany should increase spending for police, education and childcare to at least 5 billion euros to let the record number of asylum seekers successfully integrate and to avoid social unrest. That said German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel Monday after a meeting of the Social Democrats (SPD).

  • Obama: IS threatens us do not exist

    Obama: IS threatens us do not exist

    January 13, 2016 07:56 Hot Recent News

    Islamic State Warriors (IS) threaten the existence of the United States does not. IS used only as propaganda to recruit. And by comparing the war with terrorists in the Third World, you play them only on the map. The only response is to destroy the murderers and fanatics,, and destroy. '

  • Bandidos motorcycle club executives arrested

    Bandidos motorcycle club executives arrested

    January 7, 2016 13:00 Hot Recent News

    The leaders of the international Bandidos motorcycle gang were arrested in Texas. President Jeffrey Pike, Vice President John Partillo and 'sergeant at arms', the one that ensures order and discipline within the club, Justin Forster, suspected of drug trafficking and extortion.

  • Dutchman gets high position at Kobo

    Dutchman gets high position at Kobo

    toronto January 6, 2016 18:00 Hot Recent News

    The Dutchman Pieter Swinkels, together with his colleague Dave Anderson was appointed executive vice president of e-reader maker Kobo. Swinkels was until Wednesday serving as a director of the PR department for non-English speaking markets.

  • Millions of new hardware Apple boss

    Millions of new hardware Apple boss

    December 29, 2015 17:49 Hot Recent News

    Apple's new hardware boss Johny Srouji came with his appointment for nearly $ 10 million of shares. This is evident, according to MacRumors out documents from the US Securities and Exchange Commission that are now released.

  • British face 'Pegida' descended from migrants

    london December 28, 2015 18:07 Hot Recent News

    The British version of the anti-immigrant organization Pegida, Britain First, advocates anyone of foreign origin to subsidize in order to leave the country. Although the organization thereby presumably mainly refers to non-Westerners, it is therefore remarkable that the First Vice-President of Britain's right of Dutch descent.

  • EU Commission warns Poland

    EU Commission warns Poland

    brussels December 24, 2015 00:56 Hot Recent News

    The European Commission warned Poland erosion of the rule of law. In a letter signed by European Vice President Frans Timmermans asks the commission to review a new law that confines the gourmand power and independence of the Constitutional Court.

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