• European recognition for bitcoinbeurs Bitstamp

    European recognition for bitcoinbeurs Bitstamp

    luxembourg April 26, 2016 08:07 Hot Recent News

    Important recognition bitcoinbeurs Bitstamp. The company has first exhibition in Europe, licensed as a financial institution. Provided by the authorities in Luxembourg. According to the company may thereby started in all 28 countries of the European Union. In the Netherlands so.

  • Girl (12) showed family murder
    0 Comment 1949

    Girl (12) showed family murder

    April 24, 2016 12:00 Hot Recent News

    It is probably one of states the most exciting murder cases in history: a girl of only twelve years old that her 23 year old boyfriend did murder her parents and younger brother. The atrocities took place in 2006 on the Canadian village of Medicine Hat. The young murderer will soon be free, to have been fixed after ten years in a mental institution.

  • Despair Offensive Rousseff at UN

    Despair Offensive Rousseff at UN

    April 21, 2016 17:28 Hot Recent News

    The soap opera surrounding the dismissal of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff will have a new chapter at the UN tomorrow. The tottering head of state is specially traveled to New York to seek support for a 'parliamentary coup' in their own country.

  • Part German anti-terror legislation illegal

    Part German anti-terror legislation illegal

    karlsruhe April 20, 2016 10:21 Hot Recent News

    The court, which monitors the constitution in Germany, has spoken out against parts of legislation Wednesday that investigators have more powers to combat terrorism. Part of this is the use of so-called 'Bundestrojaner', specially developed software to spy on computers of suspects.

  • Deposition Rousseff near

    Deposition Rousseff near

    April 18, 2016 05:35 Hot Recent News

    The days of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff are numbered. The leader of the leftist Workers Party suffered last night in the House of Commons a hopeless defeat in the crucial vote on her dismissal. After a circus-like three-day debate, inter alia, sang and fought, chose more than the required two-thirds of the delegates for the continuation of the procedure through the upper house.

  • Rousseff losing out

    Rousseff losing out

    April 18, 2016 05:14 Hot Recent News

    UPDATE 01:35- The days of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff are numbered. The leader of the leftist Workers' Party is the crucial vote on its deposits than the losses in the bearing housing.

  • Merkel: OM decides on prosecution comedian

    Merkel: OM decides on prosecution comedian

    April 15, 2016 17:21 Hot Recent News

    The German government on Friday decided to allow the prosecution does criminal investigation into television comedian John Böhmermann. Which Turkish President Erdogan RecepTayyip stepped on the soul with a poem,, defamation '', in which he suggested that saves the Turkish leader girls, viewing child pornography and sex with animals operates.

  • Deal around passenger data

    Deal around passenger data

    strasbourg April 14, 2016 11:56 Hot Recent News

    Europe's passenger data on flights, saving to and between European countries and exchange in the fight against terrorism and serious crime. The European Parliament voted Thursday in the new rules.

  • Riyadh religious police power contained in

    Riyadh religious police power contained in

    April 13, 2016 17:49 Hot Recent News

    The powers of the religious police are restricted in Saudi Arabia. That the BBC reports Wednesday. The officers of the vice squad, known as the mutawa shall henceforth no longer have arrest or chase people. Instead, they have to send their observations to the regular police or other security forces.

  • Rousseff denounces 'conspirators'

    Rousseff denounces 'conspirators'

    April 13, 2016 07:14 Hot Recent News

    Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on Tuesday lashed out at hard,, conspirators' who are after her deposition. She was referring to Vice President Michel Temer, who was embarrassed by a leaked audio message indicating that he was prepared to replace the president.

  • Republican hope: no bid for White House

    Republican hope: no bid for White House

    April 12, 2016 22:42 Hot Recent News

    The Republican chairman of the US House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, has ruled out a bid for the presidency in November Tuesday. Ryan, who many Republicans who do not warm up to the flamboyant Donald Trump or the arch-conservative Ted Cruz had pinned their hopes, indicated that he would not accept a nomination by his party.

  • Deposition Rousseff closer

    Deposition Rousseff closer

    April 12, 2016 06:00 Hot Recent News

    Brazil's parliament is due to consider the removal of President Dilma Rousseff. A committee of the House of Commons ruled on Monday (local time) that there are grounds to put Rousseff in her office.

  • ICC cease case against Vice President Kenya

    ICC cease case against Vice President Kenya

    April 5, 2016 17:14 Hot Recent News

    The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague will let the matter drop against the Kenyan Vice President William Ruto. The trial against him and his co-accused Joshua arap Sang is trapped after years of uncertainty about the reliability of key witnesses of the prosecution.

  • Traitors or heroes

    Traitors or heroes

    March 31, 2016 19:21 Hot Recent News

    Under heavy international criticism begins today in Istanbul finally the trial of the Turkish journalist Can Dündar and Erdem Gül, respectively, editor and chief of Ankara's main secular opposition newspaper Cumhuriyet.

  • 'Russia put itself offside '

    'Russia put itself offside '

    March 30, 2016 06:14 Hot Recent News

    The Russian government 'isolates himself 'by not participating in the Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington on Thursday and Friday. That takes at least the national security of US President Barack Obama. 'This is above all a missed opportunity for Russia itself,' said the vice chairman of the board Tuesday.

  • ICC former vice president of Congo declares guilty
    0 Comment 118

    ICC former vice president of Congo declares guilty

    March 21, 2016 15:03 Hot Recent News

    Judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague on Monday the wealthy Congolese businessman, politician and militia leader Jean-Pierre Bemba found guilty of crimes against humanity. Bemba was the principal responsible for what his militiamen wreaking in neighboring Central African Republic. The punishment will be determined later.

  • ICC doth judge on former vice president of Congo

    ICC doth judge on former vice president of Congo

    March 21, 2016 10:17 Hot Recent News

    Judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague do verdict Monday in the case against a wealthy businessman, politician and militia leader Jean-Pierre Bemba. He was once vice president of Congo and a powerful rival of President Joseph Kabila, who reigns Congo since early 2011.

  • Rubio gets out of politics

    Rubio gets out of politics

    March 17, 2016 20:17 Hot Recent News

    Republican Marco Rubio is not alone in the race for the American presidency but stepped away early next year with all the politics. He announced Thursday after his term in the Senate to say goodbye to politics.

  • Htin Kyaw Myanmar's new president

    Htin Kyaw Myanmar's new president

    March 15, 2016 07:59 Hot Recent News

    Htin Kyaw is the new president of Myanmar. The parliament in the country chose the 69-year-old friend and confidant of party leader Aung San Suu Kyi of the National League for Democracy (NLD) Tuesday with a relatively narrow majority.

  • Beleaguered Yemeni city of Taiz dismayed

    Beleaguered Yemeni city of Taiz dismayed

    aden March 12, 2016 20:10 Hot Recent News

    Troops loyal to the internationally recognized president of Yemen have horrified the strategically located city of Taiz. That's what city residents said Saturday. Taiz was besieged recently by the Shiite Houthi rebels, who have conquered large parts of the country since last year.

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