• Russia: no shooting diplomat in Rio

    Russia: no shooting diplomat in Rio

    August 5, 2016 06:00 Hot Recent News

    The Russian Embassy in Brazil has denied that the vice consul has been involved in a shooting in Rio de Janeiro, where a robber was killed. Brazilian media reported Thursday on the authority of the police that the Russian vice consul shot a robber with his own weapon.

  • German Turks urged for calm

    German Turks urged for calm

    July 30, 2016 06:45 Hot Recent News

    The Turkish community in Germany has called for calm by the German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Cologne stands for Sunday planned a large demonstration to show support to the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As expected 30,000 protesters. There are also already announced four counter-demonstrations.

  • President Kiir replaces rival

    President Kiir replaces rival

    juba July 25, 2016 23:21 Hot Recent News

    The president of South Sudan Salva Kiir has his rival Riek Machar, in late April, took over as vice president, replaced by decree by Gen. Taban Deng Gai. This measure puts a bomb under the peace agreement last year was signed by the warring parties with ease.

  • Clinton chooses Tim Kaine as running mate

    Clinton chooses Tim Kaine as running mate

    tampa July 23, 2016 05:12 Hot Recent News

    Hillary Clinton Senator Tim Kaine selected as a candidate for vice-president. The Democratic presidential candidate said this during a meeting in Tampa.,, I am excited to Tim Kaine as my running to announce mate, a man who has committed to fight for others, '' said the politician on Twitter.

  • 'Tim Kaine Vice President under Clinton '

    July 22, 2016 15:12 Hot Recent News

    US Senator Tim Kaine, according to information from the Wall Street Journal the candidate for vice-president on behalf of the Democrats. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has chosen the 58-year-old senator from Virginia, according to the sources of the newspaper. The Democrats hold their party congress 25 to July 28 in Philadelphia.

  • Cruz booed after mention Trump

    Cruz booed after mention Trump

    cleveland July 21, 2016 06:09 Hot Recent News

    The speech by Senator Ted Cruz during the Republican convention in Cleveland is welcomed Thursday with loud boos. The former opponent of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump congratulated his rival or with the nomination, but called him further at all in his speech.

  • Brazil blocks WhatsApp again

    Brazil blocks WhatsApp again

    July 19, 2016 17:45 Hot Recent News

    A judge in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday the WhatsApp messaging across the country paralyzed because the company refuses to provide information to a police investigation. It is according to the Brazilian O Globo medium now the third time that the flattening popular means of communication in Brazil because of a conflict with the law.

  • 'Commanders held hostage by subordinates'

    'Commanders held hostage by subordinates'

    ankara July 18, 2016 15:15 Hot Recent News

    Leaders of the Turkish army top brass are in the attempted coup of last Friday and Saturday overpowered by secretaries and bodyguards. The highest military instance, Chief of Staff General Hulusa Akdar was threatened with gun drawn by his secretary in an attempt to force him to sign a statement of the coup plotters and read out, said sources from the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet.

  • Republicans reluctantly behind Trump

    Republicans reluctantly behind Trump

    cleveland July 17, 2016 17:30 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump is this week primetime. His running mate Mike Pence is in the starting blocks and the Republican Party is more or less behind him. Who could have imagined a year ago, let alone dared to say aloud that the New York real estate tycoon at the convention in Cleveland would be nominated as a US presidential candidate?

  • 'Donald Trump is best showman '

    'Donald Trump is best showman '

    July 16, 2016 18:18 Hot Recent News

    The Republican convention would be a political bloodbath which would be removed from his own party all the stops so that Donald Trump does not have to be hoisted on the shield. Meanwhile, the rest seems to be in the party ranks just before the convention in Cleveland starts something back. But criticism is enough.

  • 'Pence running mate Trump '

    'Pence running mate Trump '

    July 14, 2016 20:48 Hot Recent News

    Donald Trump, the election campaign on behalf of the Republicans to the US presidency in Mike Pence as running mate. The real estate tycoon, according to Republican sources already let slip Thursday that he preferred the 57-year-old governor of Indiana passes over Newt Gingrich (73) and Chris Christie (53). These were the other 'finalists' for the position of vice president.

  • Southern Sudan indicates additional UN troops off

    Southern Sudan indicates additional UN troops off

    juba July 14, 2016 16:51 Hot Recent News

    South Sudanese President Salva Kiir wants extra UN troops permit in his country. The United Nations Sunday expressed their willingness to send more manpower to ensure safety. Kiir said Thursday that there are already 12,000 foreign troops in his country and that more troops are not accepted.

  • Trump called names vice presidents

    Trump called names vice presidents

    July 13, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has named three names of potential vice presidents. It concerns the governors Mike Pence (Indiana) and Chris Christie (New Jersey) and Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House of Representatives.

  • Calm is back in South Sudan

    Calm is back in South Sudan

    juba July 12, 2016 10:48 Hot Recent News

    In Southern Sudan and in particular its capital Juba on Tuesday was a lot quieter than the last five days. President Salva Kiir instructed his soldiers on Monday to observe a truce, and the violence subsided quickly.

  • President of South Sudan ordered cease-fire

    President of South Sudan ordered cease-fire

    juba July 11, 2016 18:12 Hot Recent News

    The president of South Sudan Salva Kiir, the soldiers of his army SPLA Monday instructed to lay down their arms. He still said to be ready to work with his rival Riek Machar, the current vice president. In recent days threatened fierce firefights in capital Juba to pay the young African country back into civil war.

  • Fighting in Juba erupt in daylight

    Fighting in Juba erupt in daylight

    juba July 11, 2016 09:18 Hot Recent News

    The fighting in Juba, capital of South Sudan, are flared Monday morning at first light. The soldiers of the rivals President Salva Kiir and Vice President Riek Machar went to another body for the fifth consecutive day.

  • Attack on house VP S Sudan

    Attack on house VP S Sudan

    juba July 10, 2016 14:48 Hot Recent News

    The home of the South Sudanese vice president and former rebel leader Riek Machar Sunday attacked by supporters of President Salva Kiir. That said a spokesman Machar. The capital Juba has already days the scene of violence.

  • 'Sanders agrees formally behind Clinton'

    'Sanders agrees formally behind Clinton'

    July 7, 2016 23:18 Hot Recent News

    Bernie Sanders joins next Tuesday in New Hampshire formally behind the presidential nomination of Hillary Clinton from the Democratic Party. That the New York Times reported Thursday on the authority of three Democrats involved in the preparations.

  • Delft robot wins Amazon contest

    Delft robot wins Amazon contest

    July 4, 2016 08:39 Hot Recent News

    A team of TU Delft has won a robot contest. When Amazon Picking Challenge the robots had to scratch tackle products from shelves and place them in containers and vice versa. Delft team won both contracts.

  • SPD leader wants to give Britons German passport

    SPD leader wants to give Britons German passport

    July 2, 2016 13:57 Hot Recent News

    The leader of the German Social Democrats, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, on Saturday said that young Britons on the continent should be offered the citizenship of the country where they live. Gabriel spoke of a 'Europe Congress' of his party, the SPD, the British referendum on 23 June passed a small majority in favor of leaving the EU.

  • Panama opens deepened and widened channel

    Panama opens deepened and widened channel

    panama June 26, 2016 18:33 Hot Recent News

    It broadened and deepened Panama Canal is Sunday officially inaugurated. In the presence of Heads of Government and Ministers Panama opens the channel between the Pacific and the Atlantic. On behalf of the Netherlands Deputy Prime Minister Lodewijk Asscher present.

  • Wider Panama Canal changed commercial vessels

    Wider Panama Canal changed commercial vessels

    panama June 23, 2016 12:33 Hot Recent News

    International shipping experienced a landslide when more than a hundred years ago, the first ship sailed through the Panama Canal. More than a century later, causing the opening of the widened and deepened channel, next Sunday, may again turn around.

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