• ' Concert goers hid in dressing room '

    ' Concert goers hid in dressing room '

    November 22, 2015 09:00 Hot Recent News

    Some concertgoers during the attacks in Paris was shot in the Bataclan concert hall, was hiding in the locker room of the band Eagles of Death Metal. One person survived the attack in the dressing room because they hid underneath the leather jacket of one of the band members.

  • Smartphone cripples libido and romance

    Smartphone cripples libido and romance

    amsterdam November 12, 2015 07:15 Hot Recent News

    According to one in three people is their sex life on it deteriorated by the advent of the smartphone and tablet. The Dutch between 25 and 34 years will find even half that their sex drive has decreased since there are phones on tables and under cushions.

  • State of emergency lifted Maldives

    State of emergency lifted Maldives

    male November 10, 2015 15:15 Hot Recent News

    The state of emergency in the Maldives was lifted after a week. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the island nation in the Indian Ocean, "the security situation has improved." Initially the authorities had reported that the state of emergency would be in force thirty days after explosives were found near the residence of President Abdulla Yameen.

  • Poppy sacred in England

    Poppy sacred in England

    london November 2, 2015 01:00 Hot Recent News

    Poor Sienna Miller. British actress dared to appear on British television without pins a poppy on her dress. It is a form of sacrilege that is not forgiven by many of her compatriots. ' Disrespectful ' chants tabloid The Sun for example, and on Twitter, many say it after the newspaper.

  • FBI : No bomb boat Maldives president

    FBI : No bomb boat Maldives president

    November 1, 2015 15:46 Hot Recent News

    An explosion on board the boat of the President of the Maldives end of September is not caused by a bomb, says the FBI. The Americans have no evidence found. The government of the Maldives said that the conclusion is at odds with findings of previous research.

  • China does not matter South China Sea

    China does not matter South China Sea

    October 30, 2015 09:15 Hot Recent News

    China does not cooperate in the case against the country who are going to deal with the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. The Philippines had in 2013 an indictment in areas of territorial claims in the South China Sea. China had objected. According to the country 's court is not entitled to rule on it, but Thursday the court ruled that it does take into consideration the case.

  • Ryan elected Chairman House of Representatives

    Ryan elected Chairman House of Representatives

    October 29, 2015 18:30 Hot Recent News

    The American politician Paul Ryan on Thursday gathered enough votes to be elected as new chairman of the US House of Representatives, the lower house of the US Congress. Republican received 236 votes of the total 247 Republicans. His opponent Daniel Webster just nine votes dragged on hold.

  • Ryan nominated as chairman commons US

    Ryan nominated as chairman commons US

    October 29, 2015 02:45 Hot Recent News

    The American politician Paul Ryan is the Republican Party nominated as chairman of the House of Representatives (lower house of the US Congress). Ryan was the 2012 running mate Mitt Romney for the presidential election.

  • Vice Chancellor Gabriel condemns Pegida

    Vice Chancellor Gabriel condemns Pegida

    November 2, 2015 00:14 Hot Recent News

    German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel , the anti-Islam movement Pegida condemned fiercely . " Pegida has become a right wing populist and radical right part insurgent movement," Gabriel said in an interview with the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung Tuesday .

  • Belgium will soon take 30 refugees

    Belgium will soon take 30 refugees

    brussels October 15, 2015 20:52 Hot Recent News

    Belgium is about to catch a group of refugees in the context of the spread of refugees across Europe. In September the EU decided 160 000 refugees who arrived in Italy and Greece , spread throughout Europe and to catch . So far only one time a group of refugees from Italy moved to another place in Europe . It involved a group of nineteen refugees from Eritrea who flew to Sweden.

  • Juncker demands action for shelter refugees

    brussels October 14, 2015 13:58 Hot Recent News

    The Member States of the European Union are not doing what they promised to provide the refugee crisis. Too few countries to offer asylum to record from Italy or Greece. Also plunge the EU countries hardly any money in the fund for Syria and Africa and set them too little migration and asylum experts available .

  • Biden might still seeks election

    Biden might still seeks election

    October 9, 2015 21:47 Hot Recent News

    Advisers to the US Vice President Joe Biden last week have met with the national office of the Democrats (DNC ) to talk about the conditions to take part in the presidential elections. That has a source in the party against the broadcaster ABC News said.

  • Brussels urged to hurry in case US data

    Brussels urged to hurry in case US data

    luxembourg October 9, 2015 19:50 Hot Recent News

    The European Commission must quickly come up with an answer to the judgment of the European Court of Justice that personal data of European Internet users can not simply be transferred to the United States. That signal gave several European Ministers of Justice in Luxembourg Friday . Minister of Security and Justice Ard van der Steur thinks that is urgently needed.

  • Merkel is a people smuggler

    Merkel is a people smuggler

    October 9, 2015 19:40 Hot Recent News

    The German anti- immigrant party AfD want Chancellor Angela Merkel to drag the court for smuggling . According to the Minister, the party is punishable as they left thousands of migrants entering the country who were stranded in Hungary , according to German media .

  • Postponing election Republican president

    Postponing election Republican president

    October 8, 2015 23:05 Hot Recent News

    Republicans have Thursday postponed the election of a new Speaker of the House of Representatives. The American party did so after the favorite for the role, Kevin McCarthy, retired unexpectedly from the race for the succession of John Boehner, reports CNN.

  • German leaders give Merkel boost

    German leaders give Merkel boost

    bremen October 8, 2015 17:56 Hot Recent News

    Numerous leading politicians Thursday German Chancellor Angela Merkel a heart tucked under the belt . Merkel said Wednesday in a television interview not to deviate from its generous asylum policy. That policy is increasingly under fire in Germany .

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