European recognition for bitcoinbeurs Bitstamp

European recognition for bitcoinbeurs Bitstamp

April 26, 2016 08:07

luxembourg - Important recognition bitcoinbeurs Bitstamp. The company has first exhibition in Europe, licensed as a financial institution. Provided by the authorities in Luxembourg. According to the company may thereby started in all 28 countries of the European Union. In the Netherlands so.

At Bitstamp people can exchange euros into bitcoins and vice versa. As a financial institution Bitstamp must comply with the same rules as banks. Customers also have the same protection. Bitstamp certainly worked for two years for approval.

The Slovenian Bitstamp came last year in the news when a wallet, a place where bitcoins are stored, were plundered. At the hack were 19. 000 bitcoins captured with a combined value of approximately EUR 4.4 million.

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