Apple's former top woman to Twitter

Apple's former top woman to Twitter

February 23, 2016 09:49

- Natalie Kerris goes to work as Vice President of Global Communications at Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey announced this in a tweet. Kerris is no stranger to the tech world, she was previously employed as a PR top woman at Apple.

Kerris did at Apple the highest communication function for a while in the hands after Katie Cotton in 2014 after 18 years with the company vetrok. Cotton Kerris replaced with Steve Dowling on an interim basis. Eventually it was Dowling who took the baton definitively and that Kerris decide then to leave Cupertino.

Kerris makes Twitter now know to be delighted with her new job. Quot; Thank you! I can not wait to get started on such a leading company , according to Kerris.

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