'Language radical right recalls Nazis'

'Language radical right recalls Nazis'

World February 5, 2016 15:35

- The language radical right-wing groups in Germany as Alternative for Germany employ seems eerily similar to that of the Nazis. That said, the German Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel Friday.

The vice chancellor said Friday at an event in Berlin to promote the integration of foreigners.,, Those democratically elected politicians accused of treason, who 'called party system 'them and journalists threatening form of' lying press, 'are very close to the language of the enemies of democracy, the Nazis of the twenties and thirties '' said Gabriel.

Gabriel suggested last weekend all to keep the leader of AfD monitored by Homeland Security. The reason for that suggestion was a comment by Frauke Petry, who suggested the German police to grant the right to use firearms against illegal migrants.

Support for groups such as AfD since the beginning of the refugee crisis in Europe increased considerably. According to a poll earlier this week AfD can now count on the support of 12 percent of the German electorate.

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