• Russia: US influence elections

    Russia: US influence elections

    moscow March 5, 2018 10:00 Hot Recent News

    According to Russia, the United States is trying to influence the Russian presidential election. State press agency RIA reported that on the basis of foreign secretary Sergey Rjabkov. It is a reaction to the accusations of US intelligence agencies, which say that Moscow has mixed in the 2016 presidential election, won by Donald Trump.

  • SPD counts votes after member consultation

    SPD counts votes after member consultation

    berlin March 3, 2018 18:36 Hot Recent News

    Around 120 employees of the German Social Democratic Party SPD are preparing for a long night. They count the votes of party members who have spoken by letter about a new coalition with their party and the Christian Democrats of Angela Merkel.

  • Election Italy seems to be deadlock

    Election Italy seems to be deadlock

    rome March 2, 2018 16:57 Hot Recent News

    More than fifty million Italian voters are threatening to choose a parliament on Sunday that can not form a stable government because of divisions. The country changed the electoral system last year to create some order. With a threshold of 3 percent and some changes in the way parliamentary seats are achieved, a stable government with a majority could come. Whoever obtains about 40 percent of the votes, would have a majority on Monday.

  • Le Pen sued for IS tweets

    Le Pen sued for IS tweets

    paris March 1, 2018 18:30 Hot Recent News

    Marine Le Pen, leader of the right-wing populist party Front National, is being persecuted by the French Public Prosecution Service because it distributed three photos of Islamic State (IS) abuses through Twitter. Le Pen risks in theory a maximum penalty of three years in prison and a fine of 75,000 euros.

  • Brussels wants explanation of Slovakia on EU subsidies

    Brussels wants explanation of Slovakia on EU subsidies

    brussels March 1, 2018 13:33 Hot Recent News

    The European Commission has requested information from the Slovak authorities about possible abuse of EU agricultural subsidies. The daily EU administration responds to media reports that an Italian mafia network with ties in Slovak government circles would have eclipsed EU money.

  • No new evidence of Russian Brexit influence

    No new evidence of Russian Brexit influence

    london February 28, 2018 21:36 Hot Recent News

    Facebook has informed a British parliamentary committee that further research has not provided any new evidence for Russian influence on the Brexit referendum via the platforms of the social medium. British voters voted in 2016 with a departure from the European Union.

  • ELN rebels Colombia kill five soldiers

    ELN rebels Colombia kill five soldiers

    bogota February 27, 2018 14:12 Hot Recent News

    At least five Colombian soldiers were killed on Tuesday by a bomb attack, carried out by the Marxist ELN rebels. Also, more than ten soldiers were wounded by the attack near the border with Venezuela, according to the army.

  • Tens of thousands demonstrating in Italy

    Tens of thousands demonstrating in Italy

    milan/rome February 24, 2018 22:27 Hot Recent News

    A week before the parliamentary elections in Italy, tens of thousands of people demonstrated on Saturday in different cities of the country. Significantly more people than expected took part in an anti-fascist demonstration in Rome despite the bad weather. The protest was peaceful, said a spokesperson for the police in the evening.

  • Column: Long live Europe

    Column: Long live Europe

    February 24, 2018 08:12 Hot Recent News

    At the end of this week, European leaders started the first discussions on the new multi-annual budget of the EU. At the same time, there is already informal consultation about the future of Europe, with Germany and France taking the lead. These countries want more European cooperation, at the expense of the current powers that EU countries still have. This mainly concerns more Brussels in the financial-economic field and more money for the EU.

  • Elections and money at the European top

    Elections and money at the European top

    brussels February 22, 2018 13:54 Hot Recent News

    How will the European Parliament and the EU budget for the period 2021-2027 appear after the European elections of May next year? And how is it determined who will become the next President of the European Commission? The Heads of Government of the Member States are here Friday at an informal summit in Brussels, without the British Prime Minister.

  • Berlusconi: 'I am like good wine'

    Berlusconi: 'I am like good wine'

    rome February 14, 2018 13:27 Hot Recent News

    The former Prime Minister of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, sees an advantage in his old age. 'I am like good wine', the 81-year-old twittered. 'I am getting better with age and now I am perfect.' The multimillionaire actively participates in the election campaign prior to the parliamentary elections in Italy.

  • Abou Jahjah mentions party be.one

    Abou Jahjah mentions party be.one

    brussels February 7, 2018 13:12 Hot Recent News

    The controversial Belgian-Lebanese publicist Dyab Abou Jahjah is taking part in the municipal elections in Belgium with a new political party in October and the parliamentary elections a year later. The party gets the name 'be.one', as it was announced at a press conference in Brussels.

  • British House of Commons agrees with Brexitwet

    British House of Commons agrees with Brexitwet

    london January 17, 2018 22:36 Hot Recent News

    The members of the British House of Commons approved the law with 324 against 295 votes, which will break ties with the European Union. That was a victory for Prime Minister Theresa May on her political opponents, who argue for a soft approach when they leave the EU.

  • EU parliament holds half of Farage's salary

    brussels January 12, 2018 16:45 Hot Recent News

    The European Parliament immediately holds half of the monthly salary of the British brexit champion Nigel Farage. The former leader of the anti-EU party UKIP has received 40,000 euros for a European parliamentary assistant who in reality works in Great Britain for UKIP's national agency.

  • 'CDU and SPD release climate target for 2020'

    berlin January 8, 2018 20:51 Hot Recent News

    The Christian Democratic CDU / CSU and the Social Democratic SPD want to abandon a climate goal set for 2020 when it comes to the formation of a government coalition. Sources within the negotiating parties announced on Monday that CDU / CSU and SPD think it is not feasible to reduce CO 2 emissions by 40% in 2020 compared to 1990.

  • Porn sites visited massively from Westminster

    london January 8, 2018 09:24 Hot Recent News

    Since the elections in June last year, 24,500 attempts have been made from the British Parliament to visit porn sites. Official data show that parliamentarians, members of the upper house and employees click on average 160 times a day on average.

  • King asks Catalans to be wise

    madrid December 24, 2017 23:12 Hot Recent News

    The Spanish king Felipe VI called upon the Catalan policy makers three days after the regional parliamentary elections to act responsibly and wisely. 'In Catalonia, the road must not lead again to confrontation or exclusion,' said the monarch on Sunday evening in his Christmas speech on TV.

  • Separatists win a majority with 70 seats

    barcelona December 22, 2017 06:06 Hot Recent News

    The separatist parties in Catalonia have won a majority in the regional parliamentary elections. After 99.89 percent of the votes were counted, it appeared that the three parties that strive for independence together had 70 seats, a narrow majority in the 135-seat Catalan parliament.

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