Elections and money at the European top

Elections and money at the European top

World February 22, 2018 13:54

brussels - How will the European Parliament and the EU budget for the period 2021-2027 appear after the European elections of May next year? And how is it determined who will become the next President of the European Commission? The Heads of Government of the Member States are here Friday at an informal summit in Brussels, without the British Prime Minister.

The 27 discuss, among other things, the composition of the European Parliament after the departure of the British from the EU. Then the 73 seats of the British members lapse. The parliament itself wants to leave 46 empty and divide the rest over countries that are entitled to more representatives because of their population share. The Netherlands would then have three seats. If it is up to Prime Minister Rutte, they will all remain empty. There is broad support for the parliamentary proposal.

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