• Erdogan sees 'democratic revolution'

    Erdogan sees 'democratic revolution'

    istanbul June 24, 2018 12:27 Hot Recent News

    The Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan expects a high turnout in the presidential and parliamentary elections in his country Sunday. 'The participation looks good,' he said immediately after he had his own vote in Istanbul.

  • Explosion at President Zimbabwe meeting

    Explosion at President Zimbabwe meeting

    bulawayo June 23, 2018 15:24 Hot Recent News

    In a stadium where Zimbabwean president Emmerson Mnangagwa held a campaign meeting on Saturday, an explosion has occurred. A spokesman for the president said that Mnangagwa was not injured and brought to safety. The Zimbabwean newspaper The Herald reported that a few other people have been injured.

  • Mass on the leg for Turkish opposition leader

    Mass on the leg for Turkish opposition leader

    izmir June 22, 2018 13:51 Hot Recent News

    Shortly before the Turkish presidential and parliamentary elections, the leader of the largest opposition party, Muharrem Ince of the CHP (Republican People's Party), attracted an estimated 2.5 million people in the western city of Izmir. The CHP itself talks about 3 million supporters on Thursday evening.

  • Attack foiled during Turkish election

    Attack foiled during Turkish election

    ankara June 22, 2018 12:48 Hot Recent News

    In Turkey, fourteen suspects were arrested who, on behalf of the terrorist movement, wanted to attack Islamic State on the election day, next Sunday, in Turkey. This was reported by the Turkish state press agency Anadolu.

  • Spiritual and militia leader Iraq work together

    Spiritual and militia leader Iraq work together

    baghdad June 12, 2018 23:15 Hot Recent News

    The nationalist cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, whose political bloc surprisingly won the parliamentary elections in Iraq, has reached agreement on cooperation with militia leader Hadi al-Amiri. That was announced on Tuesday in the Shia holy city of Najaf. This agreement is a first step towards the formation of a government coalition, although both leaders also keep the door open to other partners.

  • Babis sworn in as prime minister next week

    Babis sworn in as prime minister next week

    prague May 31, 2018 19:09 Hot Recent News

    The Czech president Milos Zeman will swear Andrej Babis, the leader of the national populist protest movement ANO, Wednesday as the government leader. That is what Babis said on Thursday after consultation with Zeman. The multi-billionaire, controversial by a fraud complaint, became prime minister after the election victory in October 2017. In January he lost the confidence of the parliament in a vote.

  • Zimbabwe to the ballot box at the end of July

    Zimbabwe to the ballot box at the end of July

    harare May 30, 2018 15:18 Hot Recent News

    Zimbabweans can go to the polls for the first national election since the departure of President Robert Mugabe this summer. His successor Emmerson Mnangagwa (75) announced on Wednesday that the presidential and parliamentary elections will take place on 30 July.

  • End to chaos? Libyans vote in December

    End to chaos? Libyans vote in December

    paris May 29, 2018 13:42 Hot Recent News

    Rival groups in Libya have agreed to hold parliamentary and presidential elections in December. That was what a prime minister Fayez Seraj told a conference in Paris, where the influential General Khalifa Haftar was also present. Haftar and Seraj are seen as key figures in the divided country.

  • Zuckerberg is also in charge of fines in Brussels

    Zuckerberg is also in charge of fines in Brussels

    brussels May 22, 2018 11:33 Hot Recent News

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will once again apologize on Tuesday for the role of his company in the abuse of private data of users in the scandal around Cambridge Analytica. Facebook has taken insufficient responsibility for user data, fake news and foreign influencing of elections, Zuckerberg will explain later in the day in the European Parliament, where there is a lot of outrage about the issue.

  • Italy has almost Eurosceptic government

    Italy has almost Eurosceptic government

    rome May 21, 2018 10:24 Hot Recent News

    Almost three months after the Italian parliamentary elections, Italy is likely to hear Monday who will be the prime minister of a new coalition cabinet. The leaders of the Protest Party M5S (Five Star Movement) and of the right-wing populist Lega Nord, Luigi di Maio and Matteo Salvini (past 17.30 and 18.00) pass President Sergio Mattarella. According to Italian media, they tell him who will become the leader of their Eurosceptic government coalition.

  • Italian voters may vote again

    Italian voters may vote again

    rome May 18, 2018 21:27 Hot Recent News

    This weekend, the Five Star Movement and the Lega on squares throughout Italy will announce the content of the coalition agreement that they have established together. The people can then let them know by means of a vote whether or not they agree with the agreement.

  • Still livestream when talking to Zuckerberg

    Still livestream when talking to Zuckerberg

    brussels May 18, 2018 12:24 Hot Recent News

    The conversation between Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and parliamentary leaders of the European Parliament is still open to the public on Tuesday. Five of the eight political groups in parliament want the session to be followed via a livestream, reports Guy Verhofstadt, chairman of the Liberal Group.

  • Zuckerberg Tuesday for discussion in Brussels

    Zuckerberg Tuesday for discussion in Brussels

    brussels May 17, 2018 11:09 Hot Recent News

    The talk between Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and parliamentary leaders of the European Parliament will take place on Tuesday at 5.45 pm. The subject is the abuse of personal data from millions of users collected by the British company Cambridge Analytica to be used in election campaigns.

  • al-Sadr on his way to election victory in Iraq

    al-Sadr on his way to election victory in Iraq

    baghdad May 14, 2018 22:03 Hot Recent News

    The party of the influential Shiite clergyman Moqtada al-Sadr is almost certainly on his way to victory in the parliamentary elections of Iraq. The election committee said Monday, after 91 percent of the votes had been counted in sixteen of the eighteen Iraqi provinces.

  • 'Abadi on the head in the Iraq elections'

    'Abadi on the head in the Iraq elections'

    baghdad May 13, 2018 09:21 Hot Recent News

    Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi's alliance has, for the time being, received the most votes in the parliamentary elections in Iraq. This has been reported by sources within the electoral commission and an employee of the security service on the basis of the votes that have been counted so far.

  • Judge 'rehabilitates' Berlusconi for return to politics

    Judge 'rehabilitates' Berlusconi for return to politics

    milan May 12, 2018 16:06 Hot Recent News

    Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi may, according to the Italian media, hope for an early return to politics. 'Berlusconi has been rehabilitated', headlined the newspaper Corriere della Sera on Saturday, relying on a court decision in Milan. On this basis, the 81-year-old veteran can again stand for election and hold a political office.

  • Opposition wins election Malaysia

    Opposition wins election Malaysia

    kuala lumpur May 9, 2018 22:15 Hot Recent News

    The opposition surprisingly won the elections in Malaysia. The official result shows that the opponents of Prime Minister Najib Razak can count on at least 112 of the 222 seats in parliament. With this, the opposition parties have a parliamentary majority in their hands.

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