• Afghan MP killed by bomb

    Afghan MP killed by bomb

    kabul October 17, 2018 14:00 Hot Recent News

    An Afghan MP was killed Wednesday by a bomb that was placed under his office chair. Three other people were also killed in the attack, which has been claimed by the radical Taliban.

  • Belgium votes in local elections

    Belgium votes in local elections

    brussels October 14, 2018 15:16 Hot Recent News

    Belgians cast their vote on Sunday in municipal and provincial elections. They are the first polls since 2014 and are seen as an important indicator for the parliamentary elections in May next year. Approximately 8.2 million Belgians can vote for municipal councils and in Flanders and Wallonia also for provincial councils.

  • German Greens are AfD and SPD over

    German Greens are AfD and SPD over

    berlin/munich October 12, 2018 14:16 Hot Recent News

    In the latest opinion polls in Germany, the Greens have outpaced the Social Democratic SPD and the populist AfD (Alternative für Deutschland). The Greens have the support of seventeen percent of the respondents and are in second place in the poll of the public broadcaster ARD. According to the newspaper Bild, it is the first time that the Greens have achieved such a high score in this survey.

  • Latvian government coalition loses majority

    Latvian government coalition loses majority

    riga October 7, 2018 17:32 Hot Recent News

    In the Latvian parliamentary elections, the center-right coalition lost its majority. The Union of Farmers and Greens of Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis was punished despite the growing economy. He received less than 10 percent of the votes, halving, and only held 11 seats out of 100 in the parliament. The electoral council in Riga announced this on Sunday.

  • Dutch Kurd seizes alongside presidency

    Dutch Kurd seizes alongside presidency

    baghdad October 3, 2018 05:00 Hot Recent News

    A Dutch Kurd has surprisingly seized next to the presidency of Iraq. After a political drama in parliament, Fouad Hussein had to face Barham Salih, who is waiting a tough job to bring the divided and devastated country back on top.

  • Right in center right after Sweden's election

    Right in center right after Sweden's election

    stockholm October 2, 2018 19:32 Hot Recent News

    The alliance of center-right parties may try to form a government after the Swedish elections. The chairman of the parliament gave Ulf Kristersson of the Moderate two weeks. He is the head of the four-party partnership, which together have 143 of the 349 parliamentary seats.

  • Ex-president Argentina sued for corruption

    Ex-president Argentina sued for corruption

    buenos aires September 18, 2018 08:00 Hot Recent News

    Justice in Argentina is going to prosecute former president Cristina Kirchner along with over forty supporters for corruption. Kirchner is suspected of leading a corrupt network that systematically received kickbacks in exchange for public procurement, reported the Argentinian newspaper Clarín.

  • Election result Sweden will take some time

    Election result Sweden will take some time

    stockholm September 10, 2018 14:48 Hot Recent News

    The final result of the Swedish parliamentary elections may only be announced on Wednesday. It is clear that the right-wing populists of Jimmie Akesson, the Sweden Democrats (SD), have achieved a great victory with more than 17.5 percent of the votes. They are the third party of the country.

  • Left and right balanced in Sweden

    Left and right balanced in Sweden

    stockholm September 9, 2018 19:48 Hot Recent News

    The center-left and center-right bloc have become about the same size in the Swedish parliamentary elections: 39.4 versus 39.6 percent, according to the first predictions after the closing of the polling stations on Sunday evening.

  • Suicide attack during the parade in Kabul

    Suicide attack during the parade in Kabul

    kabul September 9, 2018 17:32 Hot Recent News

    Because of a suicide attack during a parade in Kabul, at least seven people were killed, 25 were injured. A terrorist on a motorbike, according to the authorities, blew up a procession in memory of the Ahmad Shah Massoud, who was murdered in 2001, a mujahideen commander who played a heroic role in expelling the Soviet army from Afghanistan.

  • Jon Kyl succeeds McCain in Senate

    Jon Kyl succeeds McCain in Senate

    phoenix September 4, 2018 19:00 Hot Recent News

    Jon Kyl, once one of the most influential Republicans in the US Senate, returns to Capitol Hill. He succeeds the late John McCain, reports the newspaper The Arizona Republic. Governor Doug Ducey will present the 76-year-old Kyl Tuesday at a press conference in Phoenix, after having informed McCain's widow Cindy and other key politicians of the decision.

  • Sessions may stay for a while

    Sessions may stay for a while

    washington August 31, 2018 06:00 Hot Recent News

    The US Justice Minister Jeff Sessions is certainly sure of his job until November. President Donald Trump said on Thursday that his minister may at least stay until the mid-term parliamentary elections in that month.

  • Sweden is discovering cyber attacks for election

    Sweden is discovering cyber attacks for election

    stockholm August 30, 2018 10:16 Hot Recent News

    The Swedish internal security service has seen more cyber attacks and attempts to do so in recent weeks. Hackers try to penetrate the systems of political parties and government services. More fake accounts on social media have also been found than otherwise. These accounts are used to distribute false information.

  • Third suspect of Swedish arson

    Third suspect of Swedish arson

    stockholm August 15, 2018 16:00 Hot Recent News

    The Turkish police, at the request of Sweden, arrested a man who was possibly involved in the massive arson attacks in several Swedish cities earlier this week. He flew from Sweden to Turkey last Tuesday and was immediately arrested at customs.

  • Zimbabwean opposition leader Biti sued

    Zimbabwean opposition leader Biti sued

    harare August 9, 2018 19:57 Hot Recent News

    The head of the Zimbabwean opposition Tendai Biti has been indicted in his own country for the role that he would have played in the out of hand protests against the election results. Tendai appeared in court on Thursday.

  • First ballot box Zimbabwe after departure Mugabe

    First ballot box Zimbabwe after departure Mugabe

    harare July 30, 2018 06:09 Hot Recent News

    Zimbabweans go to the ballot box Monday for the first parliamentary and presidential election since the departure of President Robert Mugabe. Voters can vote for 23 presidential candidates, but only incumbent President Emmerson Mnangagwa (75) and forty-year-old opposition candidate Nelson Chamisa are seen as serious contenders.

  • Sportheld Khan almost certainly wins elections Pakistan

    Sportheld Khan almost certainly wins elections Pakistan

    islamabad July 27, 2018 12:06 Hot Recent News

    The former cricket patrol Imran Khan has almost certainly become the winner of the parliamentary elections in Pakistan. After counting 96 percent of the votes, his party, the Poor Justice Movement, had won in 115 of the 272 electoral districts and secured just as many seats in parliament.

  • Yet more years in the cell for Park

    Yet more years in the cell for Park

    seoul July 20, 2018 07:33 Hot Recent News

    The former South Korean president Park Geun-hye, who is serving a prison sentence of 24 years for abuse of power, has gained another eight years in prison. A court sentenced her this time for causing loss of public money and interference in the parliamentary elections in 2016.

  • The grazing continues

    The grazing continues

    brussels July 3, 2018 19:09 Hot Recent News

    The European Parliament refuses to impose rules for spending a monthly expense allowance of more than EUR 4400 for MEPs. The suspicion is that much of the money disappears in the pockets of the politicians as a hidden salary.

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