• Separatists get a narrow majority

    barcelona December 21, 2017 20:03 Hot Recent News

    The first prognoses after the parliamentary elections in Catalonia point to a possible tight majority for the separatist political parties. The prognoses are based on studies of media.

  • Putin goes into elections independently

    moscow December 14, 2017 10:39 Hot Recent News

    Vladimir Putin participates in the Russian presidential elections in March as an independent politician. He confirmed this Thursday in a TV program where he answers questions from citizens every year.

  • Parliament thwarts Brexitplan May

    london December 13, 2017 21:39 Hot Recent News

    The British parliament has given Prime Minister Theresa May a defeat by agreeing to an adaptation of her blueprint for the exit from the European Union. That decision can make the Brexit even more complicated.

  • Scanning talk Merkel, Schulz and Seehofer

    berlin December 13, 2017 21:33 Hot Recent News

    Eighty days after the German parliamentary elections, the leaders of CDU, CSU and SPD started the run that should lead to a new coalition government. On Wednesday evening in Berlin, it was a scintillating conversation between Chancellor Angela Merkel, her Christian-Democratic colleague Horst Seehofer and Social Democrat Martin Schulz. Beforehand it had already been agreed that nothing should be brought out about the course.

  • Seehofer willing to make room as prime minister

    munich December 3, 2017 20:09 Hot Recent News

    CSU leader Horst Seehofer is in principle willing to transfer his position as prime minister of Bavaria to a successor for the state elections in the autumn of 2018. As possible time he has mentioned the first quarter of next year. This has confirmed a source within the party management vis-à-vis the DPA news agency.

  • Meuthen and Gauland chairmen AfD

    hannover December 2, 2017 21:18 Hot Recent News

    The congress of the right-wing populist party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) has re-elected Jörg Meuthen (56) as party chairman on Saturday. He got 72 percent of the votes. There were no opposing candidates. Surprising was the choice for Alexander Gauland (76) as co-chairman. The moderate Berliner Georg Pazderski did not make it.

  • EU parliamentarian must return 40,000 euros

    luxembourg November 29, 2017 15:12 Hot Recent News

    The French EU parliamentarian Dominique Bilde (Front National) has to return 40,000 euros to the European Parliament. The politician received that amount for the activities of a fictitious parliamentary assistant, judges the European Court of Justice.

  • SPD wants new elections

    berlin November 20, 2017 13:12 Hot Recent News

    The Social Democratic SPD wants new elections in Germany. The party management unanimously confirmed this on Monday. The party considers it 'important that citizens can reassess the situation and we are not afraid of new elections.'

  • Gerry Adams away as leader Sinn Fein

    dublin November 18, 2017 21:24 Hot Recent News

    Gerry Adams steps up next year as leader of Sinn Fein that was long regarded as the political wing of the Irish Republican Army (IRA). Adams said Saturday at a party conference that he is not a candidate for the party in the next parliamentary elections.

  • Again, a 'top Republican'

    washington November 9, 2017 18:06 Hot Recent News

    The Republican President of the Mighty Parliamentary Justice Committee, Bob Goodlatte, announced his departure from the politics on Thursday. He is a member of the House of Representatives and is from Virginia. Goodlatte is 65 years old and retires at the end of next year, saying 'to be more with my family, especially my granddaughters,' according to American media.

  • Tusk wants smaller European Parliament

    strasbourg October 24, 2017 09:30 Hot Recent News

    With the British departure, the European Union has fewer countries, so it is 'logical and pragmatic' to reduce the number of seats in the European Parliament. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council of Heads of State, said Tuesday in the European Parliament.

  • Premier Abe retains majority in parliament

    tokio October 23, 2017 08:12 Hot Recent News

    The Japanese government parties have made a big victory in Sunday's election. The LDP party of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and coalition partner Komeito, according to the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation, can claim NHK a second-thirds majority in the House of Commons.

  • Government parties Japan win elections

    tokio October 22, 2017 13:30 Hot Recent News

    The Japanese government parties may hold on to their second-thirds majority in parliament after the parliamentary parliamentary elections. This is evidenced by exit polls from Japanese media, in which people were asked for their voting behavior.

  • Businessman Babis wins elections in the Czech Republic

    prague October 21, 2017 17:18 Hot Recent News

    The controversial populist and billionaire Andrej Babis is the clear winner of the parliamentary election in the Czech Republic. After counting more than 90 percent of the votes, ANO's party came to 30.5 percent of the votes, a lead that is no longer available to competitors.

  • Online privacy law takes first place

    brussels October 19, 2017 13:18 Hot Recent News

    Better privacy protection of users of services like WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook Messenger and Skype is one step closer. The European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties voted on Thursday with the adaptation of legislation to ensure the confidentiality of electronic communications.

  • Baghdad wants to talk but not about parting

    baghdad October 17, 2017 18:09 Hot Recent News

    Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi called on Tuesday to consult with Kurdish leaders. He immediately made clear that the Kurdish wish to separate himself from the rest of Iraq is still unacceptable.

  • Iran warns US for termination of atomic treaty

    Iran warns US for termination of atomic treaty

    st.petersburg October 16, 2017 15:51 Hot Recent News

    Iran has warned the United States not to cancel the 2015 atomic treaty. 'We will then do something that will make the Americans break their decision,' said Iranian parliamentary chairman Ali Laridschani in St. Petersburg. He did not light up his threat.

  • Maduro's party wins disputes

    Maduro's party wins disputes

    caracas October 16, 2017 06:15 Hot Recent News

    President Maduro's Socialist Party won the Venezuela regional elections. According to the government-elected constituency, the government party in 17 of the 23 Länder was the strongest. The Venezuelan opposition dispute the outcome and calls for street protests.

  • ÖVP to head in elections Austria

    ÖVP to head in elections Austria

    vienna October 15, 2017 16:48 Hot Recent News

    The conservative ÖVP led by Sebastian Kurz and the right-wing FPÖ van Heinz-Christian Strache won the parliamentary elections in Austria, according to forecasts based on preliminary results. Both parties booked 30.5 and 26.8 percent, respectively, of votes in terms of the previous elections in 2013 respectively.

  • Ruk to right expected in Austria

    Ruk to right expected in Austria

    vienna October 15, 2017 05:54 Hot Recent News

    The Austrian electorate will go to the polls on Sunday to elect a new parliament. In May, a split between the coalition parties ÖVP and SPÖ occurred, which only became deeper after that. The conservative ÖVP led by Sebastian Kurz is likely to be the biggest party. The socio-democratic SPÖ and the right-populist FPÖ compete for place two.

  • Belgium is going to withdraw the Grand Mosque

    Belgium is going to withdraw the Grand Mosque

    brussels October 11, 2017 04:12 Hot Recent News

    The license of the Grand Mosque of Brussels is revoked. This recommendation from the parliamentary committee examining the attacks in the Belgian capital last year is carried out 'minutially', according to the Minister of Home Affairs and Security Jan Jambon.

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