Russia: US influence elections

Russia: US influence elections

World March 5, 2018 10:00

moscow - According to Russia, the United States is trying to influence the Russian presidential election. State press agency RIA reported that on the basis of foreign secretary Sergey Rjabkov. It is a reaction to the accusations of US intelligence agencies, which say that Moscow has mixed in the 2016 presidential election, won by Donald Trump.

According to Rjabkov, the United States is trying to stir up unrest in Russia. According to him, American sanctions are meant to bring Russia out of balance.

Russia elects a president on 18 March. It is almost certain that incumbent President Vladimir Putin will be re-elected. The question is mainly how big the victory will be and how many voters will take the trouble to go to the polls. At the Russian parliamentary elections in 2016 there was an attendance of only 47.9 percent. More than half of the voters stayed home.

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