• Highly married couple walks in wedding boat

    Highly married couple walks in wedding boat

    amsterdam June 30, 2017 23:54 Hot Recent News

    Margaret (95) and Bernard (93) have known each other since they are teenagers. But recently, the two proud Britons discovered that their feelings went further than friendship and decided to go on their wedding day on their old day. 'It's never too late for love.'

  • May wants to hit internet giants

    May wants to hit internet giants

    taormina May 26, 2017 10:21 Hot Recent News

    British Prime Minister Theresa May wants to boost pressure on companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google. According to May, the Internet services do far too little to prevent harmful, extremist content from the web. The prime minister called the emergency clock ahead of the G7 summit and following the terrorist attack in Manchester.

  • May exerts pressure on Facebook and Twitter

    May exerts pressure on Facebook and Twitter

    May 26, 2017 09:54 Hot Recent News

    TAORMINADe British Prime Minister Theresa May wants to boost the pressure on companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google. According to May, the Internet services do far too little to prevent harmful, extremist content from the web. The prime minister called the emergency clock ahead of the G7 summit and following the terrorist attack in Manchester.

  • Tata Steel imports steel supplies

    Tata Steel imports steel supplies

    May 16, 2017 16:00 Hot Recent News

    Tata Steel, the Indian owner of the former Hoogovens in IJmuiden, delivered more steel in the last quarter and, thanks to higher steel prices, also achieved significantly more sales. Profitability also went ahead.

  • Tech fund for BN and soccer players
    0 Comment 419

    Tech fund for BN and soccer players

    amsterdam May 10, 2017 06:36 Hot Recent News

    In the United States, it is already the most common thing in the world that film stars and music idols act as corporate signatures in which they invest themselves. Football player Gregory van der Wiel brings this phenomenon to the Netherlands and sets up his own technology investment fund.

  • Erdogan solution or part of the problem

    Erdogan solution or part of the problem

    ankara April 14, 2017 12:54 Hot Recent News

    More than 55 million Turkish voters decide Sunday whether the power also can be officially entrusted to the authoritarian Erdogan. Erdogan made a political system where the president shots. The post of prime minister disappears and the role of Parliament is very modest.

  • Arson campaign office Le Pen

    Arson campaign office Le Pen

    paris April 13, 2017 09:15 Hot Recent News

    At an office building in Paris where the campaign headquarters of the French right-wing presidential candidate Marine Le Pen is located, a firebomb thrown into the night from Wednesday to Thursday. The fire brigade was quickly on the spot and could limit the damage to a door and doormat.

  • Johnson delete visiting Moscow Syriërel

    Johnson delete visiting Moscow Syriërel

    london April 8, 2017 16:27 Hot Recent News

    The British minister Boris Johnson (Foreign Affairs) deletes a planned trip to Moscow. The minister has abandoned the visit due to 'developments in Syria.' Especially the ongoing Russian support for the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is a sore point, The Guardian reported Saturday.

  • TV more often out the door

    TV more often out the door

    wooden April 5, 2017 11:03 Hot Recent News

    Dutch say increasingly their TV subscription or decide not to take television more. It therefore falls in the coming years also expect little sales growth in the TV market. That predicts research firm Telecompaper.

  • Verhofstadt: EU relationship and London never love

    Verhofstadt: EU relationship and London never love

    strasbourg April 5, 2017 09:54 Hot Recent News

    The relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union has never been a love affair, and certainly not a wild passion. ' Maybe it might just not be. We must seize the United Kingdom and Gibraltar European Union membership referendum to revive the European project new life. '

  • Guterres: Moment of Truth

    Guterres: Moment of Truth

    brussels April 5, 2017 09:24 Hot Recent News

    The UN Security Council should dispel all doubts about who was responsible for the horrific events with poison gas in Syria Tuesday. ' This is the moment of truth, '' said Secretary General Antonio Guterres of the UN in Brussels on Wednesday, ahead of the international summit on Syria. The attack demonstrates once again the need to end the terrible war, said Guterres.

  • Indonesia Muslim leader arrested for protest

    Indonesia Muslim leader arrested for protest

    jakarta March 31, 2017 08:48 Hot Recent News

    The Indonesian police on Friday arrested five people ahead of a protest by thousands of Muslims demanding the resignation of the Christian governor of Jakarta. Among those arrested, suspected of treason, is the leader of a fanatical Muslim group.

  • Tusk: 'This is not a happy day '

    Tusk: 'This is not a happy day '

    brussels March 29, 2017 13:42 Hot Recent News

    ' This is six pages of prime minister Theresa May. There is no reason to pretend that this is a happy day. Not in Brussels and not in London. Almost half of British voters want to stay in the EU. 'That said EU President Donald Tusk Wednesday shortly after he officially received the notice from the hands of Ambassador Tim Barrow against the international press, waving farewell letter.

  • Wilders implores: next largest

    Wilders implores: next largest

    the hague March 16, 2017 08:42 Hot Recent News

    Geert Wilders sees the preliminary election for his PVV an upward trend and swears that his party will continue. 'We were the third party in the Netherlands. We are now the second largest party in the Netherlands. And the next time we are number one, 'he suggested Thursday morning on Twitter.

  • Trump must come with proof '

    Trump must come with proof '

    wasington March 13, 2017 06:21 Hot Recent News

    The US president Donald Trump has two choices. Or provide evidence for the claim that he was bugged during his presidential campaign by his predecessor, Obama, or his words immediately take back. That says Republican Senator John McCain, Trump party member in an interview with CNN.

  • MiG crashes near Turkish-Syrian border

    MiG crashes near Turkish-Syrian border

    ankara/damascus March 4, 2017 19:54 Hot Recent News

    A Syrian fighter type MiG-23 crashed Saturday near the border with Turkey. The pilot was able to leave the plane probably using his ejector seat ahead of time and may have ended up in Turkish territory. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim has let know that Ankara has begun a search.

  • 'Turnaround Trump on immigration '

    'Turnaround Trump on immigration '

    washington February 28, 2017 22:24 Hot Recent News

    President Donald Trump is considering legislation for illegal immigrants in the United States paves the way for a legal status, but not directly to the American citizenship. That's what CNN and Politico reported Tuesday. They relied on information from a key official from the White House.

  • Plans for wall Trump may be submitted

    Plans for wall Trump may be submitted

    washington February 24, 2017 23:54 Hot Recent News

    The US government will from next month plans to build a wall on the border between the United States and Mexico receive. It is the first step in the process of building the wall that Donald Trump has repeatedly promised ahead of the US presidential election.

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