Arson campaign office Le Pen

Arson campaign office Le Pen

World April 13, 2017 09:15

paris - At an office building in Paris where the campaign headquarters of the French right-wing presidential candidate Marine Le Pen is located, a firebomb thrown into the night from Wednesday to Thursday. The fire brigade was quickly on the spot and could limit the damage to a door and doormat.

A group calling itself 'Fight against Xenophobia' calls, claimed responsibility in a message to the news agency AFP, BFMTV reported on its website.

Le Pen said that leftist groups' with complete impunity 'can go ahead. The government would have to cancel, she said.

Interior Minister Matthias Fekl condemned the attempted arson as an 'unacceptable act. 'He said contact had been made with the campaign of the National Front to discuss how security could be improved.

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