• Polls: Clinton maintained ahead

    Polls: Clinton maintained ahead

    November 7, 2016 13:33 Hot Recent News

    Hillary Clinton gets in a poll published Monday by ABC News and the Washington Post the support of 47 percent of respondents. Her rival Donald Trump gets 43 percent. In a poll of Bloomberg Politics Selzer \u0026 Company, the Democratic presidential candidate Monday also in the lead, with three points ahead of the controversial Republican candidate Trump.

  • Mail Research Clinton to wish Minister

    Mail Research Clinton to wish Minister

    October 29, 2016 19:00 Hot Recent News

    FBI chief James Comey has against the wishes of the US Attorney Loretta Lynch acted by announcing that his office reopens the investigation into the emails of Hillary Clinton, presidential candidate for the Democrats. This was reported by the American channel CNN Saturday.

  • Lithuanian voters punish government off

    Lithuanian voters punish government off

    October 24, 2016 09:54 Hot Recent News

    Voters in Lithuania have punished their government and the smallest to largest party created in the new parliament. The Union of Farmers and Greens (LGPU), previously only one seat occupied, now with 54 representatives of the largest party in the 141-member parliament.

  • 'Sports Apps doing too little to health '

    'Sports Apps doing too little to health '

    October 7, 2016 08:30 Hot Recent News

    Many sports apps do too little for the health of athletes. They just increase the risk of injuries. Many recreational runners stop because of physical problems or a lack of motivation. Most running apps that are on the market do little to prevent it.

  • Guantanamo personnel evacuated before storm

    Guantanamo personnel evacuated before storm

    October 2, 2016 16:36 Hot Recent News

    Because of the hurricane Matthew, the United States Sunday seven hundred people working in Cuba at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay were evacuated to the mainland. Matthew, with wind speeds up to 250 kilometers per hour, will reach Monday Jamaica and Haiti and is expected that the hurricane also rages on in Cuba.

  • Clinton lead in key states

    Clinton lead in key states

    September 6, 2016 12:42 Hot Recent News

    Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is in key US states considerably for her Republican opponent Donald Trump, do more than national polls suggest. According to a series of separate polls from all fifty states by The Washington Post and SurveyMonkey.

  • Penalty for wifi tracking in stores
    0 Comment 260

    Penalty for wifi tracking in stores

    amsterdam September 2, 2016 03:48 Hot Recent News

    The Personal Authority has imposed a penalty on the Wi-tracking company Blue Trace. This company helps record stores customer behavior with the Wi-Fi signals from eg their smartphones. According to the privacy watchdog Bluetrace abides not follow the rules.

  • Weapons down on the Philippines

    Weapons down on the Philippines

    August 20, 2016 17:03 Hot Recent News

    The government and communist rebels in the Philippines have agreed a ceasefire ahead of peace talks in Norway. The new cease-fire on the part of the Government starts on Sunday and lasts,, as long as necessary to bring peace to the country, '' said the adviser to President Rodrigo Duterte Saturday.

  • Unrest in Kosovo disputed boundary

    Unrest in Kosovo disputed boundary

    August 9, 2016 16:21 Hot Recent News

    Emotions ran high in Kosovo on Tuesday ahead of a vote on a disputed boundary. An opposition member moved into the parliament building an open bottle of tear gas, while protesters in the capital Pristina with stone throwing.

  • Convention propels Trump in poll

    Convention propels Trump in poll

    July 23, 2016 05:33 Hot Recent News

    Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has almost come to level with his rival Hillary Clinton, according to a new poll by Reuters / Ipsos. Trump, on Thursday accepted the Republican nomination, could count on the support of 38 percent of American voters. Clinton with 41 percent still ahead, but it is by neglecting the margin of error of four percent.

  • Consequences visa-free travel for Turks'

    Consequences visa-free travel for Turks'

    brussels July 19, 2016 06:09 Hot Recent News

    The coup attempt in Turkey may also have implications for the proposed visa-free travel of Turks into the European Union. EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger said not to expect from German media that Turks already without a visa to visit the EU this year.

  • EU May promises to be damn difficult

    EU May promises to be damn difficult

    london July 7, 2016 08:18 Hot Recent News

    The British minister said Home Secretary Theresa May,, damn difficult '' to will be in the negotiations with the EU on the withdrawal of British membership. The Conservative May is in her party favorite in the election of a new leader.

  • Blair's reputation at stake in Iraq inquiry

    Blair's reputation at stake in Iraq inquiry

    london July 5, 2016 13:09 Hot Recent News

    The alleged presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Saddam Hussein was the direct reason for the invasion of Allied forces in the country in 2003. The weapons were never found. Wednesday published a voluminous report in London over the British role in the Iraq war. Which may have far-reaching consequences for former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

  • Scots catch flounder

    Scots catch flounder

    brussels June 29, 2016 16:24 Hot Recent News

    The Scots are virtually no chance to thwart a Brexit. EU President Donald Tusk refused yesterday to receive the Scottish prime minister Nicola Sturgeon. She was in Brussels to plead the Scottish case. The Scots are keen to stay in the EU as the UK emerges.

  • Farage: referendum day is Independence Day

    Farage: referendum day is Independence Day

    london June 24, 2016 05:09 Hot Recent News

    Nigel Farage, the leader of the British anti-EU party UKIP, the day of the referendum on British membership of the European Union Thursday night declared independence. Farage walked in a speech to his supporters ahead of the victory. Which seems, counted with more than half of the votes, unexpectedly in sight.

  • BBC Points proponents brexit as winner

    BBC Points proponents brexit as winner

    london June 24, 2016 05:03 Hot Recent News

    The BBC has, the proponents of the departure of Britain from the European Union designated as the likely winner of the referendum on Thursday. The British news channels ITV and SKY ventured this prediction of the outcome.

  • 'German OM explores VW again '

    'German OM explores VW again '

    June 20, 2016 14:36 Hot Recent News

    Volkswagen after sjoemelaffaire with its diesel emissions once again become the subject of investigation by the German Public Prosecutor. Against former VW CEO Winterkorn has a separate study began.

  • Review: Kindle Oasis

    Review: Kindle Oasis

    June 17, 2016 14:03 Hot Recent News

    What requirements must an e-reader to be good? A good screen is certainly important. Great built-in lighting is also important, as well as a long battery life. But now we have all this already, and then also for a decent price. What does the Kindle from Amazon Oasis that we have to buy these super deluxe e-reader?

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