• Trump wants athletes to word

    Trump wants athletes to word

    June 12, 2016 06:12 Hot Recent News

    Top sportsmen speak at the Republican convention this summer instead of politicians: it is an idea that Donald Trump suggested Friday on one of his campaign meetings, the political website The Hill writes.

  • Review: Epson EH-LS10000 projector
    0 Comment 115

    Review: Epson EH-LS10000 projector

    June 10, 2016 15:03 Hot Recent News

    With sports summer ahead is a good projector convenient to enjoy along with the Tour de France or the Olympic Games. Epson comes with a hefty 18 kilos projector that shines silenced TV and movies on a screen or wall.

  • Kuczynski wins presidential election Peru

    Kuczynski wins presidential election Peru

    June 10, 2016 03:36 Hot Recent News

    The neoliberal economist Pedro Pablo Kuczynski was elected in Peru successor of President Ollanta Humala. The 77-year-old Kuzcysnki continued his rival Keiko Fujimori in the second, decisive round of voting just ahead, with 50.1 to 49.9 percent of the vote. This has informed the Peruvian electoral council Thursday.

  • Bear cools off in pool

    Bear cools off in pool

    June 10, 2016 02:21 Hot Recent News

    For residents of a villa in Los Angeles Wednesday was a shock when she found a bear in a pool. After paddling the female climbed into a tree in the garden. Gamekeepers loved the bear closely watched.

  • US: stolen treasures back to India

    US: stolen treasures back to India

    June 7, 2016 11:21 Hot Recent News

    The United States has given back more than two hundred stolen art treasures to India. The objects were once looted from some of the most important religious places in India. The handover took place Monday ahead of a meeting between US President Barack Obama and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Washington.

  • Clinton well ahead in new poll

    Clinton well ahead in new poll

    June 3, 2016 21:57 Hot Recent News

    She has the Democratic nomination still inside, but a new poll Hillary Clinton walks out on her likely opponent Donald Trump. The former senator and minister gets in the poll by Reuters / Ipsos 46 percent, the controversial billionaire real estate amounted to 35 percent.

  • Bees man stabbing death

    Bees man stabbing death

    mesa May 27, 2016 11:15 Hot Recent News

    A man is more than a thousand bees stabbing in a park near the city of Mesa in the US state of Arizona died. The 23-year-old Alex Bestler walked with a friend in the Usery Mountain Park when he unexpectedly was attacked by thousands of bees. The girlfriend was slightly ahead and could move to safety.

  • Christian Kern Chancellor of Austria

    Christian Kern Chancellor of Austria

    May 17, 2016 18:15 Hot Recent News

    Christian Kern Tuesday in Vienna sworn in as Chancellor of Austria. The fifty-Social Democrat SPÖ is the thirteenth postwar chancellor of the Alpine Republic. He succeeds Werner Faymann who unexpectedly resigned his post on 9 May.

  • Apple remains most valuable brand

    Apple remains most valuable brand

    May 12, 2016 09:00 Hot Recent News

    Although Apple last quarter for the first time in thirteen years recorded no revenue growth, the American brand, according to business magazine Forbes is still the most valuable. It is the sixth time that the iPhone maker stay ahead of the competition since the beginning of the list in 2010.

  • Under control

    Under control

    May 9, 2016 19:08 Hot Recent News

    The smart home is firm in advance. Consumers like to link everything in the house together and check from the smartphone. They also keep a close eye on their health.

  • London may get first Muslim mayor

    London may get first Muslim mayor

    london May 2, 2016 17:42 Hot Recent News

    Sadiq Khan, the British Labour Party's favorite Thursday to win the mayoral election for London. According to polls Khan is approximately 20 percentage points ahead of its main rival, the Conservative Zac Goldsmith. If he wins, he follows the current mayor Boris Johnson and he is the first Muslim mayor in a Western capital.

  • Marry and bury banned in North Korea

    Marry and bury banned in North Korea

    pyongyang May 2, 2016 16:07 Hot Recent News

    Weddings and funerals are banned in North Korea ahead of a major conference held in the country. The ruling Labour Party, led by head of state Kim Jong-un, is holding a conference for the first time in 36 years.

  • Fashion world mourns Prince

    Fashion world mourns Prince

    amsterdam April 21, 2016 23:42 Hot Recent News

    There is not only a legendary singer deceased, the fashion world mourns just so sad it. Because also gone a fantastic style icon with the death of Prince. The stage was his catwalk where he was top model of its own Fashion Show. Prince rocked literally all his creations, of travestietig over-the-top to casually cool. This independent spirit got away everywhere.

  • Mystery find huge globe
    0 Comment 180

    Mystery find huge globe

    April 12, 2016 19:35 Hot Recent News

    A giant ball that was discovered in Bosnia is currently the hot topic of discussion among archaeologists. It is possible the oldest, heaviest stone which was formed by human hands. That is, if we Bosnian archaeologist Semir Osmanagic may believe. The best man claims that the perfectly round sphere with a diameter of three meters, is 1500 years old and was left by an ancient civilization that was ahead of its time.

  • Traffic Zaventem deadlocked by checks

    Traffic Zaventem deadlocked by checks

    April 11, 2016 10:00 Hot Recent News

    Who from Brussels Airport in Zaventem going to fly, it is wise to go ahead of time from home. With that advice, the Traffic Information Service (VID) Monday. Through intensive police checks is the traffic stuck now the number of flights increases again from Zaventem.

  • Kindergartens night alone in forest

    Kindergartens night alone in forest

    vohburg April 9, 2016 11:00 Hot Recent News

    A five-year-old German boy was found unharmed Saturday after a night alone had spent in a forest. The toddler was Friday with his mother walking in the woods near vohburg, north of Munich, when he set a piece rode ahead on his balance bike. The mother lost him momentarily out of sight and then only took back the balance bike.

  • Zaventem test procedures for reopening
    0 Comment 118

    Zaventem test procedures for reopening

    brussels March 28, 2016 09:56 Hot Recent News

    Brussels Zaventem Airport Tuesday holding a big test ahead of the reopening of the airport. Eight hundred employees of the airport affected by attacks test the interim arrangement and the infrastructure for the check. This is done in consultation with, inter alia, police and defense, Flemish broadcaster VTM reported.

  • Clinton wipes floor with Sanders

    Clinton wipes floor with Sanders

    March 16, 2016 06:24 Hot Recent News

    Hillary Clinton has so far won four of the five states where elections were held Tuesday. Besides Ohio, Florida and North Carolina Democrat also got the most votes in Illinois. In Missouri, the outcome is not yet known.

  • Austria helps Macedonia border control

    Austria helps Macedonia border control

    March 16, 2016 06:03 Hot Recent News

    Austria wants to help Macedonia to keep refugees out. That said, the Austrian Minister of Defense to the German newspaper Die Welt. The ministry looks ahead of time if they can provide technical equipment such as night vision so that the border security can be improved.

  • Apple: Founding Fathers would be shocked

    March 15, 2016 23:03 Hot Recent News

    The American founding fathers would,, shocked '' to work on the application of justice to technology Apple to unlock an iPhone from the San Bernardino-shooter. This enabled the technology company last Tuesday in a statement ahead of a hearing next week in a US court over the issue.

  • Rubio wins election for Washington DC

    Rubio wins election for Washington DC

    March 13, 2016 08:38 Hot Recent News

    Marco Rubio on Saturday won the Republican primaries in Washington DC. His opponent Ted Cruz went to Wyoming to profit off. When Democrats Hillary Clinton got on the Northern Mariana Islands, an island territory of the United States, the most votes.

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