• Life expectancy at 90 years

    Life expectancy at 90 years

    london February 21, 2017 23:39 Hot Recent News

    People are getting older. By 2030 life expectancy will pass the 90-year limit. So the girls will be born in 2030, leading South Korea are on average almost 91 years. Girls from France, Japan and Spain pick up the 90 just is not.

  • Gangs steal more and more cargo from trucks

    Gangs steal more and more cargo from trucks

    driebergen February 15, 2017 10:45 Hot Recent News

    Trucks with precious cargo are increasingly being targeted by gangs emptying the trailers in parking lots or even driving. This cargo theft occurs mainly in and along highways in the south of the Netherlands. Particularly the border at Hazeldonk is a hotspot for these gangs.

  • Prison for large digital bank robbery

    Prison for large digital bank robbery

    new york February 13, 2017 09:12 Hot Recent News

    A 35-year-old Turkish hacker has received eight years in prison in the United States. Findikoglu Ercan, who used the pseudonyms Segate, Predator and Oreon, was one of the key figures behind three major cyber attacks. That $ 55 million was captured, converted more than 50 million.

  • Hamon and Valls leading French candidates race

    Hamon and Valls leading French candidates race

    paris January 22, 2017 20:27 Hot Recent News

    The former minister Benoît Hamon and former Prime Minister Manuel Valls lie ahead in the elections for a presidential candidate of the French Socialist Party. This was reported by the electoral office of the party Sunday night based on the results of a little less than half of the polling stations.

  • 'You made me a better man '

    'You made me a better man '

    washington January 19, 2017 23:15 Hot Recent News

    Barack Obama, in his last hours of the presidency with a frank farewell letter thanked the American people for their resilience, kindness and hope. '.Jullie Made me a better president and a better person.'

  • Netflix unlimited popular

    Netflix unlimited popular

    los gatos (afn) January 19, 2017 07:06 Hot Recent News

    Netflix remains firmly hammering the road, especially internationally. US provider of Internet television saw in the fourth quarter, both inside and outside the United States customer growth rise firmly. It thus knew the expectation of analysts to surpass amply.

  • Standard stop columns Abou Jahjah

    Standard stop columns Abou Jahjah

    brussels January 9, 2017 15:54 Hot Recent News

    The Standard takes three years leave of columnist Dyab Abou Jahjah. The Belgian newspaper found its legitimation of the bombing in Jerusalem which killed four Israeli soldiers go too far. Abou Jahjah left his followers Sunday at Facebook know the Palestinian resistance, committed by any means necessary, to approve.

  • Malta, the new EU president

    Malta, the new EU president

    brussels December 31, 2016 23:15 Hot Recent News

    Malta adopted January 1 the rotating EU presidency from Slovakia. It is the first time that the southern European island nation of 415,000 people in charge get over the Council of Ministers in Brussels.

  • Merkel and Hollande: extend sanctions Russia

    Merkel and Hollande: extend sanctions Russia

    December 13, 2016 12:36 Hot Recent News

    The German and French governments want the European sanctions be extended against Russia. Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Francois Hollande announced it Tuesday. The two leaders believe that too little progress has been made in the peace in eastern Ukraine.

  • Compromise reached on German tolplannen

    Compromise reached on German tolplannen

    brussels December 1, 2016 10:00 Hot Recent News

    The European Commission and the German Government have reached a compromise according to insiders on the conditions which must satisfy any German tolls on the highways to. German broadcaster ARD reported on Thursday according to sources close to the negotiations, that the agreement will be announced later in the day.

  • Brussels wants money for weapons

    Brussels wants money for weapons

    brussels November 30, 2016 12:21 Hot Recent News

    The Member States of the European Union should stabbing money in the joint development and purchasing of weapons. A yet to be established European Defence Fund could be spent on eg drones, helicopters and ships term annual 5 billion.

  • What kind of club is Armenian Chapeco?

    What kind of club is Armenian Chapeco?

    November 29, 2016 10:00 Hot Recent News

    The Brazilian football Chapeco Armenian was Monday (local time) to process a horrendous blow. The first team was in the unit that crashed near the Colombian city of Medellin. Only six passengers would have survived the accident.

  • USA sharpen advice to Europe

    USA sharpen advice to Europe

    November 22, 2016 07:30 Hot Recent News

    Americans themselves have to be especially careful during the upcoming holiday season in Europe. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a so-called 'travel alert' because in the period ahead is an increased risk of terrorist attacks.

  • German spy chief fears Russians

    German spy chief fears Russians

    November 16, 2016 12:51 Hot Recent News

    The German domestic intelligence is deeply concerned about Russian interference in the Bundestag elections to be held next year. Chef Hans-Georg Maassen said Tuesday in an interview with Reuters a 'hybrid threat.'

  • Dijsselbloem: Brits lied about Brexit

    Dijsselbloem: Brits lied about Brexit

    london November 16, 2016 05:54 Hot Recent News

    British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson is lying to the people about the opportunities that exist after the Brexit ahead of Great Britain in the European context. That said Jeroen Dijsselbloem, President of the Eurogroup, the BBC program Newsnight.

  • Rotterdam test wireless charging car

    Rotterdam test wireless charging car

    rotterdam November 8, 2016 06:06 Hot Recent News

    Rotterdam gets to work with the application of a technique that electric cars can be recharged wirelessly. After two years of preparatory work together with three companies, the congregation begins Tuesday with a trial. ' Especially at taxi ranks and bus stops, this may be an ideal way to recharge the battery, '' Hans looks Boat Engie Services Netherlands ahead.

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