'Turnaround Trump on immigration '

'Turnaround Trump on immigration '

World February 28, 2017 22:24

washington - President Donald Trump is considering legislation for illegal immigrants in the United States paves the way for a legal status, but not directly to the American citizenship. That's what CNN and Politico reported Tuesday. They relied on information from a key official from the White House.

It is suspected that this is Trump himself, as a preview of his speech in the Senate, on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. He was at a luncheon with representatives of eighteen new companies have said that people who live long peacefully in the US and work and no crimes committed not need to be afraid of eviction. The country can use this relaxation of the bills or to reduce tension.

This turnaround in Trump's strict immigration policy would be surprising. Earlier, he had no opportunity to make the more than 10 million people without a residence permit deportation ahead.

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