• Long jail for reporters Iran

    Long jail for reporters Iran

    tehran April 26, 2016 17:28 Hot Recent News

    The revolutionary court in Tehran has sentenced four Iranian journalists to prison terms ranging from five to ten years. Confirming their lawyer. Against the sentence is appealed.

  • Turkey destroys IS rocket launchers

    Turkey destroys IS rocket launchers

    ankara April 26, 2016 16:07 Hot Recent News

    Turkish troops have destroyed Tuesday north of the Syrian city of Aleppo two rocket launchers of Islamic State. According to the army eleven militants were slain in the attack, while a building that was used was destroyed in the terrorist movement.

  • Icon Big Ben pauses

    Icon Big Ben pauses

    london April 26, 2016 14:49 Hot Recent News

    Big Ben, the iconic clock in the heart of London, is silent early 2017 several months. That's for the first time after almost 157 years, in which the clock barring major exceptions in service almost continuously.

  • Switzerland has a damn requirement Erdogan

    Switzerland has a damn requirement Erdogan

    geneva April 26, 2016 14:35 Hot Recent News

    Turkey has brought back down when attempting a critical picture that Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is displeasing to get away from an exhibition in Geneva. The plate simply remains in a large, open window depend on the central square in front of the European headquarters of the UN. That the Geneva alderman Guillaume Barazzone said Tuesday in a TV broadcast of SRF.,, Geneva, Switzerland guarantee the freedom of expression. ''

  • Neparts practicing two years on cruise ship
    0 Comment 771

    Neparts practicing two years on cruise ship

    April 26, 2016 13:42 Hot Recent News

    A forty-German nurse has long been two years as a ship's doctor on cruise ships. He treated both people on board as crewmembers. He has spent at least five years long as a doctor in clinics in Berlin, is in charge of the Public Ministry in Berlin.

  • Ukraine commemorates Chernobyl nuclear disaster

    Ukraine commemorates Chernobyl nuclear disaster

    April 26, 2016 12:35 Hot Recent News

    The Ukrainian government said Tuesday the victims of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, exactly thirty years ago, commemorated with a minute of silence. President Petro Poroshenko traveled with Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman and the mayor of Kiev Vitali Klitsjko flowers at the monument to the heroes of Chernobyl,, '' in the capital. The national anthem sounded and a eregarde fired gun salute.

  • Police guilty in Hillsborough

    Police guilty in Hillsborough

    london April 26, 2016 11:35 Hot Recent News

    The British police have made serious mistakes in 1989 around the deadly disaster in the semifinal of the FA Cup at the Hillsborough Stadium. Which held a jury Tuesday. Football fans who attended the match can not be blamed.

  • Traffickers take advantage of disaster in Nepal

    Traffickers take advantage of disaster in Nepal

    kathmandu April 26, 2016 10:07 Hot Recent News

    Traffickers have shamelessly taken advantage of the disastrous earthquake in Nepal a year ago. The number included victims from the impoverished country has increased by at least 15 percent in the months after the disaster. That can be seen from the increased times that could be taken in time.,, It is an alarming situation, '' Mohna Ansari said Tuesday on behalf of the National Human Rights Commission.

  • 'IS members plotting attacks in Sweden'

    'IS members plotting attacks in Sweden'

    stockholm April 26, 2016 09:21 Hot Recent News

    Members of the terrorist organization Islamic State are located in Sweden and intend it to carry out an attack. According to the Swedish newspaper Expressen, which relies on sources at the Swedish Security Service Säpo, are seven or eight extremists currently in the country.

  • sentenced organizer waterpark feast Taiwan

    sentenced organizer waterpark feast Taiwan

    April 26, 2016 07:49 Hot Recent News

    The organizer of a fateful party at a water park in Taiwan has been sentenced to four years and ten months in prison, reports. He is accused of negligence. During the party, a fire broke out, fifteen people died. More than five hundred people were injured.

  • Lacked manpower to monitor Abdeslam

    Lacked manpower to monitor Abdeslam

    brussels April 26, 2016 07:07 Hot Recent News

    The brothers Salah and Brahim Abdeslam could escape the attention of the police had to do with a lack of manpower. According to an interim report of the Committee P on the investigation into the attacks in Paris which the Belgian newspaper Le Soir quoted Tuesday. has a series of failures led to their file disappeared into a drawer.

  • Contaminated drinking water affects thousands of Spaniards

    Contaminated drinking water affects thousands of Spaniards

    barcelona April 26, 2016 06:14 Hot Recent News

    Thousands of people in the northeast of Spain have become ill after drinking water that was contaminated with particles of human feces. The Guardian reported Tuesday according to local health authorities which 4146 people in Catalonia have been treated with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and fever, which causes the so-called norovirus.

  • once suspected ex-president Guatemala

    once suspected ex-president Guatemala

    guatemala April 26, 2016 06:07 Hot Recent News

    Former Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina and his place substitute Roxana Baletti suspected of involvement in a new corruption scandal. The two ministers would have received bribes in the contracting of the construction of the container port of Puerto Quetzal. That was the indictment Monday.

  • New European satellite into space

    New European satellite into space

    kourou April 25, 2016 22:28 Hot Recent News

    Europe has again launched a satellite to monitor the earth. The probe, the Sentinel-1B, departed Monday from the Kourou space center in French Guiana. It is the twin brother of a satellite that was left in 2014, the Sentinel-1A.,, A finger on the pulse of the planet '', the Dutch astronaut André Kuipers said the mission earlier.

  • Plane crashes on house in US

    Plane crashes on house in US

    April 25, 2016 22:14 Hot Recent News

    A small plane crashed Monday on a house in Pompano Beach in Florida. The three passengers- two men and a woman- were seriously injured, said a spokeswoman for the fire department at the newspaper. The occupants of the house came with a fright.

  • 24 killed by pesticides in pastry

    24 killed by pesticides in pastry

    lahore April 25, 2016 22:07 Hot Recent News

    Twenty-four people in Pakistan deceased after laddu, fried dough balls with sugar, had eaten that contained pesticides. Dozens of others have ended up in the hospital, reported the Pakistani newspaper.

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