• American journalist Turkey no longer allowed in

    American journalist Turkey no longer allowed in

    April 25, 2016 18:35 Hot Recent News

    An American journalist who works and lives in Turkey is no longer in the country after a visit to Italy. Freelancer David Lepeska, who wrote told the Guardian, Al Jazeera, Foreign Affairs and a number of other publications, received from immigration officials at the airport in Istanbul that his visa had placed a travel ban,, '. After waiting for more than twenty hours Lepeska announced via Twitter that he only took the plane to Chicago.

  • Netherlands contribution to cleaning up 'Chernobyl'

    Netherlands contribution to cleaning up 'Chernobyl'

    April 25, 2016 18:28 Hot Recent News

    The Netherlands is one million additional contributions to the storage of nuclear waste from nuclear power stations in Chernobyl. Minister Bert Koenders (Foreign Affairs) said Monday to the amount. 1 million in addition to the 11 million euros that the Netherlands has contributed in recent years to clean up the effects of the nuclear disaster.

  • Abu Sayyaf rebels dumped severed head

    April 25, 2016 17:35 Hot Recent News

    Two men on a motorcycle on Monday in the town of Jolo in the same Philippine island dumped a plastic bag containing a head. The Islamist rebel group Abu Sayyaf had threatened to behead one of four hostages when Monday 15:00 local time no ransom of 300 million pesos (5.6 million euros) was paid for each of them.

  • US to send F-22 aircraft to Black Sea

    bucharest April 25, 2016 16:49 Hot Recent News

    Two highly advanced US F-22 warplanes flew Monday to the Black Sea. This is the first time since Washington's military aid to eastern European NATO allies reinforced after complaints about Russian aggression.

  • murdered gay magazine editor Bangladesh
    0 Comment 101

    murdered gay magazine editor Bangladesh

    dhaka April 25, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    An editor of the first magazine for gay, bisexual and transgender people in Bangladesh attacked with knives in an apartment and killed. That the BBC reports Monday based on media reports and statements by government officials.

  • Turkey destroys IS rocket launcher

    Turkey destroys IS rocket launcher

    ankara April 25, 2016 14:21 Hot Recent News

    Turkey has a rocket launcher of terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) destroyed in Syria, reported Turkish television stations Monday. The rocket launcher was about 20 kilometers from the Turkish border town of Kilis, which has been repeatedly targeted by rocket fire.

  • Turkey tried to stop Swedish documentary
    0 Comment 230

    Turkey tried to stop Swedish documentary

    stockholm April 25, 2016 13:35 Hot Recent News

    The Turkish embassy, ​​the Swedish television channel T4 touted to keep those of the broadcast of a documentary on the Armenian genocide. T4, however, ignored the request and sent the film Sunday night anyway. The station has the offending letter from the embassy posted on its website.

  • Islamic banking also supports Suriname
    0 Comment 154

    Islamic banking also supports Suriname

    April 25, 2016 13:28 Hot Recent News

    In the search for financial help Suriname can also put the Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) on his list. The Surinamese Minister of Finance Gillmore Hoefdraad announced that the bank established 1.75 billion dollars (1.55 billion euros) in Saudi Arabia has available to lend to Suriname.

  • Cat rescues mistress

    Cat rescues mistress

    April 25, 2016 12:42 Hot Recent News

    A female has her mistress from certain death rescued by fire. The animal meowed in the night from Sunday to Monday so loud that the woman woke up. There was a fire broke out and the house was already full of smoke. The woman could therefore leave just in time her home in Wernigerode, Germany.

  • ICC investigates violence Burundi

    ICC investigates violence Burundi

    April 25, 2016 11:42 Hot Recent News

    The International Criminal Court represents an investigation into the violence in which Burundi since the disputed re-election of President Pierre Nkurunziza has slipped. Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda says of evidence have to include torture, rape and imprisonment.

  • Bombing prepares for city Damascus

    Bombing prepares for city Damascus

    April 25, 2016 11:07 Hot Recent News

    A bomb attack on Monday at least six people were killed on the southern outskirts of Damascus. Given the number of serious injuries probably is not all it six, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. According to the Syrian government has taken a hospital.

  • Shooting at school France

    April 25, 2016 10:56 Hot Recent News

    In a shooting on Monday two people at a primary school in the French city of Grenoble died. One person was seriously injured. A source speaking close to the investigation of a targeted shooting.

  • Name Suggestion: Adolf Hitler School

    April 25, 2016 09:42 Hot Recent News

    The Robert E. Lee Elementary School in the Texas capital, Austin wants to make a new name and encouraged parents, administrators and neighbors out suggestions. The most notable was The Adolf Hitler School for Friendship and Tolerance.

  • Heavy losses for al-Qaeda Yemen

    Heavy losses for al-Qaeda Yemen

    April 25, 2016 09:07 Hot Recent News

    More than eight hundred fighters of al-Qaeda were killed in the battle for Mukalla, the main stronghold of the terrorist movement in southern Yemen. So says the alliance is shot under the leadership of Saudi Arabia, the Yemeni government to help and Sunday Mukalla invaded.

  • Australia picks teen because of plotting attack

    Australia picks teen because of plotting attack

    sydney April 25, 2016 07:42 Hot Recent News

    Australian police have a teenager arrested on suspicion of plotting an attack on the anniversary of the landing at Gallipoli during the First World War. Sixteen-year-old boy, who operated on their own, according to the police, would have wanted to purchase a firearm.

  • Cruz and Kasich join forces

    Cruz and Kasich join forces

    April 25, 2016 06:14 Hot Recent News

    Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and John Kasich have agreed to stay out of each other's way during the remaining primaries. In this way they hope favorite Donald Trump to let the election victory.

  • 'Government Mexico prevented research students'

    'Government Mexico prevented research students'

    April 25, 2016 05:49 Hot Recent News

    According to an independent team of experts, the Mexican government has obstructed the investigation into the disappearance of the 43 Mexican college students. Reported from the Inter-American Commission of experts for the Protection of Human Rights in its final report which was published Sunday.

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