• Belgium police arrested 352 migrants

    Belgium police arrested 352 migrants

    brussels October 8, 2015 09:17 Hot Recent News

    Police in Belgium have arrested 352 people in two weeks who have entered the country without papers. There are also two smugglers arrested. That Minister Jan Jambon of Interior told the newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws and De Morgen.

  • Acid Gooier Delhaize is sane

    Acid Gooier Delhaize is sane

    antwerp October 8, 2015 07:39 Hot Recent News

    Jelle F. the Dutch man who it is thought a cleaning of the Belgian supermarket chain Delhaize to have doused with acid , is accountable. Conclude gerechtspyschiaters according to the Flemish press agency Belga.

  • Robot as smart as a toddler

    Robot as smart as a toddler

    cambridge October 7, 2015 23:48 Hot Recent News

    A group of scientists has developed a machine that is as intelligent as a child of four . According to scientists, it is only a matter of time before the artificial brain is smarter than man.

  • Obama excuse for hospital Kunduz

    Obama excuse for hospital Kunduz

    October 7, 2015 22:20 Hot Recent News

    US President Barack Obama has personally apologized to MSF for the bloody raid on a hospital of that organization in the Afghan city of Kunduz. That the White House on Wednesday. Obama telephoned the head of MSF, Joanne Liu.

  • IS used mustard gas in Iraq

    IS used mustard gas in Iraq

    erbil October 9, 2015 21:57 Hot Recent News

    Islamic State (IS) mustard gas used during battles in August with Kurdish fighters ( Peshmerga ) in northern Iraq. That has shown examination of blood samples , the Kurdish ministry explained that the peshmerga is Wednesday .

  • Merkel: Dublin rules are outdated

    Merkel: Dublin rules are outdated

    strasbourg November 2, 2015 23:06 Hot Recent News

    The Dublin agreement , which states that the country where a refugee enters the EU , is also responsible for handling the asylum procedure is obsolete. That said German Chancellor Angela Merkel Wednesday during a speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

  • Terrorism investigation into Toyota's IS

    Terrorism investigation into Toyota's IS

    October 9, 2015 21:51 Hot Recent News

    American fighters of terrorism have the second car manufacturer in the world , Toyota, knocked on the fleet of Islamic State (IS) . The Americans are surprised at the huge numbers of Toyota pick-up trucks and SUVs where the jihadists it through Iraq , Syria and Libya ride .

  • US will not fight with Russia in Syria

    US will not fight with Russia in Syria

    October 7, 2015 17:25 Hot Recent News

    The US military will not cooperate with Russia in Syria because the Russian strategy " tragic failure" . But Washington is ready to hold technical consultations with Moscow to try not to endanger the lives of fighter pilots from the two countries . That the US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter , Wednesday stressed.

  • Lifetime double of poisoning Belgium

    Lifetime double of poisoning Belgium

    brussels October 9, 2015 21:51 Hot Recent News

    A 47 year old Belgian who poisoned his wife in 2009 and in 2013 his girlfriend, was Wednesday sentenced to life imprisonment. "The facts are repugnant and cowardly acts", stated the jury and the court in Ghent on the former pharmacist. "He acted methodically and purposefully".

  • Hollande: We were slow

    Hollande: We were slow

    strasbourg October 7, 2015 17:20 Hot Recent News

    Europe was slow to recognize that the tragedy in North Africa and the Middle East also had an impact on Europe . That said, French President Francois Hollande Wednesday during a speech at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. He was referring specifically to the problems in this region that led to massive fled , with Europe as final destination.

  • Wife is seven dead in McDonald's

    Wife is seven dead in McDonald's

    November 2, 2015 23:06 Hot Recent News

    Mc Refugee they are listed in Hong Kong ; refugees seeking refuge in a place to sleep in the hamburger chain . Saturday was found there a dead woman ; her lifeless body was noticed by Friday no eater and she has lain there all night.

  • Cell for Anglican bishop for abuse

    Cell for Anglican bishop for abuse

    london October 7, 2015 16:19 Hot Recent News

    A 83 -year-old former bishop of the English Anglican Church has been condemned for years of abuse of boys and young men. Peter Ball was given 47 months' imprisonment imposed for the abuse that took place between the seventies and nineties.

  • Russians bombard IS from Caspian Sea

    Russians bombard IS from Caspian Sea

    moscow October 7, 2015 15:02 Hot Recent News

    From four Russian naval vessels are 26 rockets fired at positions of Islamic state in Syria . This is the Russian Defense Minister , Sergei Sjoigoe , Wednesday. The distance between the Caspian Sea and Syria is about 750 kilometers .

  • Netanyahu says trip to Germany off

    Netanyahu says trip to Germany off

    October 7, 2015 14:30 Hot Recent News

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Thursday in Germany canceled for security reasons. There are already ten days of violence in the occupied territories as a result of increased tensions between Israelis and Palestinians.

  • Khamenei rejects negotiations with SS

    Khamenei rejects negotiations with SS

    tehran October 7, 2015 14:19 Hot Recent News

    Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei rejecting further negotiations with the United States down . The highest spiritual leader of the country said Wednesday , three months after Tehran after three years negotiating a nuclear treaty signed with the Americans. He has the treaty , a political victory for President Rohani , incidentally, never endorsed publicly .

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