• Weather death and destruction during marriage Yemen

    Weather death and destruction during marriage Yemen

    sanaa October 8, 2015 18:05 Hot Recent News

    For the second time within a few weeks by a bombing in Yemen killed during a wedding party. This time, a banquet hall in the city Sanban affected where three newlywed couples celebrated their commitment. Certainly 51 people were killed , including three two brides and grooms.

  • Coral reef bleaching worldwide

    Coral reef bleaching worldwide

    October 9, 2015 21:59 Hot Recent News

    The coral reef in the world is to lead to whitening. According to scientists, to 38 percent of coral reefs are affected thereby. The US and Australian researchers say the lead to whitening is a result of higher ocean temperatures. This would more than 12,000 square kilometers of reef may be lost, reports the newspaper Brisbane Times.

  • German leaders give Merkel boost

    German leaders give Merkel boost

    bremen October 8, 2015 17:56 Hot Recent News

    Numerous leading politicians Thursday German Chancellor Angela Merkel a heart tucked under the belt . Merkel said Wednesday in a television interview not to deviate from its generous asylum policy. That policy is increasingly under fire in Germany .

  • NASA 'spectacular' news about Pluto

    NASA 'spectacular' news about Pluto

    October 8, 2015 17:55 Hot Recent News

    The US space agency Nasa has unveiled big news about the planet Pluto . Planetoloog Alan Stern of NASA , the stunning discovery itself hardly believe it. "Unfortunately I can not say anything about what NASA Thursday will tell . But it's spectacular".

  • ICC will investigate crimes Georgia

    ICC will investigate crimes Georgia

    October 9, 2015 21:58 Hot Recent News

    Prosecutors from the International Criminal Court (ICC) will begin conducting research into possible war crimes in Georgia . Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda complainant , the judges of the international court in The Hague to request authorization to open an investigation , the ICC reported Thursday .

  • NATO should not be set to play

    NATO should not be set to play

    brussels October 8, 2015 15:14 Hot Recent News

    The international coalition against Islamic State (IS) in Syria should not play apart from Russia. Russia is working to position itself as a military power , but that we should not be distracted from our goal, the control of IS . That said Defense Minister Jeanine Hennis -Plas Chart Thursday in Brussels , where NATO defense ministers are gathered .

  • IS fear brain drain

    IS fear brain drain

    raqqa October 8, 2015 14:16 Hot Recent News

    The EU gets help from notable corner in his efforts to the unrelenting flow of refugees from Iraq and Syria to halt . Terror Group IS fears a brain drain and is now itself launched an offensive to stop the exodus .

  • Who will win the Nobel Peace Prize

    Who will win the Nobel Peace Prize

    oslo October 8, 2015 13:57 Hot Recent News

    The main Nobel Prize is still allowed to Peace . Last year won Malala Yousafzai and the Indian activist Kailash Satyarthi the prestigious prize , but who's going to run off tomorrow ? Some of the contenders .

  • AB InBev surprised SABMiller bid rejection

    AB InBev surprised SABMiller bid rejection

    brussels October 9, 2015 21:58 Hot Recent News

    Brewer AB InBev is surprised by the rejection of its tender offer for SABMiller . According to AB InBev 's bid of 68 billion pounds (about 92 billion) " significant value " for all involved , the company reported in a statement Thursday .

  • Inspired Merkel draws 3.45 million viewers

    Inspired Merkel draws 3.45 million viewers

    October 8, 2015 13:51 Hot Recent News

    The interview with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the German broadcaster ARD on Wednesday has drawn an estimated 3.45 million viewers. In the measurement of audience ratings showed that many young people had looked at the show , which was hosted by Anne Will .

  • Temple Mount taboo for Israeli politicians

    Temple Mount taboo for Israeli politicians

    jerusalem October 8, 2015 13:49 Hot Recent News

    Israeli ministers and legislators may temporarily not show their face seen in holy places on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. In an effort tensions between Israel and the Palestinians what to reduce , Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has forbidden them to go to those places.

  • Belgium police arrested 352 migrants

    Belgium police arrested 352 migrants

    brussels October 8, 2015 09:17 Hot Recent News

    Police in Belgium have arrested 352 people in two weeks who have entered the country without papers. There are also two smugglers arrested. That Minister Jan Jambon of Interior told the newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws and De Morgen.

  • Acid Gooier Delhaize is sane

    Acid Gooier Delhaize is sane

    antwerp October 8, 2015 07:39 Hot Recent News

    Jelle F. the Dutch man who it is thought a cleaning of the Belgian supermarket chain Delhaize to have doused with acid , is accountable. Conclude gerechtspyschiaters according to the Flemish press agency Belga.

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