• EU agreement on exchange of personal data

    EU agreement on exchange of personal data

    luxembourg October 9, 2015 14:11 Hot Recent News

    It will be easier for the police and judiciary in the 28 Member States of the European Union to exchange personal data. EU Justice Ministers in Luxembourg Friday reached a joint position, according to them, provides sufficient safeguards for privacy protection.

  • Turkey talks with NATO on Patriots

    Turkey talks with NATO on Patriots

    ankara October 9, 2015 14:02 Hot Recent News

    Turkey will consult with NATO and several individual countries about strengthening his defense because of the threat from Syria . The talks also comes the deployment of Patriot air defense systems discussed. That left the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Friday .

  • Nobel Peace consultative body to Tunisia

    oslo October 29, 2015 23:33 Hot Recent News

    The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded Friday to a Tunisian political consultative body , the National Dialogue Quartet. This has the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced Friday in Oslo . The organization praises the winner because the Quartet meant that there could be a peaceful dialogue between citizens following the Arab Spring in Tunisia.

  • Drugs Baron puts reward on head Trump

    Drugs Baron puts reward on head Trump

    October 9, 2015 21:48 Hot Recent News

    The fugitive Mexican drug lord Joaquin " El Chapo " Guzmán has a reward of 100 million dollars ( 88 million euros) put on the head of the American tycoon Donald Trump. He's angry because Trump, who wants to participate in the US elections, racist remarks made ​​about Mexicans , as South American media reported Friday.

  • Iranian general slain in battle in Syria

    Iranian general slain in battle in Syria

    tehran October 9, 2015 21:48 Hot Recent News

    An Iranian military advisor , Gen. Hossein Hamedani , in the fight in the suburbs of the Syrian city of Aleppo killed. The Iranian news channel Press TV reported Friday . Hamedani belonged to the elite forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Who Friday announced that " commander Hamedani during the previous night by terrorists of Islamic State (IS) has been slain ."

  • France bombards camp IS

    France bombards camp IS

    October 9, 2015 12:42 Hot Recent News

    France has in the fight against Islamic State (IS) for the second time air strikes carried out in Syria . French Defense Minister Jean -Yves Le Drian has for the broadcaster Europe 1 said that a training camp was attacked and hit in the night from Thursday to Friday .

  • Premier urges for calm mosque in Sydney

    Premier urges for calm mosque in Sydney

    sydney October 9, 2015 21:48 Hot Recent News

    Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has urged Friday for calm while the police from Sydney prepares for rallies around a mosque . Turnbull said it believed should respect each other . That's what he says to the people in a society made ​​up of different population groups , links . Turnbull blamed anti-Islamic protesters in the city the work of the police and security very difficult.

  • Shortage police Germany by refugees

    Shortage police Germany by refugees

    October 9, 2015 12:09 Hot Recent News

    Police in Germany is busy with the flood of refugees to the country. Tens of thousands of police officers are concerned with the refugees, but according to police union DPoIG are still needed 20 000 additional agents. "The pressure on the police for months at record levels ," said Rainer Wendt of the union Friday .

  • Mali elephants threatened by poaching

    Mali elephants threatened by poaching

    bamako October 9, 2015 11:45 Hot Recent News

    Elephants in the desert of Mali are threatened by poaching. According to the United Nations this year are already 57 of the approximately three hundred elephants slain in the North African country . Marauders make good use of the insecurity in the region . Waiting park are threatened by Islamists , according to the UN.

  • Belgium wants record companies register

    Belgium wants record companies register

    brussels October 9, 2015 11:43 Hot Recent News

    Companies that have been convicted of crimes should be easier to find in a register. Koen Geens Minister of Justice will therefore in the criminal set up a separate section where ' criminal records ' businesses are incorporated . Writes the Belgian newspaper De Tijd Friday .

  • First refugees redistributed

    First refugees redistributed

    brussels October 9, 2015 21:59 Hot Recent News

    A group of refugees who knocked and registered in Italy on Friday moved to Sweden . It is the first so-called reallocation of refugees to other parts of Europe since the European Union was agreed on this . The EU hopes to relieve the neighboring countries Italy and Greece.

  • Ethiopia wants to build mega airport

    Ethiopia wants to build mega airport

    October 9, 2015 10:15 Hot Recent News

    Airport Commercial Airports Enterprise Ethiopia wants to build an airport where each year 120 million travelers can make use of . The airport needs to serve as a hub for the entire African continent , a company spokesman said Friday .

  • American band on tour in eastern Ukraine

    American band on tour in eastern Ukraine

    donetsk October 9, 2015 04:18 Hot Recent News

    American rock band Limp Bizkit is planning to give concerts in Eastern Ukraine . Singer Fred Durst has shown to the Russian newspaper Izvestia that they will occur in the cities of Donetsk and Lugansk , because the local authorities had therefore requested.

  • Playmobil denies racist puppet

    sacramento November 2, 2015 23:07 Hot Recent News

    He has dark skin , dark hair and around his neck hangs a collar as slaves used to wear . Playmobil made ​​a doll that way and promptly complained a mother from Sacramento in California at the company that it was racist . German toy manufacturer defended himself by saying that it is a pirate who was once a slave.

  • Countries around Syria promise better care

    Countries around Syria promise better care

    luxembourg October 8, 2015 23:13 Hot Recent News

    Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan , the countries that receive millions of Syrians , promise to improve basic services for the refugees. That is largely financed by European money. The three countries also pledged Thursday to reinforce the efforts of the registration of refugees, border security and tackling smugglers .

  • Lavrov and Kerry calls on Syria

    Lavrov and Kerry calls on Syria

    October 8, 2015 23:11 Hot Recent News

    Sergey Lavrov and John Kerry on Thursday by telephone discussed the situation in Syria. The foreign ministers of Russia and the United States discussed the coordination of the attacks on Islamic State, informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Moscow.

  • Oklahoma executed with the wrong drug

    Oklahoma executed with the wrong drug

    October 8, 2015 23:10 Hot Recent News

    The US state of Oklahoma has used the wrong way in January in the execution of the murderer Charles Warner. Instead of potassium chloride, that the heart stops, potassium acetate was injected. Writes the newspaper The Oklahoman.

  • Rome mayor to step on expenses

    Rome mayor to step on expenses

    rome October 8, 2015 23:08 Hot Recent News

    Ignazio Marino is Thursday resigned as mayor of Rome . He was caught in a declaration scandal . The image of his Democratic Party, of which the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is a member , is too much violated , finds Marino.

  • Postponing election Republican president

    Postponing election Republican president

    October 8, 2015 23:05 Hot Recent News

    Republicans have Thursday postponed the election of a new Speaker of the House of Representatives. The American party did so after the favorite for the role, Kevin McCarthy, retired unexpectedly from the race for the succession of John Boehner, reports CNN.

  • Pluto 'blue sky'
    0 Comment 242

    Pluto 'blue sky'

    boulder October 8, 2015 23:03 Hot Recent News

    Pluto may compared to Earth barely have an atmosphere, what little gas around the dwarf planet seems something in the atmosphere around our planet. New color photos of the New Horizons probe has sent back, clearly shows a blue shell around Pluto.

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