• Feathers bring 12 000 migrants to Piraeus

    Feathers bring 12 000 migrants to Piraeus

    October 7, 2015 14:16 Hot Recent News

    The Greek port of Piraeus within twelve hours received 12 000 refugees on the quays. Ferries brought Tuesday 7000 migrants who came from the islands of Lesbos and Chios . Wednesday morning there were another 5000 people who were picked up at the North Aegean islands.

  • MSF wants international commission Kunduz

    MSF wants international commission Kunduz

    amsterdam October 9, 2015 21:50 Hot Recent News

    Aid organization Doctors Without Borders wants an international Swiss-based body examines the US attack on the MSF hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz. It is founded in the 1991 International Humanitarian Fact -Finding Commission ( IHFFC ), stands in a statement distributed Wednesday by MSF . It would be the first mission of this committee that sits in Bern .

  • Turks killed four Kurdish robbers

    Turks killed four Kurdish robbers

    diyarbakir October 7, 2015 11:37 Hot Recent News

    Turkish security forces are hunting for bank robbers killed four Kurdish militants . It is not clear if the Kurds were the robbers . The incident took place in Bismil , in the southeastern province of Diyarbakir , said Wednesday the authorities in the region .

  • Cube Jellyfish kills German woman
    0 Comment 120

    Cube Jellyfish kills German woman

    bangkok October 7, 2015 11:12 Hot Recent News

    A twenty-year- woman from the German Göttingen in Thailand by contact with a highly venomous box jellyfish killed . The woman was Tuesday evening on the holiday island of Koh Samui with a friend to go swimming when both were touched by the tentacles of a jellyfish. In the hospital died, the 20 -year-old , the other was only minor injuries , according to the Thai police .

  • European Union opens hunt for smugglers

    European Union opens hunt for smugglers

    brussels October 7, 2015 10:02 Hot Recent News

    The European Union is since Wednesday in the Mediterranean in search of smugglers . Under the code name Sophia Search naval forces especially the routes from Libya to Italy. Coordination is in the hands of the Italian Admiral Enrico CREDENDINO in Rome .

  • China typhoon death toll to 19

    China typhoon death toll to 19

    October 7, 2015 09:41 Hot Recent News

    The death toll from a typhoon that swept across southeast China , has risen to nineteen . There are still four people missing, the Chinese news agency Xinhua reported Wednesday . Most deaths occurred in Guangdong province . People came , inter alia, that by tornadoes and landslides caused by the storm .

  • Man executed for murder and steal $ 8

    Man executed for murder and steal $ 8

    November 2, 2015 23:15 Hot Recent News

    In the US state of Texas on Tuesday executed a man convicted of murdering and robbing a Mexican immigrant in 1998. The man confessed that he dooschoot the Mexican, but denied the robbery. Eight dollars he would have made according to prosecutors loot . The theft was used during his sentencing as an aggravating factor.

  • Important visitors in Parliament

    Important visitors in Parliament

    strasbourg November 2, 2015 23:05 Hot Recent News

    MEPs Wednesday a day of visiting dignitaries . Not only does the Spanish king Felipe in the plenary hall of the European Parliament in Strasbourg politicians from the 28 EU countries increasing. In the afternoon, take the French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel participate in a debate .

  • Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded

    Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded

    stockholm October 9, 2015 21:49 Hot Recent News

    The Nobel committee in Sweden Wednesday announce who will receive this year's Nobel Prize for Chemistry. The award ceremony is on December 10 , the anniversary of Alfred Nobel. The winners will divide a sum of over € 850,000 .

  • Arrests after killing police officer Sydney

    Arrests after killing police officer Sydney

    sydney October 7, 2015 09:08 Hot Recent News

    On several raids on homes in Sydney, Australia Wednesday five people have been arrested. They are suspected of involvement in the murder of a police officer last Friday. A fifteen year old boy opened fire on a police station in Sydney and was shot by officers .

  • Another big brawl in German care

    Another big brawl in German care

    October 7, 2015 07:55 Hot Recent News

    In an asylum centers in Braunschweig, Germany on Tuesday evening was a big brawl. About three hundred refugees were facing each other . There was disagreement between Algerians and Syrians about stolen goods . No one was injured. The police made ​​an arrest.

  • Moscow denies harassing IS in Palmyra

    Moscow denies harassing IS in Palmyra

    damascus October 7, 2015 00:37 Hot Recent News

    Moscow denies that Russian warplanes have carried out attacks Tuesday on targets of Islamic State (IS) in the city of Palmyra in Syria . An official of the Russian Defense Ministry called reports about the Syrian state " an absolute lie " .

  • Deaths from floods US

    Deaths from floods US

    October 7, 2015 00:36 Hot Recent News

    Severe weather in the US states of South and North Carolina has killed at least thirteen people died . The victims were killed by heavy floods that were caused by heavy rainfall. The victims drowned or were killed in traffic accidents.

  • Attack in Kunduz was mistake command US

    Attack in Kunduz was mistake command US

    October 9, 2015 21:46 Hot Recent News

    The US air raid on a hospital in Kunduz was a mistake of the US command in that country. The attack was done at the request of the Afghan armed forces. This said the US commander of the troops involved in Afghanistan, Gen. John Campbell , at a parliamentary inquiry .

  • America is not happy with EU data decision

    America is not happy with EU data decision

    November 2, 2015 23:15 Hot Recent News

    America is not happy with the decision of the European Court of Justice on Tuesday personal data of European Internet users. Which can not simply be transferred to the United States. The judges put a line through a decision of the European Commission in 2000 , which had identified the United States as a 'safe haven' for private data .

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