Turkey tried to stop Swedish documentary

Turkey tried to stop Swedish documentary

World April 25, 2016 13:35

stockholm - The Turkish embassy, ​​the Swedish television channel T4 touted to keep those of the broadcast of a documentary on the Armenian genocide. T4, however, ignored the request and sent the film Sunday night anyway. The station has the offending letter from the embassy posted on its website.

Turkey recognizes that many Armenians died in the final days of the Ottoman Empire, but strongly opposes the loaded label 'genocide', which includes the United Nations and the Netherlands have adhered to the events. The Turkish Embassy in Stockholm emphasized in its request to T4 to respect the freedom of expression, but hopes to convince the transmitter of its reading.

Europe is growing suspicion about Turkish involvement in the media and the arts. The Turkish government asked Germany among others in recent weeks to the prosecution of a TV comedian and makes a lot of work to propagate its views on contentious issues such as the Armenian genocide.

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