• Canada rolls on child porn network

    Canada rolls on child porn network

    toronto April 28, 2016 19:14 Hot Recent News

    Canadian police have eighty people arrested in an investigation into child pornography. Certainly twenty minor children would have become a victim in the case, police said Thursday. Possible follow later more arrests.

  • Plane back with dented nose

    Plane back with dented nose

    seattle April 28, 2016 19:07 Hot Recent News

    A unit of American Airlines after a collision with a bird returned to the Seattle airport. The plane with 150 people and six crew members on board became remarkably badly damaged; there was a big dent in the nose of the aircraft.

  • Trio fixed for terror in US

    Trio fixed for terror in US

    April 28, 2016 18:07 Hot Recent News

    The US federal police have made three arrests in connection with the terrorist attack in San Bernardino on December 2, in which fourteen people lost their lives. Among those arrested, according to US media, the older brother of one of the two perpetrators, Rizwan Syed Farook.

  • 'Vatican was target of terror '

    'Vatican was target of terror '

    rome April 28, 2016 17:56 Hot Recent News

    Police in Italy have arrested four people who want to join are suspected to have them in terrorist organization Islamic State. Three of them wanted to commit attacks, according to the authorities in Rome. The Israeli Embassy and the Vatican were potential targets.

  • Violent riots by French protests
    0 Comment 162

    Violent riots by French protests

    April 28, 2016 17:49 Hot Recent News

    In various towns in France is Thursday came to violent clashes between demonstrators and police. Opponents of the new Labour according to French media took to the streets in include Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux and Rennes.

  • Japan passes broken space telescope

    Japan passes broken space telescope

    April 28, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    A prestigious Japanese space mission failed. The space telescope Hitomi (eye pupil) had to scour the universe, but is broken up into pieces. Research shows that it can not be saved, the Japanese space agency JAXA announced on Thursday.

  • Ukraine: Russia late sister pilote go

    Ukraine: Russia late sister pilote go

    moscow April 28, 2016 15:56 Hot Recent News

    Russia has freed the sister of Russia detained Ukrainian helicopter pilot Nadezhda Savtsjenko. Has stated Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko Thursday. The Russian authorities held according sister Vira Ukraine firmly at the border between Ukraine and Russia in Russia when she wanted to travel.

  • Prison for arson in German azc

    Prison for arson in German azc

    dresden April 28, 2016 15:49 Hot Recent News

    A court in Dresden has sentenced two men to three years and eight months in prison for arson at a migrant shelter which had not yet been put into operation. According to German media, the court had serious count the two did so partly out of xenophobia.

  • Turkey closes journalists

    Turkey closes journalists

    ankara April 28, 2016 15:14 Hot Recent News

    A Turkish court has sentenced two journalists to two years in prison for printing a controversial front page of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. That has let their newspaper Cumhuriyet Thursday knowledge, writes Reuters.

  • 'Collision with drone Heathrow unconfirmed

    'Collision with drone Heathrow unconfirmed

    london April 28, 2016 14:14 Hot Recent News

    The pilot of an airliner reported on April 17 collided with a drone at the approach of Heathrow airport, but researchers increasingly doubtful whether this was the case. What it was is still unclear, but it's going to assume,, it was not a drone incident. That said British Transport Minister Patrick McLoughlin Thursday in the House of Commons.

  • Labour suspends Livingstone

    Labour suspends Livingstone

    london April 28, 2016 13:49 Hot Recent News

    The British politician and former mayor of London Ken Livingstone was suspended by his Labour party. Livingstone would have his party into disrepute with statements about Hitler and Zionism.

  • Brussels urges Germany to tolplan

    Brussels urges Germany to tolplan

    brussels April 28, 2016 12:42 Hot Recent News

    The German plan to introduce tolls for passenger cars should be adjusted. There is discrimination against foreign drivers and that is contrary to European rules. The European Commission urges Germany Thursday also customize this, otherwise threatens a corridor to the European Court of Justice.

  • British brutally attacked in Thailand

    British brutally attacked in Thailand

    April 28, 2016 12:21 Hot Recent News

    SHOCKING IMAGES Two men and a woman from Great Britain are on the street in Thailand brutally attacked by local drunks. The three family members were beaten and kicked as they lay on the ground and then left unconscious. The brawl are violent cropped images.

  • Drugs Victims Germany increases

    Drugs Victims Germany increases

    April 28, 2016 12:07 Hot Recent News

    The number of drug-related deaths has risen in Germany last year to 1226, an increase of nearly 20 percent. This is evident from the figures on drug-related crime which presented the government commissioner responsible Marlene Mortler Thursday in Berlin.

  • Lebanon army kills IS ringleader

    Lebanon army kills IS ringleader

    April 28, 2016 11:35 Hot Recent News

    Lebanese armed forces have slain Thursday in a mountainous region on the border with Syria, a leader of Islamic State. That's what the Lebanese national news agency NNA reported and a source in the security services.

  • 'Abdeslam booed by other radicals

    'Abdeslam booed by other radicals

    April 28, 2016 11:28 Hot Recent News

    Terror Suspect Salah Abdeslam upon arrival in the prison of Fleury-Merogis booed by other extremists. They would be angry with him because he would not blow themselves during the attacks in Paris in Brussels.

  • Arrests after suicide attack Bursa

    Arrests after suicide attack Bursa

    April 28, 2016 10:49 Hot Recent News

    Turkish police, according to the Interior Minister fifteen people were arrested following the suicide attack in Bursa. There blew a woman Wednesday near the main mosque in which eight people were injured. A number of arrests were made outside the city. The persons concerned be heard elsewhere in the province. Details were not given.

  • 20 dead after air raid Aleppo

    20 dead after air raid Aleppo

    aleppo April 28, 2016 09:56 Hot Recent News

    An air strike on the Al-Quds hospital in the part of the Syrian city of Aleppo that the rebels held Thursday claimed the lives of twenty people, including three children. The last pediatrician was killed, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights in the besieged area.

  • Iodine Pills for all in nuclear disaster Belgium
    0 Comment 106

    Iodine Pills for all in nuclear disaster Belgium

    brussels April 28, 2016 09:14 Hot Recent News

    No later than 2017 should be able to get everyone in Belgium iodine pills in case of a nuclear disaster. The pills must limit the damage to health. The Belgian Health Minister Maggie De Block is working on a distribution system that should stand on its feet at the latest next year, Belgian media reported Thursday.

  • Suriname celebrates King's Day
    0 Comment 175

    Suriname celebrates King's Day

    April 28, 2016 08:49 Hot Recent News

    Who knows Suriname follows that relations have reached between the Netherlands and the former colony since the election of Desi Bouterse as president in the refrigerator. But not last night. It has become a well-known tradition that the Dutch Embassy in Paramaribo on the pier of the leading hotel Torarica celebrates King's as if the king in Suriname also what to crumble in the milk has.

  • Doctors Suriname ring alarm bells
    0 Comment 109

    Doctors Suriname ring alarm bells

    April 28, 2016 07:42 Hot Recent News

    Association Medici in Suriname (VMS) is sounding the alarm about the health situation in the country. Due to lack of money, there is a serious shortage of medical supplies, thereby improving the quality of care is under pressure, standing in a statement issued Wednesday.

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