• Again bombed hospital in Aleppo

    Again bombed hospital in Aleppo

    aleppo April 29, 2016 12:21 Hot Recent News

    For the second time in a week is Friday bombed a hospital in the Syrian city of Aleppo. The attack on the Al-Marja were several people injured, including a nurse. That said, the civil defense organization White Helmets against the Arab news channel al-Jazeera.

  • Already more than 2015 tigers poached

    Already more than 2015 tigers poached

    April 29, 2016 12:00 Hot Recent News

    Already slain more tigers in India than in the whole year 2015. Friday, according to figures from an Indian conservation organization. According to the Wildlife Protection Society this year are poached for 28 tigers, three more than last year.

  • Poland wards Kremlin motorcycle

    Poland wards Kremlin motorcycle

    moscow April 29, 2016 11:56 Hot Recent News

    The Polish ambassador in Moscow Friday at the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned. Ambassador Katarzyna Pełczyńska-Nalecz must come and explain, according to the Russian news agency RIA on the refusal to allow members of a Russian motorcycle club.

  • Trapped woman dies at German farm

    Trapped woman dies at German farm

    hoxter April 29, 2016 11:14 Hot Recent News

    A couple has been arrested in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia after a woman was deceased for weeks on their farm was held captive in Höxter. That the Prosecution disclosed in Paderborn Friday.

  • Scout Leader in jail for adultery

    Scout Leader in jail for adultery

    arnhem April 29, 2016 11:00 Hot Recent News

    A 45-year-old man in Pigeon has been sentenced to a prison term of eighteen months, six of which were suspended, because he committed lewd acts with a girl. That happened from November 2012 last two years with the then thirteen year old child. The man, a scout leader, created according to the court aware of opportunities to be alone with the victim.

  • Australian woman kidnapped in Afghanistan

    Australian woman kidnapped in Afghanistan

    sydney April 29, 2016 10:56 Hot Recent News

    An Australian woman who worked as a social worker abducted in Afghanistan on Thursday morning from her office in the eastern city of Jalalabad. Australia is committed together with the Afghan government to free her, said Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop Friday.

  • Dozens arrested in riots in Paris

    Dozens arrested in riots in Paris

    April 29, 2016 09:42 Hot Recent News

    Police in Paris have arrested 27 people after overnight riots with large groups of masked youths in the city center. The riots followed a day of demonstrations against reforms of French labor law, which it also came to violent confrontations.

  • Construction workers found 600 kg of Roman coins

    Construction workers found 600 kg of Roman coins

    April 29, 2016 08:49 Hot Recent News

    Construction workers have this week during excavation work in Tomares in Seville found a treasure of 600 kilos of Roman coins, writes the Spanish newspaper El País. The bronze coins from the third or fourth century AD, were in nineteen amphorae, earthenware jugs.

  • 'Scratch obligation to seek older unemployed '

    'Scratch obligation to seek older unemployed '

    tilburg April 29, 2016 06:21 Hot Recent News

    The obligation to seek work for young unemployed must disappear. Before that advocates labor sociologist Jan Cremers from the University of Tilburg. 'Take away the frustration of having to constantly have to apply again to no avail by people to be give the option no longer available,' said Cremers.

  • Woman getting high position in US army

    washington April 29, 2016 06:14 Hot Recent News

    For the first time in history there is a woman named officer of the American infantry. Commander Kristen Griest was appointed this week. The US military called a milestone now women can hold leadership positions in the army.

  • Apple employee commits suicide on workplace

    Apple employee commits suicide on workplace

    cupertino April 29, 2016 06:07 Hot Recent News

    An Apple employee has been shot in the head at the headquarters of the computer company in Cupertino. The 25-year-old Edward Thomas Mackowiak committed suicide in the workplace, reported local authorities of Santa Clara in the US state of California. His body was Wednesday found, but the news came Thursday (local time) pass out.

  • Prince possibly deceased by painkillers

    Prince possibly deceased by painkillers

    April 29, 2016 06:00 Hot Recent News

    Strong painkillers such as Percocet may have played a role in the death of Prince. Reported that investigators determine whether the American pop star received medication from a doctor or died from an overdose, according to US media.

  • Letter powder delivered to Donald Trump

    Letter powder delivered to Donald Trump

    April 29, 2016 05:56 Hot Recent News

    A letter containing a suspicious white substance is Thursday evening (local time) delivered to Donald Trump in his Trump Tower in Manhattan. According to CNN, the envelope was opened by an assistant, and security alerted the authorities.

  • 'British agents know who abducted Maddie '

    'British agents know who abducted Maddie '

    April 28, 2016 21:14 Hot Recent News

    The missing Madeleine McCann was nearly ten years ago from her holiday address in Portugal have been abducted by a pair of burglars. Reported at least, the British newspaper The Sun Thursday on the basis of statements made by agents. The thieves would then have already been questioned by the police, but the Portuguese authorities would thwart any new investigation into the men.

  • US police shoot man in panda suit down

    April 28, 2016 21:07 Hot Recent News

    The police have a man shot in a panda suit in front of a television station in the US Baltimore. The man had just previously threatened that he would detonate a bomb he wore on his chest. On the injuries of the man is unknown.

  • Punishment for US air strike in Kunduz hospital

    Punishment for US air strike in Kunduz hospital

    April 28, 2016 20:28 Hot Recent News

    Sixteen US soldiers have been disciplinary punished because of a bloody raid by the US Air Force at a hospital of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Afghanistan in early October. According to US officials Friday will be announced during the presentation of the results of an investigation into the incident.

  • 'Syria after bombs on MSF '

    'Syria after bombs on MSF '

    April 28, 2016 19:49 Hot Recent News

    The bloody raid on a hospital in the Syrian Al-Quds was carried out by the Syrian Air Force. Which has declared the US State Department Thursday. There were no cases soldiers of the coalition led by the US are involved, according to the department.

  • Five years in prison for IS tweets

    Five years in prison for IS tweets

    london April 28, 2016 19:42 Hot Recent News

    A 23-year-old Briton was Thursday sentenced to five years in prison because he did about 8,000 tweets in which he recorded for the Islamic State. He did so in sixteen different accounts. Mohammed Ameen Moshin from Dagenham also shared a link to an English-language propaganda video of the extremists.

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