• Death toll rises Houston

    Death toll rises Houston

    houston April 20, 2016 17:56 Hot Recent News

    The floods that hit this week, the US city of Houston taken at least nine lives. More than a thousand homes were damaged by the rising waters, authorities said Wednesday.

  • Dope legally in Canada

    Dope legally in Canada

    toronto April 20, 2016 17:49 Hot Recent News

    The Canadian government will introduce legislation to get marijuana from the criminal sphere and regulate recreational use. That the Minister of Health John Philpott announced Wednesday at a UN meeting in New York on drugs. The new law should enter into force in the spring of 2017.

  • Art: 18-karat gold bathroom

    Art: 18-karat gold bathroom

    April 20, 2016 17:35 Hot Recent News

    The Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, one of the best paid in the world and stopped in 2011 because he was the art world, is back. The Guggenheim Museum in Manhattan will put his latest work in May: a solid, 18-carat gold toilet for an original design manufacturer Kohler toilet.

  • Fuss about Bob Marley filter

    Fuss about Bob Marley filter

    April 20, 2016 17:28 Hot Recent News

    The popular chat app Snapchat Wednesday came into disrepute because of a new filter. The filter is made in honor of 4/20 (April 20 in the American date format), the day when the use of cannabis is celebrated, and allows for a selfie to turn into a Bob Marley variant.

  • Large differences NATO and Russia

    Large differences NATO and Russia

    brussels April 20, 2016 13:56 Hot Recent News

    Profound disagreements characterize the relationship between NATO and Russia. That said NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday in Brussels after the first NATO-Russia Council in two years. The military alliance explained the political dialogue in June 2014 silent after the Russian annexation of the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.

  • EU countries not collapse migration fund

    EU countries not collapse migration fund

    brussels April 20, 2016 13:21 Hot Recent News

    Twelve EU Member States have not yet contributed to the fund set up to improve the situation and refugees in Turkish camps. Said Wednesday an initial assessment of the progress of the migration pact that the EU concluded with Turkey to the migration issue to cope.

  • Original lyrics Freddie Mercury at auction

    london April 20, 2016 13:07 Hot Recent News

    A note writing of the late Freddie Mercury, lead singer of British rock band Queen, will soon be auctioned in London. The notebook stand include handwritten lyrics for songs like Too Much Love Will Kill You and The Show Must Go On.

  • Volkswagen share tears up

    Volkswagen share tears up

    April 20, 2016 12:56 Hot Recent News

    At the fair in Frankfurt was the price of Volkswagen today on the rise because of the hope that the troubled German car group can reach a settlement in the US about the shoddy diesel engines.

  • 'Five hundred besieged allowed to go into Syria '

    'Five hundred besieged allowed to go into Syria '

    April 20, 2016 12:42 Hot Recent News

    Parties in the Syrian civil war have agreed that 250 people may leave places in the northwest of the country that are long siege by rebels. Secondly, the government forces may place leaving the same number of people who besiege not far from the border with Lebanon, northwest of the capital Damascus.

  • Brussels wants visa-free travel for Ukrainians

    Brussels wants visa-free travel for Ukrainians

    brussels April 20, 2016 12:35 Hot Recent News

    Visa-free travel to Europe for the 45 million Ukrainians is a step closer. The European Commission proposed on Wednesday that the time is right. EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos (Migration) hopes that Member States and the European Parliament approve the proposal quickly.

  • Millions of illegal cigarettes intercepted

    Millions of illegal cigarettes intercepted

    hannover April 20, 2016 12:28 Hot Recent News

    The German Customs has intercepted nearly 2.5 million illegal cigarettes were destined for the Dutch market. On the cigarette excise was not paid. The Treasury would be lost 370,000 euros. A 47-year-old German was arrested. Justice is still looking for the manufacturer of the cigarettes and to potential buyers.

  • Ban Ki-moon: accept jurisdiction court

    Ban Ki-moon: accept jurisdiction court

    April 20, 2016 12:00 Hot Recent News

    UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday all states that do not accept the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) called upon to do so. The Secretary-General made this plea at the celebration of the seventy anniversary of the Court in the Peace Palace in The Hague. This also were King Willem-Alexander and Foreign Minister Bert Koenders present.

  • Part German anti-terror legislation illegal

    Part German anti-terror legislation illegal

    karlsruhe April 20, 2016 10:21 Hot Recent News

    The court, which monitors the constitution in Germany, has spoken out against parts of legislation Wednesday that investigators have more powers to combat terrorism. Part of this is the use of so-called 'Bundestrojaner', specially developed software to spy on computers of suspects.

  • 3D printed flippers for duck
    0 Comment 3023

    3D printed flippers for duck

    wisconsin April 20, 2016 10:00 Hot Recent News

    The Philip flippers duck were all frozen in the severe cold in Wisconsin. Fortunately for Philip Vicki Rabe Harrison, the new boss of the duck, new flippers be printed for him and can finally walk again the duck.

  • Large anti-terror drill in Paris

    Large anti-terror drill in Paris

    April 20, 2016 09:56 Hot Recent News

    With a fictional terrorist attack on Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning held a major exercise in the Paris Montparnasse train station by police and security forces. French media reported Wednesday that no previous exercise was held in combating terrorism on such a large scale in the center of Paris.

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