Ex Dutroux wanted to travel without permission

Ex Dutroux wanted to travel without permission

World April 26, 2016 13:14

brussels - Michelle Martin, the ex-wife of Belgian child rapist Marc Dutroux and-moordenaar, wanted to travel without permission abroad. However, the request to this effect has already been rejected by a special court, Belgian media reported Tuesday.

Dutroux and Martin were arrested in 1996 in connection with the disappearance of six girls. Dutroux was sentenced to life. Martin was sentenced to thirty years in prison for her role in the abduction, rape and death of some girls. In the summer of 2012, Martin came under strict conditions early release.

Martin wanted without requesting approval to go on trips in Europe, staying with friends in Germany and Switzerland, the Dutch coast, a weekend to Paris or the French Cote d'Azur. And because it is practically difficult to always obtain prior authorization, Martin requested to cancel the control.

Belgian media questions openly wondering how Martin was going to pay for the trips, since they barely pays compensation to its victims.

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