Flemish public broadcaster deletes jobs

Flemish public broadcaster deletes jobs

World April 26, 2016 16:14

brussels - The Flemish public broadcaster VRT disappear the next five years 170 to 215 jobs. Redundancies have not been ruled out, according to the board.

The Flemish Radio and Television Organization removes 10 percent of management and support functions. Furthermore, the VRT will outsource its ICT activities and concentrate more on core tasks. Programs will be increasingly purchased from external production companies.

Positive note is that attracted up to 2020 fifty people are employed in the digital activities of the broadcaster.

The broadcaster must cut around 30 million. When presented the first improvement plans in September the unions reacted blazing and a morning were canceled all regular radio and television broadcasts. At that 286 jobs would disappear.

The new proposals will now be submitted to the trade unions. Which say they have a plan that does not need compulsory redundancies.

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