• 1064 abuse reports in Belgian churches

    1064 abuse reports in Belgian churches

    brussels February 22, 2016 06:21 Hot Recent News

    exactly 1064 notifications made in the past four years of sexual abuse within the Roman Catholic Church in Belgium. Victims paid by the church in that period 3.9 million in damages. This is evident from the report 'From taboo to open policy' that will be presented Monday in Brussels.

  • Parliament examines new year Cologne

    Parliament examines new year Cologne

    cologne February 18, 2016 14:56 Hot Recent News

    A parliamentary inquiry committee of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia will investigate the series of incidents during the last New Year's celebration in Cologne. The committee was installed Thursday by the state parliament.

  • Khomeini grandson off ballot in Iran

    Khomeini grandson off ballot in Iran

    tehran February 10, 2016 15:35 Hot Recent News

    A grandson of the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (1902-1989), may not participate in the parliamentary elections. The 43-year-old Hassan Khomeini was the first descendant of the famous ayatollah who wanted to participate in elections.

  • Brazil puts a lot of money in anti-virus

    Brazil puts a lot of money in anti-virus

    February 2, 2016 22:00 Hot Recent News

    Brazil will deploy all necessary resources to combat zikavirus. The Brazilians are primarily interested in the deal with the biggest culprit, the mosquito that transmits the virus. That said President Dilma Rousseff Tuesday at the opening of the Brazilian parliamentary year in the capital Brasilia.

  • Flemish MP suspected of murder

    brussels January 27, 2016 19:21 Hot Recent News

    A member of the Flemish Parliament has been arrested on suspicion of murder. Christian Van Eyken allegedly involved in the murder of the husband of his mistress in July 2014.

  • British parliament discusses 'Trump Ban '

    British parliament discusses 'Trump Ban '

    london January 18, 2016 12:07 Hot Recent News

    The British Parliament debate Monday on whether the controversial US politician Donald Trump entry to the United Kingdom must be refused. The issue is on the parliamentary agenda by a petition of more than 570,000 people who want that Trump should not come.

  • Venezuela calls economic state of emergency

    Venezuela calls economic state of emergency

    caracas January 15, 2016 21:35 Hot Recent News

    Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro on Friday declared the economic emergency for a period of sixty days. The state of emergency, according to his government needed because there,, an economic war against Venezuela conducted by rightwing and international circles '', reported media in Caracas.

  • 'Concerns government refugee crisis'

    'Concerns government refugee crisis'

    January 15, 2016 09:35 Hot Recent News

    Group members of the governing parties in Germany have sent a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel voiced their concerns about the refugee crisis. The letter is signed by 'numerous' politicians and sent next week, the German news agency DPA reported Friday. The content of the letter is not disclosed.

  • 'Flooding Officer 'lingered in Barbados

    'Flooding Officer 'lingered in Barbados

    amsterdam December 30, 2015 11:21 Hot Recent News

    Severe weather, what storm? While large parts of northern England and south-west Scotland for the second time in a week time are white, the top official in charge of limiting flood damage has yet to return from vacation.

  • Socialists Spain: no deal with Prime Minister

    Socialists Spain: no deal with Prime Minister

    December 23, 2015 15:56 Hot Recent News

    The leader of the Spanish Socialists, Pedro Sanchez, said Wednesday in an interview with the center-right Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy made clear really not interested in a deal on a new government Rajoy. recruits since the parliamentary elections on Sunday support for a scheme in which his conservative People's Party (PP) ruled on in a minority government, for example, with parliamentary support from the Socialist PSOE.

  • Spanish Prime Minister speaks socialist Sánchez

    December 23, 2015 00:14 Hot Recent News

    Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy speaks Wednesday at noon with the leader of the socialist party PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, reported the Spanish news agency Europa Press. Without an agreement between these two politicians seems a new government Rajoy impossible. Some observers hold Rajoy responsible for the economic recovery that seems to come on stream in Spain.

  • Two Party System in Spain beyond

    Two Party System in Spain beyond

    December 20, 2015 23:14 Hot Recent News

    The system whereby the conservative People's Party (PP) and the Socialist PSOE determined the Spanish politics, with Sunday's elections past. This appears after counting more than half of the votes cast in the Spanish parliamentary elections on Sunday.

  • Slightly higher turnout in Spanish elections

    Slightly higher turnout in Spanish elections

    December 20, 2015 20:49 Hot Recent News

    In the parliamentary elections Sunday in Spain emerges with more than 58.3 per cent a slightly higher turnout than four years ago (57.6 percent). The difference is very small country, but according to Spanish media the turnout in certain regions measured around 18:00 a lot higher than in 2011 and in some regions is much lower.

  • Switzerland has new government

    Switzerland has new government

    bern December 9, 2015 17:49 Hot Recent News

    The Swiss parliament on Wednesday elected a new cabinet. The big winner of the elections, the conservative Swiss People's Party (SVP), won two of the seven ministerial posts in the so-called Federal Council. That there is a more than up to now.

  • 2015 years of emotion

    2015 years of emotion

    December 7, 2015 11:42 Hot Recent News

    It was the Year of Twitter and #PrayforParis #JeSuisCharlie. More than ever investigated users of the social network around the world to support each other and let them hear massively during impact events. Twitter today presents its annual review.

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