• Tackling terrorism must central France

    Tackling terrorism must central France

    July 5, 2016 15:45 Hot Recent News

    The French intelligence services have been reorganized and one service should be fighting terrorism. This is the conclusion of a parliamentary inquiry committee scrutinized in Paris the terrorist attacks of last year. During such attacks have failed existing services, according to committee chairman Georges Fenech.

  • 'Abdeslam played a major role in attacks'

    'Abdeslam played a major role in attacks'

    brussels July 4, 2016 21:06 Hot Recent News

    Salah Abdeslam played a much greater role in the attacks in Paris and Brussels, he made it appear. That assertion Mohamed Abrini, the so-called 'terrorist with the hat', which was known from the picture for the attack on the airport at Zaventem.

  • France accuses Belgium escape Abdeslam

    France accuses Belgium escape Abdeslam

    July 4, 2016 09:06 Hot Recent News

    The Belgian intelligence services have failed to inform France Salah Abdeslam, the only surviving suspected member of the terrorist cell behind the attacks in Paris last November, was radicalized. That of the French parliamentary commission established which investigated the escape of Abdeslam, reports France TV.

  • Australian government coalition of loss

    Australian government coalition of loss

    sydney July 3, 2016 08:54 Hot Recent News

    The center-right government coalition of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull looks at the Australian parliamentary election to have lost the majority. In the standings, he can only count on 68 seats in the House of Representatives, which has 150 members.

  • Former Prime Minister Rocard deceased

    Former Prime Minister Rocard deceased

    July 2, 2016 19:45 Hot Recent News

    The former French Prime Minister Michel Rocard is Saturday at the age of 86 deceased. That French media reported. Rocard was prime minister in 1988 to 1991 François Mitterrand as president. He died in a hospital in Paris.

  • Australia braces itself for elections

    Australia braces itself for elections

    sydney July 1, 2016 09:00 Hot Recent News

    Australia braces for parliamentary elections Saturday whose outcome is completely uncertain. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull warned of economic chaos if his gamble on early elections brings him no absolute majority he needs to carry out major reforms.

  • Cameron: unity country's priority

    Cameron: unity country's priority

    June 29, 2016 13:27 Hot Recent News

    It is of the utmost importance that holds together the United Kingdom. British Prime Minister David Cameron stressed this in the first parliamentary question time since the referendum last Thursday on the membership of the European Union.

  • Labour driven to despair to Corbyn

    Labour driven to despair to Corbyn

    london June 28, 2016 11:18 Hot Recent News

    The controversial leader of the Social Democratic Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, is still under heavy fire in their own ranks. The half-hearted way he tried to make clear that Labour is against the Brexit, has driven his group in the British Parliament to anger and despair.

  • Press brexit Consultation in the UK and EU

    Press brexit Consultation in the UK and EU

    london June 27, 2016 11:54 Hot Recent News

    Three days after the British referendum Europe leans on the British 'no' to the European Union. Monday meetings are on the agenda of the UK Government and the Welsh Government. In Prague, the German and French foreign ministers, Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Jean-Marc Ayrault, feel free to try to Monday colleagues from Central and Eastern Europe on the threat of rupture in Europe.

  • Spanish political landscape remains divided

    June 26, 2016 19:51 Hot Recent News

    It looks to have brought the parliamentary elections Sunday in Spain no quick solution to the political problem of the country. The conservative PP lost seats but remained the largest party. The PP remained far from a majority that could jumpstart the politically divided country.

  • Internal motion of censure against Corbyn

    Internal motion of censure against Corbyn

    london June 24, 2016 12:45 Hot Recent News

    Party members have submitted a motion of no confidence against Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn. In a letter to the chairman of the parliamentary branch of the party giving two parliamentarians of no confidence to have more in their leader.

  • Minister in close to sound tape

    Minister in close to sound tape

    June 22, 2016 21:45 Hot Recent News

    Four days before the parliamentary elections in Spain is one of the most important ministers of the conservative People's Party (PP) got caught in an eavesdropping scandal. A left-wing news site has audio recordings brought out which would be to hear how Interior Minister Jorge Fernández Díaz discusses a plan to blacken Catalan politicians, Spanish media report.

  • Extreme right-wing candidates competing for office Cox

    Extreme right-wing candidates competing for office Cox

    batley June 19, 2016 16:36 Hot Recent News

    A young member of an extreme right-wing splinter party, Jack Buckby (23), competing for the parliamentary seat Thursday murdered British sociaaldemocrate Jo Cox (41). The brutal murder has shocked the country during the campaigns of supporters and opponents of EU membership. Cox was like her Labour Party strongly supports the EU. The killer had to all appearances extreme right ideas and Cox killed for political motives.

  • Mother El Chapo target bandits
    0 Comment 428

    Mother El Chapo target bandits

    June 17, 2016 10:57 Hot Recent News

    Consuelo Loera, the mother of the notorious Mexican drug lord El Chapo is home raided by heavily armed bandits of her son's principal adversary. In the mountain village of La Tula would at least three, and possibly ten villagers were killed.

  • Turkey calls Ambassador to Germany back

    Turkey calls Ambassador to Germany back

    June 3, 2016 06:27 Hot Recent News

    Turkey calls his ambassador to Germany, Avni Karslioglu, back for consultations after the approval by the Bundestag of the Armenian Genocide. That left Prime Minister Binali Yildirim know Thursday immediately after the vote in Germany.

  • Turkish parliament votes to end immunity

    Turkish parliament votes to end immunity

    ankara May 20, 2016 11:06 Hot Recent News

    A large majority of the Turkish parliament on Friday approved a bill which aims to lift the parliamentary immunity of a large group of members of parliament. Target mainly the leftist pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party (HDP). Parliamentarians could be prosecuted during their tenure as a member of parliament.

  • Belgian tax laptops that will do it

    Belgian tax laptops that will do it

    brussels May 17, 2016 16:00 Hot Recent News

    Will the Special Tax Inspectorate in Belgium to fulfill its tasks, a large number of measures are needed, said chief executive Frank Philipsen Tuesday against a parliamentary committee in Brussels. His most memorable request: functioning laptops.

  • French parliamentarian resigned to sexism

    French parliamentarian resigned to sexism

    May 9, 2016 20:40 Hot Recent News

    A leading French parliamentarian on Monday resigned as vice chairman of the Assembly after other MPs had accused him of sexual harassment. Although the French parliament known for his sexist undercurrents, it rarely happens that having consequences.

  • Possible end to WhatsApp blockages Brazil

    Possible end to WhatsApp blockages Brazil

    May 4, 2016 21:35 Hot Recent News

    A committee in the Brazilian parliament has drafted a bill to protect messaging services like WhatsApp against blockades by the government. If the proposal is adopted, the government can no longer- as lately happened more often- block a messaging service.

  • Kurds threaten establishment against parliament

    Kurds threaten establishment against parliament

    ankara May 3, 2016 18:49 Hot Recent News

    MPs from the pro-Kurdish Turkish party HDP on Tuesday threatened to set up their own parliament. The party is furious about the cancellation of parliamentary immunity, which the government is intent. A parliamentary committee gave the green light Monday for treatment of a proposal to that effect.

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