• 'More than 960 000 refugees in Germany '

    'More than 960 000 refugees in Germany '

    passau December 7, 2015 08:56 Hot Recent News

    This year there are 964 574 refugees arrived in Germany. This was reported by the newspaper Passauer Neue Presse Monday based on answers by the Ministry of Interior to parliamentary questions, which are seen by the newspaper. The sum is based on the registration of refugees which are distributed among the German states.

  • Great victory for the opposition in Venezuela

    Great victory for the opposition in Venezuela

    caracas December 7, 2015 08:21 Hot Recent News

    The opposition in Venezuela has achieved a major victory in parliamentary elections Sunday. The Electoral Commission announced on Monday that the opposition coalition MUD certainly holds 99 of the 167 seats. Not all seats have been allocated.

  • Supporters strongman Egypt wins elections

    Supporters strongman Egypt wins elections

    December 4, 2015 19:49 Hot Recent News

    The parliamentary elections in Egypt are as expected, overwhelmingly won by supporters of the strong man of the country, the ex- soldier and president Abdel Fattah al- Sisi. Egyptian media reports said Friday, after the country about six weeks in stages and rounds had elected a new parliament with 596 seats. The final voting rounds were Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • Ballot Box Gang ' failed state ' Venezuela

    Ballot Box Gang ' failed state ' Venezuela

    caracas December 4, 2015 08:30 Hot Recent News

    The opposition would be Sunday in the parliamentary elections in Venezuela for the first time can get a majority. The oil-rich socialist country is there and has been disastrous for ' failed state ' baptized. The trouble with forged opposition coalition MUD (Democratic Unity Front Table) seems alternative.

  • US special forces to Iraq and Syria

    US special forces to Iraq and Syria

    December 1, 2015 18:00 Hot Recent News

    The United States will deploy a special force to assist Iraq in the fight against terror group Islamic State. These soldiers will be deployed to carry out "unilateral operations " in Syria, said US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter Tuesday.

  • ' Russia has the right to military response '

    ' Russia has the right to military response '

    bucharest November 27, 2015 17:00 Hot Recent News

    Russia has the right to a military response to meet the shooting down of a Russian fighter earlier this week by NATO member Turkey. That said the chairman of the Russian Parliament Sergey Naryshkin Friday against the Romanian television station Digi24.

  • Two bombs exploded at hotel Egypt

    Two bombs exploded at hotel Egypt

    November 24, 2015 09:30 Hot Recent News

    At a hotel in the Egyptian city of al- Arish, two bombs been detonated. That the Egyptian state television reported Tuesday. Surely a person was killed. The hotel people have been placed in charge of supervising the elections.

  • Turkish opposition leader shot at in his car

    Turkish opposition leader shot at in his car

    November 23, 2015 01:37 Hot Recent News

    The leader of the leftist Kurdish opposition party HDP in Turkey, Selahattin Demirtas, has survived an attack Sunday in the southeastern Turkish city of Diyarbakir populated by Kurds. It was shot at the armored car in which the charismatic politician SAT. There is a bullet in the bullet-proof window glass found at the height of his head. The politician was unharmed. " God decides on the death," he tweeted later.

  • 'Cameron gets support for attacks on Syria '

    london November 22, 2015 16:00 Hot Recent News

    British Prime Minister David Cameron unfolds this week its new strategy against the Sunni extremists of Islamic State (IS). He will then according to British media sufficient parliamentary support for air strikes on Syria. It is assumed that these will soon be carried out by British Tornado fighter planes.

  • Suu Kyi's party has an absolute majority

    Suu Kyi's party has an absolute majority

    rangoon November 13, 2015 08:15 Hot Recent News

    The party of opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar obtained an absolute majority in parliament. That is what the electoral commission announced Friday. Earlier on Friday said the National League for Democracy (NLD), Suu Kyi was on two seats of the majority. A quarter of the seats in parliament are reserved for the military rulers.

  • Suu Kyi wants dialogue with Myanmar president

    Suu Kyi wants dialogue with Myanmar president

    naypyidaw November 11, 2015 10:15 Hot Recent News

    Aung San Suu Kyi wants with Myanmar President Thein Sein von talk to " the will of the people" to make sure now that her party has achieved an overwhelming victory in the elections on 8 November. Although the official results still waiting for it, her party National League for Democracy Wednesday already claimed 163 of the 182 seats.

  • Portuguese minority government cases
    0 Comment 102

    Portuguese minority government cases

    November 10, 2015 20:15 Hot Recent News

    The center-right minority government of the Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho on Tuesday after a few weeks already fallen. A left-wing majority in parliament tripped the government by rejecting government plans Passos Coelho.

  • Ruling USDP Myanmar admits loss

    Ruling USDP Myanmar admits loss

    yangon November 9, 2015 09:15 Hot Recent News

    The ruling Party of Union Solidarity and Development (USD) in Myanmar sitting president and ' oud' General Thein Sein on Monday admitted to have lost the parliamentary elections. The party will own words accept the outcome of the vote.

  • Neck-and-neck race elections Croatia

    Neck-and-neck race elections Croatia

    zagreb November 9, 2015 00:52 Hot Recent News

    Sunday 's parliamentary elections in Croatia seem to be turning out to be a neck-and- neck race between the conservative opposition party Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and the ruling Social Democratic Party (SDP). This is evident from an exit poll that showed the Croatian state television Sunday.

  • Killed in clashes in southeast Turkey

    Killed in clashes in southeast Turkey

    diyarbakir November 4, 2015 16:45 Hot Recent News

    Certainly eighteen people have been slain Wednesday in southeast Turkey in clashes between soldiers and Kurdish militants. The fighting flared after the army a day earlier had conducted air strikes in the mainly Kurdish region.

  • EU expects more freedoms in Turkey

    EU expects more freedoms in Turkey

    brussels November 3, 2015 20:00 Hot Recent News

    The European Union trusts that the Turkish Government is doing everything possible to strengthen the rule of law and fundamental freedoms and again " constructive " talks to the (Kurdish) opposition. Writes EU Minister Donald Tusk Tuesday in a congratulatory letter to the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu.

  • Observers critical of Turkish elections
    0 Comment 353

    Observers critical of Turkish elections

    strasbourg November 2, 2015 16:00 Hot Recent News

    The elections in Turkey were hampered by restrictions that were imposed by the authorities on the media through violence and the security situation in general. This is reported by the official observer missions of the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) on Monday.

  • Turkish PM wants new constitution

    Turkish PM wants new constitution

    ankara November 2, 2015 02:15 Hot Recent News

    The Turkish prime minister Ahmet Davutoglu of the ruling AK Party has to work the other political parties called together a new constitution. He proposed Sunday after the parliamentary elections to jointly work towards a Turkey that is free from conflicts and tensions.

  • Kurdish party criticizes run elections

    Kurdish party criticizes run elections

    ankara November 2, 2015 00:45 Hot Recent News

    The parliamentary elections in Turkey were held under unfair conditions. This has Selahattin Demirtas, one of the two leaders of the leftist pro-Kurdish party HDP, said Sunday in reaction to the outcome of the vote.

  • Riots in Diyarbakir after elections

    Riots in Diyarbakir after elections

    diyarbakir November 1, 2015 21:00 Hot Recent News

    In the Turkish and ethnic predominantly Kurdish city of Diyarbakir Sunday night riots broke out after the parliamentary elections. Security forces have fired tear gas fired at demonstrators who threw stones.

  • Incidents reported at polling Turkey

    Incidents reported at polling Turkey

    ankara November 1, 2015 19:00 Hot Recent News

    During the Sunday parliamentary elections in Turkey have been some incidents. At a polling station in the province of Kocaeli, east of Istanbul, were supporters of the ruling AK clashed with supporters of the left-wing, pro-Kurdish party HDP.

  • Schultz must also resign to Fyra debacle

    Schultz must also resign to Fyra debacle

    November 1, 2015 15:47 Hot Recent News

    The majority of Dutch voters finds that not only Labour Secretary of State Wilma Mansveld (Track), as well VVD minister Melanie Schutz (Infrastructure) should have resigned after a damning report by the parliamentary commission of inquiry on the Fyra. This is evident Sunday in the weekly poll by Maurice de Hond.

  • Turkey back to polls

    Turkey back to polls

    ankara November 1, 2015 10:45 Hot Recent News

    Turkey can go to the polls for parliamentary elections. The first polling stations were in the east of the country open. It is the second time in five months that Turkey chooses a new parliament. Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the Justice and Development Party (AK) agreed to new elections because after the last elections on June 7 was not formed coalition government.

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