'Concerns government refugee crisis'

'Concerns government refugee crisis'

World January 15, 2016 09:35

- Group members of the governing parties in Germany have sent a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel voiced their concerns about the refugee crisis. The letter is signed by 'numerous' politicians and sent next week, the German news agency DPA reported Friday. The content of the letter is not disclosed.

The letter is the result of joint discussions by working groups of the groups. They would it try to avoid a public confrontation with Merkel. The opposition would thus have led the government to overturn the confidence to speak up. It is in the government have long agitated because of conflicting views on refugee policy.

In Germany there is much criticism of the policies of Merkel. She is alleged to have no plan or future, allowing the flow of refugees to Germany provisionally persists.

Parliamentary leader Volker Kauder of the union party CDU / CSU said Wednesday that within the party is still a majority who support the course of Merkel. However, there are differences of opinion between the Group members on how the flow of refugees can be curtailed. Merkel received during the CDU party congress in December, supported by the government of her party.

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