• New North Korean word : boss

    New North Korean word : boss

    pyongyang November 3, 2015 15:45 Hot Recent News

    How wary severe North Korean regime is also trying to avoid the decadent West, unmistakable influence creeps in. Where once walked a management secretary in the workplace, there now is the 'boss' over. Every citizen of the Stalinist country knows and uses the word.

  • Notorious Indian killer finally caught

    Notorious Indian killer finally caught

    jakarta November 3, 2015 13:15 Hot Recent News

    One is of the most notorious killers in the world after an international manhunt for two decades back to his homeland India. There, Rajendra Nikalje will be tried for more than twenty murders he claimed justice on his conscience.

  • Suriname can earn from exporting water
    0 Comment 155

    Suriname can earn from exporting water

    November 3, 2015 10:45 Hot Recent News

    What the experts have thought, Suriname can earn lots of money with the export of fresh surface water. Among others, the tourist island of Barbados is interested in Surinamese waters. This emerges from a study that nature organization Conservation International Suriname (CIS) presented Tuesday morning in Paramaribo.

  • Refugee finds teeth in food

    Refugee finds teeth in food

    November 3, 2015 10:30 Hot Recent News

    Fuss on the Australian Manus Island: an asylum seeker found two human teeth in his lunch. The angry man photographed the find and laid it with an official protest to the leadership of Oscar refugee camp.

  • China continues former party newspaper editor

    China continues former party newspaper editor

    November 2, 2015 10:15 Hot Recent News

    China persecutes the former chief editor of the official Communist Party newspaper, the Xinjiang Daily. The 58-year-old Zhao Xinwei must answer for corruption, after he had been critical of the way the State had handled the violence in the western region of Xinjiang.

  • Fighting to passenger

    Fighting to passenger

    amsterdam November 1, 2015 09:00 Hot Recent News

    Buses are major competitors of the train. It does not seem to be long before there will be a dirt cheap intercity network of luxury coaches in our country. These buses are often new, comfortable and equipped with wifi and power outlets.

  • UN and Red Cross: protecting citizens

    UN and Red Cross: protecting citizens

    geneve October 31, 2015 21:15 Hot Recent News

    As a result of the numerous bloody conflicts around the world, the United Nations and the Red Cross Saturday for the first time made ​​an urgent appeal. The two international organizations are calling on governments to more effort to protect the civilian population. "Despite the appalling atrocities the world reacts with irritating doing nothing," lamented UN chief Ban Ki-moon.

  • Offensive against IS

    Offensive against IS

    October 31, 2015 17:45 Hot Recent News

    Rebels of the Syrian Democratic Forces have launched an offensive in the area of the eastern Syrian city of al- Hasakah. In the area around the place, the terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) is active. Syrian rebels say tune the attack with the international coalition led by the United States, which carries out air strikes in Syria.

  • Bahrain: Iran as fearsome as IS

    manama November 1, 2015 15:50 Hot Recent News

    Iran poses as big a threat to the Middle East as a terror group Islamic State (IS). That said, the Bahraini Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmed al- Khalifa of Foreign Affairs Saturday at a security conference in Manama.

  • Proposal for ceasefire in Syria

    Proposal for ceasefire in Syria

    October 30, 2015 21:08 Hot Recent News

    At the international meeting on Syria in Vienna would circulate a proposal that mention of a proposal for a ceasefire. Then there would be a transitional government to be installed. In the transitional regime, there should be room for President Assad and the Syrian rebels, as reporting anonymous diplomats.

  • Party- Syria dialogue must be flexible

    Party- Syria dialogue must be flexible

    October 30, 2015 10:31 Hot Recent News

    The participants in the Syria- concert in Vienna must be flexible. UN Chief Ban Ki-moon has said, the BBC reported Friday. He calls the five main parties in the course of consultations to abandon " national interests " and that can be exchanged for "international leadership". It is the United States, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.

  • Syria- consultation begins Thursday in Vienna

    Syria- consultation begins Thursday in Vienna

    October 29, 2015 16:00 Hot Recent News

    US and Russian foreign ministers, Sergei Lavrov and John Kerry, each speaking Thursday in Vienna on the civil war in Syria. It is an introduction to the international Syria- consultation is scheduled Friday in the Austrian capital. Kerry has arrived Thursday morning.

  • UN warns of catastrophe in Palestine

    UN warns of catastrophe in Palestine

    geneve October 28, 2015 18:15 Hot Recent News

    The High Commissioner for the United Nations Human Rights warned that violence between Palestinians and Israelis can escalate into a catastrophe. Said al- Hussein Council called Wednesday in Geneva the crisis extremely dangerous.

  • US wants Iran to the table in Syria consultation

    US wants Iran to the table in Syria consultation

    October 27, 2015 23:00 Hot Recent News

    Washington is in fact in retrospect engage Iran in political dialogue on the civil war in Syria. Earlier, the US opposes any Iranian role, but a government spokesman said Tuesday that it assumes that Iran will be invited to attend international talks on Syria in Vienna. Supports Iran, like Russia, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad also militarily.

  • Dutch VirtuaGym reaches 2 million

    Dutch VirtuaGym reaches 2 million

    October 27, 2015 15:00 Hot Recent News

    The Dutch VirtuaGym startup has raised a new round of investment € 2.1 million Saffelberg Investments. The company says it will use the funds to accelerate international growth and product development.

  • Table service at McDonald's

    Table service at McDonald's

    amsterdam October 27, 2015 11:14 Hot Recent News

    Customers of McDonald's quickly get to choose. The hamburger chain starts with an experiment in which people can create their own citizens. The company picks this year known international concepts such as the McCafe and the Salad Bar in Netherlands.

  • New director of Bolshoi Theatre

    New director of Bolshoi Theatre

    moscow October 26, 2015 17:34 Hot Recent News

    The Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow Magar Vasilyev appointed new ballet director. The 54-year-old former star dancer takes office on March 18 next year. Has announced that the board of the theater Monday.

  • UAE took prisoner rape victims

    October 26, 2015 16:20 Hot Recent News

    Hundreds of women are put annually in the United Arab Emirates in jail after being raped. According to the law must be no sex outside of marriage. Women can get months in prison or lashes because they have been guilty of ' zina ', the BBC reported Monday.

  • Final spurt in fight against polio

    Final spurt in fight against polio

    October 23, 2015 15:46 Hot Recent News

    To the disease polio paralysis help forever from the world 's Rotary International launched a final offensive. The organization, which works closely with the World Health Organization (WHO), says more than 36 million euros for vaccination against polio in countries where the disease is endemic, as she let out Friday.

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