• France bombards camp IS

    France bombards camp IS

    October 9, 2015 12:42 Hot Recent News

    France has in the fight against Islamic State (IS) for the second time air strikes carried out in Syria . French Defense Minister Jean -Yves Le Drian has for the broadcaster Europe 1 said that a training camp was attacked and hit in the night from Thursday to Friday .

  • Ethiopia wants to build mega airport

    Ethiopia wants to build mega airport

    October 9, 2015 10:15 Hot Recent News

    Airport Commercial Airports Enterprise Ethiopia wants to build an airport where each year 120 million travelers can make use of . The airport needs to serve as a hub for the entire African continent , a company spokesman said Friday .

  • ICC will investigate crimes Georgia

    ICC will investigate crimes Georgia

    October 9, 2015 21:58 Hot Recent News

    Prosecutors from the International Criminal Court (ICC) will begin conducting research into possible war crimes in Georgia . Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda complainant , the judges of the international court in The Hague to request authorization to open an investigation , the ICC reported Thursday .

  • NATO should not be set to play

    NATO should not be set to play

    brussels October 8, 2015 15:14 Hot Recent News

    The international coalition against Islamic State (IS) in Syria should not play apart from Russia. Russia is working to position itself as a military power , but that we should not be distracted from our goal, the control of IS . That said Defense Minister Jeanine Hennis -Plas Chart Thursday in Brussels , where NATO defense ministers are gathered .

  • US will not fight with Russia in Syria

    US will not fight with Russia in Syria

    October 7, 2015 17:25 Hot Recent News

    The US military will not cooperate with Russia in Syria because the Russian strategy " tragic failure" . But Washington is ready to hold technical consultations with Moscow to try not to endanger the lives of fighter pilots from the two countries . That the US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter , Wednesday stressed.

  • MSF wants international commission Kunduz

    MSF wants international commission Kunduz

    amsterdam October 9, 2015 21:50 Hot Recent News

    Aid organization Doctors Without Borders wants an international Swiss-based body examines the US attack on the MSF hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz. It is founded in the 1991 International Humanitarian Fact -Finding Commission ( IHFFC ), stands in a statement distributed Wednesday by MSF . It would be the first mission of this committee that sits in Bern .

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